By: Angela Redding
Photos: Diana Castro/Premier Photo Int’l.
Pasadena, CA, (The Hollywood Times) 1/2/2019 – “Twenty-Nineteen has given birth to and delivered another heart pounding COLD & exciting New Year’s day.” Angela Redding, The Hollywood Times.

The 130th Rose Parade presented by Honda took place in Pasadena, California early Tuesday, New Year’s Day 2019 with thousands of parade goers lining the route.
Forty-six floats were part of the parade and on display shortly after the parade ended. The floats were displayed on Sierra Madre and Washington Blvd, in Pasadena, CA.
Those who attended the parade and anyone interested in viewing the floats up-close and in person were given a great opportunity to do so at the Post Parade: A Showcase of Floats event.
We (photographer Diana Castro and myself) thought our past experience would be the norm for this year as we attended the event. We were expecting to walk up, have our pre-purchased tickets scanned, enter the display area, and calmly & leisurely stroll around the park with ease. NOT SO!
Shortly after the Showcase of Floats opened its’ gates, we arrived, found parking and were stunned to see what seemed to be every parade goer in the world in one of two lines and others milling around waiting to get in.

An event worker called out directions as to which line one should be in, “If you need to buy tickets, the line is on the left and if you have tickets, join the line on the right.”
That sounds easy enough but as we located the line we were to join, remember, we had pre-purchased tickets, the line went down the street and curved MULTIPLE times and showed no sign of moving any time soon.
As we stood there at the entrance gate somewhat stunned at the immense size of each line & trying to process what we had just heard, tour buses rolled up and a horde of people disembarked displaying their name tags and tickets. One tour guide led his group calling out, “ Have your name tag visible and your ticket in hand.” He and his group proceeded to cross the “never” ending line of ticket holders and entered the float viewing area immediately.

We and those around us felt somewhat “derailed” just as The Chinese American Heritage Foundation’s train float was thrown off course during the parade for a short time due to a small fire.
No fires on our side – and all was not lost because our line began to move and we finally entered the park with appetites and camera in hand. There was plenty to eat and do as visitors oohed and aahed and took selfie after selfie in front of the beautifully crafted floats.

What a day! Crazy long lines, a sea of people, cold winter weather and A Showcase of Floats.
If you get a chance to view the floats in person, it is well worth the time to do so. A great way to kick off the New Year.

Did you go to the parade or to the Post Parade event? Share your pictures and stories with us.

Event: Post Rose Parade – A Showcase of Floats
Post Parade: A Showcase of Floats – Pasadena, CA, Sierra Madre & Washington Blvd., January 1, 2019 to January 2, 2019.
Days & Time: January 1st, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and January 2nd, for seniors & disabled visitors, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. General public 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.