Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 7/23/20– Josee Brisebois is a personal brand expert & fashion stylist for professionals, women speakers, and entrepreneurs. The Founder of We Can Style, Josee Brisebois shares how you can be polished and confident during these times: Zoom counts.
How important is it to create a personal brand during these turbulent times?
In today’s crowded market, the face behind any services is just as important – if not more so than the service itself because it takes approximately five seconds or less to form an opinion of you. Online, it’s even quicker. People can tune out of your website or your social media videos in literally three seconds. I know I have clicked on websites and saw the home page picture of the business owner to think, well this doesn’t look interesting or credible enough for me to stick around. If we don’t look the part, this can happen to all of us, and what’s scary is the unlimited number of times this happens online. The way you show up online has to scream you are a successful expert to instill trust and a sense of stability and safety especially right now. What’s on the outside has to match the message you are trying to convey through your brand if you want people to believe it. The most successful entrepreneurs and business owners create and, in fact, become brands. You are your brand. Your personality is your brand. You’re a walking, talking advertisement for yourself and what’s on the outside does make an impression.
The good news is that you have the ability to change people’s perceptions based on what you wear and how you present yourself. You can start to shape your style according to how you want to be received.

Share your experience as a personal brand expert & fashion stylist for professionals.
When I work with my clients, I use a psychology-based personal style branding archetype system partly because I have a strong background in branding and marketing and I know this is what creates the most compelling brands and what works most effectively in terms of magnetically pulling in ideal clients more effortlessly. It’s used by companies such as Apple, McDonald’s, Tesla, Disney, and the list goes on. All of these corporations use this archetype system to magnetize their clients to them. People are attracted to your brand on a psychological level that they may or sometimes may not be aware of, but they relate to who you are and what you stand for.
When a brand takes on a primary character archetype, people recognize it – they get it. They get their human motivations. Additionally, people make decisions emotionally, not rationally. And this is what makes this approach so powerful. The closer you are aligned with your true brand personality, the more emotion and loyalty you will trigger in people. When your personal style captures who you are in a clear way, the more your ultimate or ideal clients will get you and be magnetized to you naturally. It can transform your business to a whole new level of success.
I have seen it happen more over and over with my clients, but the most important part of my experience as a personal brand image expert is to witness the tangible results along with the incredible boost in confidence in my client’s experience. It’s like they are now ready to conquer the world and nothing makes me happier than to be a part of this journey.
I thought it would be a good idea to share a few examples of the kind of results women get when up-leveling their brand image so it’s easy to grasp what it can look and feel like:
“I got so many compliments at my speaking event. Someone shouted, OMG you look stunning!! I made over 40K selling from the stage that day. Thank you!!!”
“Josee helped me to totally up-level my image and I’m happy to report I doubled my sales (over $200K extra!) in my last 3-day event”.
“More people signed up for my program than ever before. It was a game-changer for me.”
“Things are flying. I’m in a different league so to speak. It’s changed everything for me.”
“I now get invited to speak on big stages and I feel much more confident because of the way I look.”
“After over a year, I finally got the promotion I wanted only three weeks after working with Josee!!!!!”

What attracts people to your business? How are you helping clients today?
I think it’s a combination of my talent and skills as a fashion stylist, but also my background as a corporate marketing/branding manager, news anchor, TV host, and actor. This is why I’m skillful at branding people and I believe not many stylists have this branding experience or skill set to really understand how to brand someone effectively. My on-camera experience also positions me as a credible professional who understands how to dress professional women for the camera, zoom, and for the stage so they look their very best and project a polished and credible image they need to come across as the expert on the call and video. Before COVID happened, I was luckily already styling people virtually. Ironically, even local clients prefer to work virtually for convenience, but also because the offerings online are so much better than in the stores. Additionally, I can find much better discounts and better prices online while prioritizing quality (which is one of the most important aspects for me as a stylist). I’m actually launching an online course to teach women how to create and polish their personal brand image so they look like a successful expert. Not everyone can afford the one-on-one services, so this course will empower many more women across the globe to be able to elevate their image and experience the success they want.
When clients connect with you, what are key questions that you ask?
The key questions I ask are what their profession is to assess their industry and the kind of styling they need?. Why are you reaching out to me and what is your current mindset surrounding your wardrobe? So, I can get a feel as to how they currently feel and what their biggest struggles are. I also want to know what is their end goal – what do they want to accomplish with a makeover? (so to speak. )Most people want to be perceived as a successful expert and experience more success in return, but some women are looking for pure sophistication while others want to look a bit more casual. We basically have a conversation about their wardrobe, personal image, how they feel, and how they want to look and feel at the end of the process.
You have created a video to help with the process.
Yes, I created a video on my Youtube channel, It’s called “How to pick a stylist” and I cover the “Should Ask Questions” people should ask, but they don’t know to ask because they don’t know what they don’t know.
The questions are:
- How do I know you’re the right stylist for me? Or the million-dollar question: Why should I work with you?
- Where do you typically shop?
- What kind of results/comments did your past clients have?
- What process and criteria do you use when doing clothes selection?
- How do I know if you will listen to my wants/needs?
- Why did you become a stylist?
- Why is personal style important? How do you define personal style? (here the stylist should sound very competent with the concept of personal branding)
- How do I know if it works?
You have guided many clients through the process of being polished stage and camera-ready wardrobe. What are your favorite looks?
Every single woman is different and their uniqueness is what I love. This being said, my trademark is to make women look very chic, polished, and elegant (as opposed to cutesy, rebel, or street casual for example), so I’d have to say this is a common denominator that I definitely favor, but my very favorite look is the genuine confidence they all radiate.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8X25GZF2VwK34fF2oVrgDQ?sub_confirmation=1
https://www.facebook.com/joseebrisebois.news/ (Business)
If people would like an assessment on their personal brand style, they can get it here:
I also offer a style guide checklist on how to look more polished in the spotlight: https://www.wecanstyle.com/freegifts/leadersinspotlight/