By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 06/04/2020 –  THE DOG DOC made its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival and focuses on what is missing from modern medicine for both pets and humans. Now available for rent or purchase on Amazon Prime Video! As a pioneer of integrative medicine, veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein has been called everything from “maverick” to “miracle-worker.” Attracting four-legged patients from around the world, Dr. Goldstein’s practice, Smith Ridge Veterinary Center, provides holistic treatment for animals after other vets have given up hope. Director Cindy Meehl (BUCK), goes behind the scenes at Smith Ridge to capture the full drama of “Dr. Marty” and his colleagues’ life-changing commitment to wellness and the astounding results they achieve. Filmed over 2½ years, Meehl’s unobtrusive camera highlights the vulnerability of her subjects – canine and human – while tracking each animal’s progress. THE DOG DOC combines the touching stories of families with the hard science of integrative care. By casting an intimate lens over this unique world, this documentary truly shows the healing powers of integrative wellness, compassion, and hope.

As a pioneer of integrative medicine, veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein has been called everything from “maverick” to “miracle-worker.” Why is your work critical today? 

There are approximately 190 million registered dogs and cats in our country living with almost 70% of the families. And they bring us unconditional love. Unfortunately, I have witnessed the incidence of cancer alone at least triple, if not more, in our dogs. My work not only educates why but gives non-toxic solutions to help remedy and especially prevent this from happening. Other chronic, degenerative illnesses too.

Tell us about “THE DOG DOC.” 

Simply put, it’s a must-see documentary by Buck director Cindy Meehl, that brings forth this so needed message that our current medical approach to wellness for our companion animals MUST change. Alternative, more biological, non-invasive therapies have got to be integrated into conventional modalities and that integrative medicine is the way of the future. For more information about THE DOG DOC please visit,

How is THE DOG DOC combining the touching stories of families with the hard science of integrative care? 

This IS exactly what it is doing. It was brilliantly edited to do just this and as they say, seeing is believing. 

Share your holistic approach to treatment for pets. 

Very difficult to put my life’s work into one answer. Simply put, the holistic view does not focus on making a diagnosis then typical medicating the symptoms. It views the patient, its condition, and all other aspects such as diet, as a whole then supports that patient and his or her immune system so they can either heal their condition or, more importantly, live healthily. 

What is your mantra and how does it translate into your work?  

As the saying goes, it all starts with food. What I learned over four decades about the pet food industry greatly inspired me to finally create my own line of food and high-quality nutritional supplements ( Dr. Marty Pets ) that can have a positive effect on millions of companion animals, not just the several I could see daily while at my practice So the mantra is; If your room is dark, don’t try and destroy the darkness, turn on a light. If your pet is sick, don’t try and destroy the disease, turn on a light on their body. This light is called the immune system.

What challenges have you faced during COVID-19? 

Fortunately for me, very few as the timing in my life just so happened to work out prior to this pandemic. Almost all of my work; the documentary, the completion of my long-awaited second book, The Spirit of Animal Healing, fairly soon to be released and the development, education, and quality control of my Dr. Marty Pets line can almost exclusively be accomplished virtually. 

What is your vision for 2020? 

My vision for 2020 is the vision I had way back in the 1970s that someday I’d be the one to have a huge impact on the health and wellness of the animal kingdom, globally. Through decades of intense opposition, criticism, ridicule, etc, that vision is finally manifesting in the year 2020.