Production of protective gear for hospitals, relief for affected communities around the US, and a way for customers to contribute to the effort.

By: Angela Redding

Los Angeles, CA, (The Hollywood Times) 4/21/2020-“The Coronavirus is dramatically affecting each and every one of us, and H&M Group is, like many other organisations, trying our best to help in this extraordinary situation. We see this is as a first step in our efforts to support in any way we can. We are all in this together, and have to approach this as collectively as possible,” stated Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability H&M Group

Anna-Gedda H&M Media Group
Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability H&M Group. (Image: H&M Media)

Hennes & Mauritz AB is identified around the world by its red initials H&M. The clothing chain which offers clothing for men, women, teens, and children is stepping up to meet the need for protective gear for those on the front line who are fighting the coronavirus around the world.

Like many other companies, H&M has made the decision to close all its retail stores in the United States until further notice because of the pandemic. Online shopping is still available but currently, they are unable to provide online services that they normally offer in connection with their stores (Ship to Store, Online Return in Store and Find in Store).

COVID-19 has brought a change in how H&M USA does business.

H&M is using its immense resources to help slow the spread of the virus and protect health care workers and vulnerable groups in an array of ways.

One significant change is the shift their supply-chain is undergoing. Since March 22,  instead of clothing, many suppliers are now manufacturing large quantities of personal protective gear that H&M donates to hospitals and health care workers around the world.

N95 type face masks or respirators.(Image: Public Health Image Library, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
The company is also making an in-kind donation of over two million dollars of 70,000+ pieces of H&M products, e.g., bedding, sheets, adult and children’s clothes to organizations such as Children’s Defense FundGLAM4GOOD, Los Angeles LGBT Center and the Nashville Rescue Mission. The donations are to help these communities meet their needs during this hard time.

H&M USA is also partnering with Givz, an online platform that allows you to donate to any registered charity in America. Ten dollars of every $60 spent on will be donated to charities to provide support and relief to those on the front line of the pandemic.

A healthcare worker wearing a pair of protective goggles and protective gear. (Image: US Government department: Public Health Image Library, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)