From Oprah Magazine

The OG Chronicles: Episode 5

Watch Oprah and Gayle Attempt to Define Slang Words like “Thirst Trap” and “Wig Snatched”

“Are we no longer saying turnt? Turnt up? Are we done with that?”

The word “hilarious” is often overused by millennials like me, much like “amazing” and “literally.” Why apply a hyperbole to describe a joke that barely makes you smile? Well, the truth is there’s only one way to describe the video you’re about to watch: It’s literally hilarious—and amazing.

4 16 2015 – O Magazine Advertisers Lunch at the Promised Land

For the latest installment of’s series The OG Chronicleseveryone’s favorite BFFs agreed to be quizzed on how well they know the slang words and phrases that millennials and Generation Z’ers use.

Among the mix of phrases? Snack, thirst trap, clapback, thicc, receipts, secure the bag, and shade. And for each, Oprah and Gayle had to not only define the word, but use it in a sentence.

In some instances, they had the latest slang down pat and knocked their answers out of the park. “Thirst is not a good thing. It’s like they’re seeking attention all the time. So if somebody’s thirsty, that means they want attention, and they will do anything they can to get it—so a thirst trap is not a good thing,” Gayle says. Ding ding ding!

Oprah earned a couple of wins, too, but the greatest moments came after she tried to use phrases in a sentence. Ahem: “A snack. Oh, I just had lunch with somebody who’s a real snack. I’m not gonna say who it is either. He was more than a snack. That was a meal!” Unfortunately we didn’t get the “tea” on exactly who that lunch guest was, but we’re proud the O of O used “snack” correctly.

Together, Oprah and Gayle learned the definition of slang like JOMO, wig snatched, and, well—you’ll just have to watch the video above to see what else. Do you keep up with the latest slang? Let us know in the comments below.

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September Issue of O Magazine

The two BFFs cover the friendship-themed September issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, on newsstands today, Aug. 13th.

Dressed in shades of matching gold and beige, the CBS This Morning co-host joked about being on the cover of Lady O’s publication.

“I’m on the cover? Did anybody check with Oprah?” King jokingly said, adding, “They said it was Oprah’s idea.” Sharing the cover with King is a big deal and extra special, as Winfrey has done almost every single one alone — that’s more than 230 shots.