By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 5/18/20– 

As a global platform celebrating diversity, tell us about the House of iKons.

I have always wanted House of iKons to be a global brand, known for launching emerging designers and creatives. 

House of iKons success so far to date is based on the unique concept, celebrating the new generation of global creative talent. Being the voice for emerging creatives. We position our “iKonic” designers as market leaders who create trends and not follow. The creativity from around the world infused with their local culture has become trendsetting within their own right. 

Pushing diversity in every way from ethnic backgrounds, size, shape, height, and age. We will continue each season highlighting beauty and creativity not just in design and music but for ALL regardless of ethnicity, size, shape, and sexual orientation; as everyone has the right to feel and look good, feel confident about who they are in the HERE & NOW!! Everyone has that right and we will continue to push boundaries and stereotypes… we are still a small drop in this BIG OCEAN… But we will continue to create a storm and bring beauty and creativity to whoever you are, where ever you are, from around the world.

As a result House of iKons is now one of the top 6 brands Innovative Voices in The Fashion World on Wiki Vid. Which is what House of iKons has stood for. Highlighting beauty, creativity from around the world pushing the boundaries that fashion, art, and creativity is for everyone regardless of ethnic origin, religious beliefs, size, age, and sexual orientation. We will continue to showcase our iKons and shake the pillars of the fashion industry. These are the innovative voices of fashion.

(Photo: J. Rosales Photography)

The road to success has not been easy. Share your challenges while building your company. 

Challenges have been constant. I originally come from a corporate banking background. With the financial crisis that hit in 2008/09 globally, a crisis also happened in my personal life. My marriage was breaking down. It was an arranged marriage and I was surrounded by abuse of physical and emotional nature, and trying to protect my young child. My career was my ‘Rock’ but with the financial crisis that hit the banking industry globally I needed to make a decision, I was at breaking point. I am not ashamed to admit this, after all, ‘I’m only human’. 

After my marriage dissolved all I wanted to was to provide for my young child. Being a single parent is not easy, I know I am not the first, but I know I am not the last. 2012 I became a writer for a few magazines. It was a form of escapism for me. Covering not just fashion, but current events and politics. I became involved in a few fashion shows heading up their back stage. Here I learned that back stage is the main operational heart of the event. I questioned designers, ‘Why do a show? Why take the risk?’ All responded ‘In the hope of being discovered’. I then challenged myself to do my own fashion event (I was still working in corporate banking at the time). It was a small show, but we got a great response, and as I was writing for a few magazines at the time and covered various events, through networking I met some great writers and bloggers and asked them to attend in support of my little show. They responded we will be there but we will also do some pre-press for your shows. This worked wonders as we released our designers weeks before the show. Our designers sold off the runway, some were picked up by celebrity stylists and one designer was chosen to work in house for one of the biggest brands in the world. This is when I decided that there is something here. No one was supporting the emerging creatives, they needed their voices to be heard, their work to be seen, hence the creation of House of iKons.

But it’s not the ‘Happy ever after’ end of the fairy tale. I have faced the utmost racism in and out of my community being a woman of color. My family was originally from India and I was born in the UK. Since my divorce, my own community has shunned me and forever facing their criticism. Even though they all knew about the abuse I was going through, they all wanted me to stay in a situation that could have ultimately harmed me and my young child. Being a woman of color the racist remarks I have faced (still continues today) I have also been criticized “She’s a single mother, she needs to stay at home’. The list goes on. From my personal experiences of my marriage dissolving, I became vulnerable, trusted the wrong people while building my company. They used my painful experiences against me so I could not progress with my Company. Since its launch till now, it has helped creatives and still does. Sometimes being too trusting and too nice, individuals will take advantage. But this has been a valuable learning lesson and will continue to push forward with a smile on my face. I now constantly reflect who is in my inner circle, before moving forward, not just for me but most importantly for my creatives. 

The House of iKons is spearheading its designers as the next big icons. What should we expect to see in 2020?

With the crisis that we are facing now, fashion is changing but it cannot be stopped. Some of the designs that are being created and the flow of creativity has been unbelievable. The face of fashion from high street to couture will change dramatically bringing in a new era of fashion which will be historic. One thing that I have learned in my time in this industry, it is the emotion that drives true art, and fashion is just one of them.

You inspire creativity and innovation in shows all over the world. Who have you enjoyed working with? Any Celebrities? 

Our designers have platformed working with celebrities. But my designers are my celebrities. Understanding their individual process, their emotions, their struggles on how they have produced and created such art and beauty inspires me every day.

(Photo: Ram Eagle)

The House of iKons has brought issues to the forefront via fashion, including domestic violence, abuse of young children in domestic violence environments, and endometriosis. Tell us about how you are helping others.

Fashions are a powerful medium, in my opinion, more powerful and stronger than music, film, and television. The impact fashion has communicated through design is works of art with a message that creates more impact. For example, through fashion, we highlighted domestic violence and abuse of young children in our September 2017 fashion show. We had senior officers of the Metropolitan police as well as some of the top legal officers then deal and specialize in this area in the UK. The feedback was tremendous from these officials and felt that this had a powerful impact. Some of our guests, models, and members of our hair and make team contacted me privately about how they felt and that they had or are still going through this abuse. From this event, they felt they were not alone, and the noise in their heads could be heard from my voice from my own experiences which I shared live on the day of the show. In total 50 women came forward from this show alone, which from behind the scenes I have been supporting and putting them in touch with the right authorities and help they need and deserve to come out of this horrible situation.

What is your mantra and how does it translate into your work? 

My heart has gone into my work. Everything we do is from the heart to help all creatives from all around the world to give them the exposure they truly deserve. That is why we have been labeled ‘A platform with a heart’ ; this is our mantra.

Do you have a favorite designer? 

Every one of our designers are unique in their own right. Each piece a work of art, which comes alive on the runway.

What do you envision for the future of design? 

With the unprecedented times we live in at present, many fashion houses and fashion production houses like ourselves are looking to find a new and innovative way to display such creations. At present we are planning our next season show. With the crisis that is facing the world with the global pandemic of COVID-19, we are trying to support all creatives globally pushing their brand via our channels. Even creatives who have not showcased with us. It is important that we support and show unity in this crisis. At present we are strategizing virtual shows/events that the same impact can be achieved. 

Face book: House of iKons 

Twitter: @HouseofiKons

Instagram: @house_of_ikons_official 

YouTube: House of iKons 


Email: [email protected]