Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 10/22/2020 – As the holidays approach, Lillian Zeltser’s book, Aphrodisiac Adventures, will be the gift that keeps on giving. Like many, she was a skeptic of aphrodisiacs, until her husband, a medical doctor who had studied botanicals as part of his medical curriculum, introduced her to the world of aphrodisiacs. They traveled around the world to research and explore aphrodisiacs. Lillian shares her in the new book, ‘Aphrodisiac Adventures’ aphrodisiac experiences and enticing discoveries, worth to be turned into television series.
You were skeptical about aphrodisiacs at first, what changed your mind?
Like most of us, until I began digging into the subject of aphrodisiacs and personally experienced their power, I thought that they were just some sort of mythical hocus-pocus things, which inked to sex, witchcraft, and dark ages. I was completely ignorant of the natural powers of plants and certainly did not expect that they were able to help me solve any physical, psychological or emotional problems.

Tell us about your world travel for aphrodisiacs and what surprised you the most?
Initially my husband, who studied botanicals as part of his medical curriculum introduced me to the world of aphrodisiacs. During our very first aphrodisiac voyage, it was China, where I met with herbalists, medical doctor and many common folks, who knew at least one or two recipes, which allegedly were successfully used since antiquity by someone they knew to regenerate their ability to bear children in the old age, or experience miraculous restoration of their appearances and physical, emotional, and psychological potency. Many were eager to offer me to experience their heirloom recipes, which I did. After experiencing just a few of the local recipes, it became obvious to me, that there is something more about aphrodisiacs than I initially thought, as I and so many people for thousands of years couldn’t be simply wrong! I realized why aphrodisiacs were so popular and kept in high regard by the majority of Chinese people. During the last 30 years we traveled to many different countries and everywhere we managed to find some unique and effective aphrodisiacs specific to a particular culture and local natural resources.
Lillian Zeltser on the show, “Get a Life.”
Aphrodisiacs are more than a substance for enhancing sexual desire. Tell us more.
According to the dictionaries, an aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire, sexual pleasure, or sexual behavior. I believe that this ought to be re-classified, as this shallow description of aphrodisiacs’ potentials does not reflect the true beneficial long-lasting function of aphrodisiacs – the restoration of human sexuality through remediation of the underlying physical, emotional or psychological problems, – rather than producing a one-off Viagra-effect of their users. There are hundreds of aphrodisiacs around you, all you need is to learn how to use them…I am not talking here about strawberries, oysters, and champagne!
What are some of the misnomers of aphrodisiacs?
Contradiction – From an early age we are told to pursue goals in life – career, material, and mental values, however, the real purpose of all creatures on Earth doesn’t get explained. It is – Reproduction, which rewards us with physical, psychological, and emotional pleasures, and which at the peak of our sexuality gets engraved in our memory as the most intense pleasure that we ever experienced. Remember those times when just a look of someone special sent shivers down your spine? Or those delicious butterflies in your stomach when you kissed your first lover? Due to the aging process and other things outside of our control, like environmental pollution, accidents, etc., the level of sexuality declines leaving us only with the memories of it as the unreturnable past, without knowing that it can be easily reversed for many, allowing them to live their dreams at any age.
Why are people coming to you?
I’m simply a person who for many decades collected and tested knowledge of others. I am happy to share my finds with as many as possible through my workshops (now virtual), charity events, and publications. Whether you want to look younger without having a face-lift, or find love, soulmate, boost self-esteem, improve overall health, behavior, decision-making process or enhance longevity – do yourself a favor by resorting first to the natural remedies called aphrodisiacs. They exist and can help!

You’ve been practicing aphrodisiacs since 1988. Would it be fair to say that aphrodisiacs are your life’s obsession?
Yes…perhaps, you are right. Initially, my husband and I were on a mission to find 18 rare botanicals, which were listed in the old love potion recipe that we found in an old book. However, after experiencing their true power, I simply became fascinated by the array of aphrodisiacs and their potential to help people. I wanted to learn and experience as many as I could, and pass my knowledge to those who need them. While my husband and I both worked to provide for our family, our holidays since 1988 were devoted to traveling around the world in search for aphrodisiacs.
Many baby boomers are finding themselves in the roles of caregivers for the elderly. Can aphrodisiacs help them deal with re-charging their sexuality and reducing the stress often associated with loneliness?
Absolutely! Our sexuality (nothing to do with the sexual act!) impacts our behavior, interests, and our level of self-esteem, decision-making processes, and ability to experience pleasure. It is easy to see sexually-charged people – they tend to be happier, more social and outgoing, confident, and successful; they are active and eager to learn new things. It would be right to say, that aphrodisiacs can change lives and let many live their dreams at any age. Let’s drink to health, long life, and pleasure!
Your new book, Aphrodisiac Adventuress shares time-tested methods for releasing stress, calming fears, and combats relationship problems. This book is timely given the global pandemic. Tell us about your book.
Aphrodisiac Adventures’ is a non-fiction book, first of the series, where I share my aphrodisiac experiences and enticing discoveries, worth to be turned into television series. The book includes a number of original ancient and traditional recipes, which were collected at their origins; many had been adapted to the modern cooking facilities. Every chapter ends with a story about a legendary aphrodisiac recipe, which was used by some famous historical figures to either seduce a lover, start a war, or gain power and riches. These stories can spark a thought-provoking dinner or party conversations and make the perfect gift for someone Special.
‘Aphrodisiac Adventures’ will soon be launched on Amazon.com, in printed and e-book formats. However, as part of our book pre-launch celebration, the first 100 people, who place their order on www.aphrodisiacsexpert.com before 20th of November 2020, will receive an unforgettable bonus – Personal Invitation from the Aphrodisiacs Expert to Aphrodisiac New Year’s Party in December 2020 (virtual).animation was created in 2008 for the titles of Aphrodisiac Adventures TV series.
There are many recipes on your website and in your book. What are some of your favorites?
Subject to the time of the year, my circumstances, company, and whereabouts, I use natural stimulants that are available locally, like plants, spices, minerals, and non-edible aphrodisiacs, which can work as therapeutic stimulants through our sight, hearing, or touch. There isn’t one aphrodisiac that can work for everyone as we all are different! With exception of one, which my husband and I, as well as many of my friends and followers, successfully use for many years – the original formulae of Aphrodope elixir, which we take every day in order to maintain a level of sexual energy, pleasant and appropriate for our age.
You are a well-known global speaker. What are the topics you are sharing with audiences?
Yes, I often get invited as a guest to talk about my discoveries, aphrodisiacs’ myth-busting facts, recipes, aphrodisiac sources, and their usage. Due to the forced lock-down during this year’s Covid-19 pandemic, I finally had time to write my first book and start working on the content for aphrodisiac workshops and parties, in order to raise public awareness of the sexual health importance and availability of natural stimulants that can help them to live what they dream of.