By Valerie Milano
Pasadena, CA (The Hollywood Times) 2/16/20 – The debut of one of the most inspirational and rejuvenating shows, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition will grace our television screens and change lives every Sunday! Giving back to those who give, this show aims to take the burden and stress out of home renovations for a few lucky Americans in hopes that everyone in the world will begin to pay it forward just a little more!

A fundamental difference exists between Home Edition and its predecessor. With many flaws of the first installment, the producers have a way in which they plan on tackling some of the ways in which the former show dropped the ball. Vice President of Production Loren Ruch says, There’s a couple different things that we took into consideration this time. We, first of all, we made sure to equip the families with homes that would be more energy efficient, that would last them for the long haul, that were actually set up for success. The other thing we did in this round, which was not done the first time, many of these homes are renovations of their existing property. So we’re not creating mansions or larger homes. We’re making the homes that they have actually function for them. So they’re the same footprints with these beautiful transformations, but they’re done in a more scaled way. And then the other thing I would say that we did is, in many cases, we offered other offsets like financial to help them out or scholarships to help the children go to school or compensating in other ways to make their lives more — just a little bit easier once we left that they really were able to succeed for the long haul.”
Honestly, there are a substantial amount of “reboots” happening in the media, and one can complain that networks are just selling and marketing nostalgia, but nostalgia can be the best comfort in hard times. Home Edition aims to be this very comfort that the country needs. Ruch elaborates, “I just feel like right now the climate that we’re living in it feels like the show is the warm hug that everybody needs right now. And who would you rather get a good warm hug from than Jesse and this team. It felt like the time. It felt like the time to have a feel good show, to watch a show that makes you cry from happy tears to celebrate local heroes. To me it’s all about timing and I think that it just feels like the absolute perfect time in our society for a show like this to come back.”
Extreme Makeover will begin its transformative season tonight Sunday, February 16th! Tune in and prepare yourself for an inspirational ride!