By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 10/16/2020 –  Animal Hero Kids has a very special month planned full of fun-filled and educational activities to empower youth towards animal rescue and advocacy, #AnimalHeroKidTober with celebrities including Paul McCartney and Joaquin Phoenix supporting the cause. This month also is the launch of the book, Veganza, and Courage, the First Vegan Superhero.  Veganza is an animal hero, who swoops in to help all animals in need of rescue. She creates more animal heroes by empowering them with empathy. Courage, the mermaid, defends all sea creatures. Together, Veganza and Courage are unbeatable animal defenders. Pre-orders can be made here:

Activities for #ANIMALHEROKIDTOBER include:

Veganza Animal Hero needs a theme song whether it be opera, rap, R & B, Soul, Techno, hip hop, any genre. All ages can send in their videos to [email protected] If your song is chosen not only will you go down in history as being the creator of Veganza’s theme song, you will also receive $500.

— Kids reading to shelter and sanctuary animals (they’re reading stories of animal rescue by youth from the “Animal Hero Kids Voices for the Voiceless” book (video avail)

—  Youth speaking out on climate change via video messages on a large mobile video billboard in South Florida, NY, and LA

—  Kids  around the world supporting Joaquin Phoenix’s plea to change the world from your kitchen

— In rural Alaska, 12-year-old Lilly makes catnip toys for shelter cats

— In Brazil, 11- year-old climate activist Brunna asks local restaurants to feature plant-based meals as Animal Hero Kids month specials

— In Arizona, Kimaya, 7,  distributes care packages for the homeless in Arizona

— In Connecticut, 7-year-old Isabella and 9-year-old Savannah read to rescued farm animals at JP Farm Sanctuary  (they will be surprised with Animal Hero Kids Awards during their reading)

—  In Los Angeles and South Florida a plant-based giveaway occurs for populations in need during #animalherokidtober

Founder of Animal Hero Kids and Author Susan Hargreaves is a 41 year veteran of the animal rights movement. She is a kindness educator and activist. She has rehabilitated wildlife and investigated animal cruelty in circuses and rodeos, as well as in the animal-based agriculture industry. Susan founded the youth empowering charity Animal Hero Kids to prevent the animal cruelty she has witnessed by fostering empathy and compassionate choices in youth.
