By Jules Lavallee

(The Hollywood Times) 6/23/20 –

Tell us about your spiritual journey and how it led you to launch “My Intent.”

I’m originally from Ohio but have called Los Angeles home since 2013. After 4.5 years of working at Facebook, I took time off to travel and put more attention to my emotional and spiritual health. MyIntent was a byproduct of deep inner work. Word spread organically, including to many celebrities in LA like Jay Z. After making his bracelet I was invited to make bracelets for guests at his Roc Nation brunch. Rihanna chose FAITH and Beyonce SURRENDER. 

What is the spiritual and emotional wellness pulse of society today?

I see 2 major environments that need addressing: 1. “External” – systemic racism, police brutality, socioeconomic inequality

  1. “Internal” – anger, sadness, fear, unresolved trauma, identity confusion, hidden bias, and prejudice. I fully support all that needs to be done in our “external” environment. I also know my calling and strength is in healing our “internal” environment. As such my focus is on the HEARTS of my black brothers and sisters to share self-care tools. I will also bring these practices to help everyone else be an ally for the oppressed. Lastly, I want to share these with the “oppressors” – for we cannot legislate and “police” our way to peace. We need to get to the broken hearts at the root.

You have helped millions of people to have meaningful connections through finding their intention, from Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Melania Trump, Elon Musk, Justin Bieber. What is your intention in this time of global crisis? 

Since COVID started we’ve been working on @myintentlive to bring my inner work to the world for free. My Intent LIVE allows users to connect and reflect on their internal and external worlds through the programming now available.

If you were to develop a map of human spiritual and emotional wellness in America 2020, what would it look like?

  1. Current events are causing increasing mental health issues; police brutality, mass shootings, climate crisis, millions unemployed, a global pandemic, to name a few. We are dealing with a world in crisis. My Intent LIVE programming can help users heal. 
  2. MyIntent LIVE is a free, virtual space to build our inner superpowers and help combat mental health issues across the range of generations which would be my roadmap. Each weekday, we have over a dozen interactive live sessions to help cope with the stresses of the world today. We believe this inner education is a birthright, and living with intention is essential for the foundation of a harmonious society.

You have a unique combination of hard skills and soft skills, delivering a huge impact in a short time. What is your key to transformation?

Our product is defined by simplicity. A metal token is a central part with options of color and material left to the individual based on their own preference and style. We hammer by hand the chosen word onto a metal token, but the physical process is only one piece to making a bracelet or necklace. The real magic is in a person choosing their word.

Share your vision for 2020. 

We just launched MyIntent LIVE, a platform providing free virtual classes with master coaches to support living your word. We believe in inner-work being accessible to all, and these classes guide you.