By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 8/05/20– Chef Jason Kieffer has pleased the palates from supermodels, celebrities, and athletes. His resume includes Executive Chef at Google, Vegetarian Executive Chef at Microsoft World Headquarters, and Private Chef to a billionaire. The pandemic hasn’t slowed him down, he has been creating sensational dishes on social media and fans are loving it! 

As a pioneer of the farm-to-table movement, Chef Kieffer relies heavily on his relationships in and around the area with local farmers and artisanal purveyors, purchasing only the finest, pesticide-free, organic produce, always selecting certified, hormone-free dairy products and ordering only free-range, grass-fed meats and poultry. Supporting the local economy while preserving Southern California’s pristine landscape is essential to reflect harmony with the environment, and as Kieffer demonstrates his robust in-house recycling and composting programs both minimize the ecological footprint while advancing sustainable development. A Private Chef may be the perfect recipe for your family during the pandemic. 

When you’re designing a complete meal, what factors do you take into account?

I typically always like to create a meal around what’s local and seasonally available. There are multiple studies on the health benefits of locally grown foods and I am usually the first to be seen at any local “Farmers Market”. 

As a Private Chef to Celebrities, share a few of your creations during the pandemic. 

Wow! At this point, I might have prepared it all. From Almond Butter, Peach Jam and Anchovy Sandwiches to Cauliflower and Black Truffle Pretzels.

What will Celebrities and Executives notice first about you? 

Probably my passion for life and energy levels. I always stay active in some way or another that comes from different physical and spiritual forms. 

Is there a vegetable you consider totally under-appreciated? 

There’s actually quite a few, but I am going to go with my favorite, the brussels sprouts and here’s why. Growing up as kids, we couldn’t stand the smell, looks, or taste of the vegetable because of simply how it was cooked or prepared. Get out there and give them another chance. Through time, you will be pleasantly surprised at how many delicious recipes you can find. 

During the pandemic, what are some of your comfort foods?

Funny that you ask because Mom and I talk about this all the time. I grew up in New Jersey so great comfort food was all around me and much more. I’ve been incorporating a lot of those memories and recipes into today’s dishes while focusing on a healthier twist. Some of my favorites have been Herb Breaded Halibut and Chips, Vegetarian Cobb Salad, Southwest Bison and Vegetable Chili, Italian Grilled Vegetable Lasagna, Roasted Corn and Seafood Chowder, Cauliflower and Potato Mash with Vegetarian Country Gravy and many gluten-free alternatives like Pancakes with Wild Blueberries and Chia. 

What is your mantra and how does it relate to your food? 

“Enlighten the Mind-Nourish the Soul” 

-Chef Jason Kieffer 

Chef Kieffer’s accolades include: 

-Guest Chef Judge on Food Network / Chopped

-Guest Chef Sundance Film Festival 

-TEDx Presenter “The Healing Power of Food”

-Guest Chef Instructor Wounded Warrior Project

-Guest Chef Summit Food and Wine Festival

-Guest Chef Park City Food and Wine Festival 

-Guest Chef Red, White and Snow Charity Dinner

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