By Jennifer McGregor

(The Hollywood Times) 8/19/20 – Imagine feeling calm, happy, and full of energy all day long. Believe it or not, it really is possible to feel great all day, every day. You just need to adopt the right health habits! Fortunately, incorporating a few health strategies into your everyday life is as easy as keeping up with the latest entertainment news from The Hollywood Times. From starting your day with a tall glass of water to stretching out those stiff muscles before bed, here are some simple health strategies to keep your body and mind feeling great!

Drink Plenty of Water

Everyone knows that we need water to live, but do you know just how important it is to stay hydrated all day long? Healthline explains that keeping your body hydrated will help you avoid headaches, exercise longer, stay focused at work, and lose weight more quickly. Just make sure the water you’re drinking is clean! Contaminants lurking in your tap water—such as pesticides, lead, mercury, and chlorine—could harm your health, so consider installing a water filtration system to clear away bacteria, chemicals, and heavy metals.

Cut the Coffee

Struggling with headaches, anxiety, or moodiness? Try cutting out your morning coffee! Coffee may get you going in the morning, but it can also cause negative side effects that leave you feeling less than your best. Once you get through the caffeine withdrawals, you should feel awake and energized every morning without relying on that cup of joe. Cutting out caffeine can also improve your sleep, lower your blood pressure, and reduce tooth decay.

Learn How to Breathe Properly 

Everyone knows how to breathe, but many people don’t know how to breathe optimally. According to Medical News Today, the best way to breathe is in through your nose and deep into your belly. Breathing through your nose allows your nostrils to filter allergens and toxins from the air while humidifying and warming the air before it reaches your lungs. Deep, slow breaths will encourage your body to relax and release stress while supplying your lungs with plenty of oxygen to keep you feeling alert and energized.

Venture into Nature

Another way to bring more calm to your life is to get out in nature whenever possible. Taking a walk in the woods can help you unplug from everything that’s going on around you and give your brain a chance to recharge from mentally-draining work. Plus, going outside is a great way to soak up vitamin D, give your lungs a break from indoor air pollution, and get your body moving!

Stretch Your Muscles

Speaking of moving your body, don’t neglect the importance of stretching out your muscles. Regular stretching can help alleviate pain caused by stiff muscles and joints, increase blood flow through your body, and avoid workout injuries. Stretching is also a fantastic way to relax your body and wind down before bed. Try to get in the habit of stretching every day. If you’re interested, you could even add a relaxing yoga session to your evening routine.

Stop Sleep Deprivation

Sleep is one of the pillars of good health, but many people neglect the importance of a good night’s slumber. In fact, The Good Body notes 35% of Americans fall short of the recommended 7 hours of sleep every night! Suffering from sleep deprivation means feeling tired, moody, and stressed, and can even weaken your immune system and disrupt your cognitive abilities. But sleeping better is easier said than done. Many of us have trouble falling asleep—or even working up the willpower to turn off the TV and go to bed when we know we should. To get in the right mindset for sleep, try starting a relaxing bedtime routine at the same time every night.

Everyone wants to feel happier and healthier. The good news is that everyone can take steps to improve their whole-body health—and you don’t have to overhaul your lifestyle to do it! Start by incorporating simple health strategies into your daily routine and build on your habits from there. Once you start noticing improvements to your wellbeing, you’ll never stop making healthy changes!