By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 01/29/2020 – “For the past 10 years my music was about my hardships; but, now my music is about how I overcame my hardships. I call this Conscious Trap.” “Everyone has a Spiritual Eye, a 3rd Eye Vision. I’ve always had a 3rd Eye Vision especially when it comes to how I view the world, so I recently released my first single, “I See.” I’m leaking that EP along with other singles every other month on SoundCloud until my album releases this summer in July 2020.”- Dank Synatra  

How did your music career begin? 

I’ve always been musically inclined. I was known-well for rapping in High School. More than anything I was very known for throwing parties and for dancing. I was in Okinawa, Japan and heard that 702 you was going to be coming to the island to perform and we’re looking for backup dancers. Immediately all my peers thought that I’d be a perfect fit for this event based on my reputation. I got two of my other friends who I felt like had moves and choreographed a dance. 702 was impressed. They said to me they didn’t know that boys in Japan could dance that way. I’d let them know that we were from the states and not to get misunderstood what they would find overseas.  

A couple of days later, I saw them at an autograph session, we arranged the meeting afterward. I knew this was an opportunity. I was super focused, not only to meet with the group; but, to talk with their manager, we exchanged business cards. I put together a demo of me rapping and dancing and sent it to them. Before I knew it, I was on the plane to Las Vegas to work for 702 Management. I performed at the Hard Rock Hotel and other venues in town. Shortly after that 702 switched management and I lost my job as a dancer I started my career as a Songwriter, Performer, and Hip-Hop Artists because I had a story to tell because I had to survive in Las Vegas at a young age, and I was good at it.

Well throughout life I’ve always believed in being different, I never wanted to be like it nobody else. It seemed like everyone else would follow trends. I just wanted to do what was right and figure out a way that I could help the community or make the world a better place based on my idea and concept. I knew that I sound good; but, I always felt like the world wasn’t ready. I remember when I would perform people will be amazed by my delivery. So I knew I was ahead of my time, so now I own it because I see the world needs help and is looking for change.

Tell us about Conscious Trap.

For the past 10 years my music was about my hardships; but, now my music is about how I overcame my hardships. I call this Conscious Trap.

How did Tupac Shakur inspire you?

Well, Tupac Shakur has inspired me the same way I’m sure he has inspired everyone else; however, for me, it was a little bit more personal. I was told at a young age that he was my cousin I was like, “Kool”! That was back in the day when he was doing, “I get around” before he became the legend that he is today. Again, I like how he wasn’t afraid to be different. It wasn’t until after he was murdered unjustly that I felt like I needed to speak up for righteousness and my family to build my legacy. I am pleased to say that I am Blessed with the opportunity of having this album certified by DJ King Assassin who is the former DJ of Legendary artist Tupac Shakur who is my cousin on my father’s side of the family. This album has featured Artists from the family & affiliates in Tribute to the legacy; however, the album is non-explicit to shine a light in darker places and to reach the masses.

I thank God for this opportunity and hope you appreciate the music though you don’t have to like it; but, you will respect it.

Describe your music. What is unique about it? 

Well, I’m orthodox. Straight from the heart, it’s straight from the soul and gut. It’s going to feed you like soul food and chitterlings. It’s authentic. My mama always told me it takes a lot of hard work to cook up a good recipe like this. People don’t want to go through the hard work to cook this kind of food; but, they love to eat it, so I’mma feed it to you. I want to give people something that they can relate to, mixed with something that’ll make you dance and give you a spice of knowledge.

Tell us about your spirituality and the connection to Sin City.

I thought it was unique that a young man such as myself was there at a young age in Sin City so I came up with the artist named, Syn. I’ve always wondered why people do the sins that they do; but, I didn’t take pride in sin so I replaced the “i” in pride and sin with a “y” because I always wondered why people did the sins that they did. After a while, I became tired of being misunderstood so I can matured to a higher state of mind to live a Top Shelf lifestyle as Dank and turning Syn into Synatra as a conservative and became Dank Synatra as an inspiration from, Frank Sinatra the Godfather of Sin City.  

You are a Revolutionary MC (Master of Ceremonies). What is your purpose? 

My purpose is to bring back conscious Hip-Hop as The Hip Hop industry evolves. I am not a Rapper, I’m an MC (Master of Ceremonies). “MC’s can be Rappers; but, Rappers can’t be MC’s.”

Tell us about your single, “I See” and your new album The 2nd Coming. What should fans expect? 

Everyone has a Spiritual Eye, a 3rd Eye Vision. I’ve always had a 3rd Eye Vision especially when it comes to how I view the world, so I recently released my first single, “I See”. I’m leaking that EP along with other singles every other month on SoundCloud until my album releases this summer in July 2020. 

I had to go through an experience in order to give back to the community. I call it TestimonialTrapSongs, that’s what my album, The 2nd Coming is about. It’s the new and improved me, my biggest expression of love and respects to The Most High.

How has your music evolved? 

My music is maturing to a mainstream level. I used to say a lot, now messages are being delivered bar for bar for different individuals going through different things. I’m making it really easy for the public to get a concept and have a good time.

What is the best advice that you have received? 

Pride comes before the fall and love is the best expression of them all.

Share your vision for 2020.

This is the year that my territory will expand and I will be able to work with others who are reaping the benefit of seeds planted for years before this. We are all fighting the good fight of keeping communication open because music is the best way to spread a message.

Twitter: @DankSynatra

Instagram: Danksynatra
