“Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill”

A discussion with owner, Angela Marsden

By Patrick Donovan – Author/Screenwriter
US Navy Disabled Veteran – 1980 – 1991
Seattle, WA (The Hollywood Times) 12/10/2020

“I was driving and first heard about Angela’s plight on satellite radio.  I needed to call immediately and get the word out. This is about people, humanity, the human condition and not politics. We must stand together, or we will fall together but we MUST help each other.”

– Patrick Donovan

Angela’s GoFundMe as of 11/12/2020

About Angela Marsden and Pineapple Hill Saloon

Angela Marsden is a small business owner in Los Angeles, CA. Her small business, The Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill, like many small businesses across this great nation, are suffering or outright are gone!  COVID 19, whether you believe it’s true or not, has left an indelible mark in American history. It’s a killer, not only of people, but of businesses.

Angela being interviewed

I believe, as a small business owner myself, that small businesses are the life blood of this country.  Without small business, our country suffers and it’s not just the country but the very people that run them, the families that support them, the people that work for them and the dedicated customers who patronize them.

So it is with Angela, who’s video has gone viral, when she pointed out how she complied with all state and local social distancing protocols and yet, Mayor Garcetti permitted a production company to put up tents and yet, close down The Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill’s outside dining area, which was just as compliant if not more!

During the interview, I simply let Angela just tell her story. She’s a wonderful Lady and newfound friend.  I want to get the word out there and tell the world about her story and about “all” the small businesses that need help across this great nation. Have a listen to a very in depth and emotional conversation I had with Angela, nothing like with the networks did, but just letting Angela have the floor.

Angela’s Viral Video

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The Interview 

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The audio transcription

Pat Donovan: Hi Angela. Thanks for joining me today on The Hollywood Times. I was moved when I heard your story on satellite radio and I was driving and I had to call and get your message out about the human condition, the people that are hurt and how you’re driving home, the message that small businesses are suffering.

Talk to me about your life, your business, how long you’ve been in business and what was your motivation? About your employees and patrons to make that video?

Angela Marsden: My business here in LA is, Pineapple Hill Grill & Saloon and it has had the same name since 1978. it’s been in the community, serving the community since 1978.

I’m the third owner. I’ve actually owned and ran it for 10 years. And it really is, one of the last of the “Cheers”, you know, the Cheers of the neighborhood, the kind of bar you’d find in Indiana, or I’ve actually had people from New York come in and it reminds them of an old New York bar. But it’s really where memories are built, where connections are made, where artists create, which is what pubs used to be about and, and will always be about, you know, bringing the community together and creating a family.

I have 15 employees and the kitchen has been here since 1978, there are their entire family works in the kitchen. Their brother works during the day. George and Miguel work at night with his wife who does dishes and buses and his son, Michael they’ve now brought in. and then I have, you know, the front house staff, some of them with me six, seven years.

I unfortunately lost somebody had been with me since day one during this pandemic, because things got so hard, that he just couldn’t do it anymore. But yeah.

Pat Donovan: You made this video that went viral, something broke the camel’s back that drove you to do this. what was it? And don’t hold back, please tell our readers and listeners what that was.

Angela Marsden: You know, for me, I think like anybody. In the beginning of the pandemic, you’re, you’re fearful. and you’re worried, you’re worried about your loved ones.

You’re worried about your neighbors. You’re worried about your staff and you want to do everything right. And you’re, you’re trusting. obviously that all the information you’re getting is, is correct because it’s coming from the people you’ve elected and, every small business, I know it was trying to do what they can and, I just, it seems like every first it was we’re going to go To Go.

So we went to, To Go, then it was, you know, no, you can go inside, but you, you know, it’s like a day’s notice and he’s got to do 12 pages worth of stuff. It was it was a buildup over time of just going. You know, I’m doing everything I can and doing what I can to protect my customers, my staff, because I love them.

I want them to stay healthy and, the rules keep changing, you know, on the drop of a hat without notice. And so it was really rough in the beginning. And then there was no money coming, you know, and we have been sitting here waiting for the people that we’ve elected to come up with a bill or come up with a PPP.

It was just like all of a sudden, you’re shut down and nobody gives you any money and you can’t go to work and you can’t, you know, you’ve got two weeks, supposedly that turns into two months and every step of the way you have faith, you have faith that everybody’s doing all that they can. And. It’s still so stressful.

Nothing is easy. And for the longest time I felt like, cause I got the PPP, fortunately, although it lasted only two and a half months, I felt like I was the lucky one and I just want to keep my head down and I want to get through it and come out the other end and then slowly but surely when he own a pub, you know, everybody from the neighborhood comes in and they tell you how they feel and they tell you what’s going on in their lives. They’re like family, and it’s just one business is down and you kind of put your head down and you cry, you know? And then your other friend’s business is down because they got no PPP, or they got no help.

Or they’re being told because they’re a bar and they can’t serve food they’re not allowed to open, you know, my friends, that own bars that don’t have food, haven’t been able to open for nine months. Nine months. And most of them have gotten no help, you know, and you see the hypocrisy start with, you know, people who are politicians, you know, making rules and not following them.

And you are just struggling to keep your staff employed too, that they can pay rent and eat. And I pushed through and got the outdoor patio by the grace of God or Buddha or life, whatever you believe. and that was so hard. I remember, I remember in July, not knowing if I was going to be able to get the outdoor patio, is the landlord would agree to it, then not knowing how it was going to take the $150,000 loan that I had to pay back and stretch that money to get the patio done and also be able to pay things to open up. Friends, asking friends, to help build the patio, waking up crying, going, is it even worth it?

I’m actually taking out a loan on a business that’s taking a loss, hoping that something’s going to change and everybody’s fighting. You know, my liberal friends are blaming my conservative friends. My conservative friends are, you know blaming the liberal politicians and, and quietly, you know, I’m seeing the devastation of a lot of the people, you know, I used to bartend, so I, a lot of friends with people that work in restaurants and friends of people that run restaurants, you know, and, I was just, I don’t know, it was so hard grueling.

Like my body ached. I’m like, I’m building a patio and I’m having friends help and, you know, paying cheap labor and, and then it just starts, it starts to trickle. I know I’m probably taking too long telling this, but it’s such a long buildup to where I got, you know, you’re going to buy furniture because you can’t afford to buy anything new from other people that didn’t make it… and you feel guilty cause you’re going to buy used patio furniture from another restaurant, that didn’t survive.

One of them, the owner got sick it was in the hospital and was afraid to be out in COVID and his business couldn’t survive it. And he had to shut it down after 30 years and you feel guilty, but you’re just, you’re trying to survive.

You know, you’re just thinking of your staff and you’re like, and I think what kept me going at that point with the community, as I was building the patio, the community was cheering me on. They literally were. Literally a woman was jogging, and she stopped and she started cheering and screaming and she said, thank you, thank you for keeping the community together.

I mean, people are being isolated and they have no way to connect with others in LA. There’s a lot of people that don’t have families, you know, and they connect through their pubs and they connect through charity work and they need the connection and so that really kept me going and my faith, I guess.

And, if I had a business advisor. He would have said, you’re crazy. What are you doing? You know, you’re gonna end up losing everything you have. But I knew I had to in my heart do the right thing for the people in the community and for my staff, we had to stay open and I had to just literally tell my bookkeeper, we’re going to keep moving forward. We’re going to do the patio. And I don’t know how, how it’s going to work out, but I’m just going to take it one day at a time and hope something good happens, you know? And meanwhile, the politicians are fighting each other and blaming each other and doing nothing and having these stubborn stances of like, well, I can hold out longer than you.

I can hold out longer than you, you know. And it’s just, you’re getting more and more outraged as you’re seeing it, you know, because they, if you don’t have a rich family, you know, and you don’t, if you don’t have a rich family or cushy tech job to stay at home, it is not realistic to tell people to stay at home.

You’re making them choose between, you know, caring, putting clothes on their kids back or eating, or having a place to live in versus maybe getting COVID and, you know, getting sick and you’re guilting them because they need to eat. That means they want other people to die and it’s just not true. That’s that is created illusion that that is used for political purposes.

The truth is most people love people and, and we, as we, as people are not divided, it’s the politicians that play on these words and these things to try to create divisions, you know. So, I got the patio up through all the odds. And that was, again, you have to remember, even when they did allow us to go inside for a minute, we had riots going on and I’m watching people destroy businesses and each other and I’m boarding my business up.

And in the very short time they allowed us to go inside. I was on curfew because of riots and you know, it’s just, it was just so overwhelming and so much every month was a new obstacle, a new thing of like, oh my God, how am I going to get over this? You know, just to stay open. And, when we finally did open, it’s not even that.

When we finally opened literally a heat wave came to California, we had one day of 120-degree heat, my staff are in gloves, mask, and a face shield. They’re clocking five to eight miles coming inside and running outside. And I’m short staffed because we can’t afford more people. And yet, you know, somehow, we did it, you know, and I was taking a loss, taking a loss and then October came, and I think, you know, in LA the Dodgers and the Lakers brought people hope, you know, and there was a sense of just feeling good in the sales were up and it was the first month we made a profit and it was amazing. And, you know, we got, you know, I’m saying we got through it, we still have COVID, but at least we have tools to be safe. And, and I have tuberculosis. I was told by my doctor that I’m high-risk and I really shouldn’t be around the public.

And I was like, well, that’s not an option, you know? So every day I’m out and every day I, I take the risk of getting COVID. I don’t know what my outcome’s going to be, but life still goes on. You still have to, to we’re human beings, you still have to connect, and you still have to live and eat. You know, and I know in our history as Americans, my gosh, we’ve overcome so many odds and it’s not been easy but running from and being afraid it is not the answer either, you know.

So we got it, we got it open and October was like, you know, the other issue in October was we’re so busy that I can barely keep up because I’m understaffed. So now I’m trying to hire people and, it’s a great problem to have. but it’s still very like exhaustion every day.

I haven’t even been able to go home to Indiana and see my family in a year and a half. And my dad was sick during this time. My dad almost didn’t make it and I couldn’t go home because of COVID, but also because of the business was constantly changing. so I was exhausted and tired, but feeling great and thinking, Oh, things are getting better I hired new people.

We finally turned a profit. I told my, my building manager like, oh, I think I’m going to get caught up in rent in about four months. You know, things are going well, but I still am hearing the stories of it you know, a tattoo owner, electric tattoo, Derrick. I love him. And he couldn’t open his shop.

Didn’t know when he could open a shop. He’d been on the phone with Newsome, you know, they do a phone line to call in every single day. He’s like Angela, if you hear the stories of people losing their homes, you know, people with shops and hair salons. They have kids and are losing their house and they’re crying and they’re, they’re begging.

And all we keep hearing is we’re in this together. We’re in this together. Well, who is we? Who is we? You know, it’s like, my mom always said, actions speak louder than words. And if you want to know the true intention of someone, turn down the volume and watch they do.

Pat Donovan: That is so true.

Angela Marsden: Go ahead.

Pat Donovan: No, I was saying, I empathize with you. I don’t know what it’s like, what you’re going through. So, but your plight has got to be known. And it brings me to the question you spoke about politicians. Talk to us why you believe your mayor did what he did with a production company and how you believe he’s not listening to small business owners like you and what should he have done instead?

Angela Marsden: It’s easy to, you know, be the backseat driver, but what, but I guess from my point of view, that the idea that they sold this idea that, you know, if we all just stay home, it will go away. To me is in Lala land and it’s so removed from the working class people. You know, if I were a mayor, anything that you do, I don’t know all the answers, but I definitely would pull together people that are actually living the experience and sit down and come up with, you know, they knew, they knew in March that the winter was going to be bad.

So if you knew in March, the winner’s going to be bad. Why don’t you go out to the leaders in your community and say, okay, we know that March is probably going to be bad, and we know that we can’t close down the community because the economic devastation is already becoming clear. So how can we stay open safely and give transparency?

You know, this person that is running the city is so out of touch. You know, maybe he was paid by the movie industry. I don’t know. I’m not a politician. I don’t know all the things that go on behind closed doors, but I will say that the entertainment industry was hurting too, you know. I got a letter from a DP who’s been a DP for 43 years thanking me because he’s went through his life savings. He’s worked five days in 10 months. So when you were put in a leadership position, you have to, to me, look at the data, talk to the people that are living it and walking it, like everything should be removed from your calendar.

There should be no energy left because you’re out looking and talking and working with your community to come up with solutions, real solutions based on, you know, risk assessment. So how many people are we gonna lose to suicide versus how many people are we going to lose to COVID, you know, suicide and overdose?

How many people are we going to have on unemployment? Versus if we take money and pay for testing and pay to have, you know, more supervisors out there, making sure people are doing it right. And being safe, you know, like to me, everything is a risk assessment and a compromise, and you have to do what’s right for the people. For humanity and trust that everything else will work out. And I just feel like this mayor is, is so out of touch and so callous to tell me his heart goes out to me and my staff, but not give us any money or any solutions so that we can eat. And we don’t lose our business. And we, and my staff don’t lose their home.

I would rather, you be the biggest jerk to my face and not like me, but do the right thing with your actions because it’s the right thing to do, then act like you care about me and then go eat dinner and ignore the fact that I’m dying right in front of your face, you know?

Pat Donovan: I get it. That is so true. And this is your fight, your passion. It’s about people not politics. That’s what Liz and Kate have told me.

How can we, you, us drive home this message and build public support to put pressure against our leaders, to get them to listen and see what they’re doing or not doing and how it is hurting everybody. Small businesses to the movie industry, to just children?

Angela Marsden: You know, it is not about politics. It is about people. And I, I guess for me, there’s more than us than there are them. And I find that the American people are very compassionate and very loving towards each other. And we’re not as divided is everybody, you know, wants to make it out to be.

We need to unify. We need to put pressure. If every one of us are writing a letter. Are, you know, w right now the restaurant association, we’re taking them to court and we’re getting the real facts. If every one of us apply that standard to our leadership and to who we vote in. And I don’t care if they’re Republican or if they’re Democrat.

All right. It is not about that. It’s about putting leaders in that, listen and have empathy and know how to act and act quickly, you know, If we all just really stick together and stand up for what is right for each other, you know, the, the American dream is what we all want. You know, basically the American people, we are so strong and we are so connected that even when we have disagreements, we find a way to evolve and we find a way to, to live together and let each other be who they want to be. Unfortunately, we have politicians or people in office that we’ve deemed worthy enough to be leaders without really vetting them and without really holding them accountable. So I believe honestly, rioting and protesting… I did my first protest and I’m glad I did it and I will continue to do it.

Protesting peacefully is amazing. And I, I, for the first time took in that and that experience, I wish I had done as a little girl. And I just think that we all need to start listening to each other, you know, saying, Hey, how can I help? Because if you’re focused on helping each other. You collectively rise together and stop focusing on fear.

And I got to protect me, me, me, me. We will all be good if we focus on each other and on love, you know? I mean, there’s a, there’s a quote because I’m not. I don’t know how to speak well, and I, I’m always afraid of saying the wrong thing because I love you rather, you’re you can be an atheist, you can be Jewish, you can be Muslim.

Like you can be whoever you want to be. I love you for who you are. And so I’m always worried about saying something that might hurt another person or make them feel that I’m not including them. So I, I look at quotes to people that I think somehow mastered, really connecting with people and, and Martin Luther King has this quote that to me, you’re the first person that  I’ve been able to actually share it with, because it’s a little, a little long, but I look at these and then I connect with the universe or, you know, God every day and say, please just let me speak truth, truth.

Truth is all we need to be focused on is truth and caring and loving each other and being United, you know, and Martin Luther King, one of his quotes to me that just sums up right now and why our politicians can’t get it. I don’t know. You know, and I know there are some that do, but it’s such a fast-moving world and it’s hard when you’re working every day as a busser or a cook you don’t have time to download a bill to make sure the language is right. You’re, you’re, you’re looking at snippets and you’re voting for things that you think are right, but you don’t know how they’re going to play out because you don’t have time. You’re just trying to live your life, you know? And it’s a struggle for a lot of us, you know, and Martin Luther King had this quote that I hope that every person that reads this or hears, this can look up and it’s simple! You don’t have to spend a lot of times maybe our politicians can re-look at it.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.

–Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do right by each other. You know, like where our politicians? Where are, our leaders? Like, how can, how can you be a mayor of a city and have 1.3 million people on unemployment that’s running out without another package coming, and then you are telling them they have to stay at home, and they cannot go and make money to feed themselves.

We have a homeless crisis here. Okay. I have had a homeless man jumped through my to-go window during all this. I’ve had one use the bathroom on my sidewalk in front of my patio. I, I, I don’t blame the homeless people. The homeless have doubled. And if you cannot see like Barbara Ferrero, who I protested the public health, she’s in charge of public health.

I’m at Echo Lake park. And it is tent to tent, to tent, homeless people, literally it labyrinth. Tents set up of people that have mental issues or drug issues or have lost their home to the point where I heard, I heard, I don’t know if it’s true that they’re forming their own little government in their little town around Echo Park Lake, which is at the bottom of the hill of her house.

That costs you know; I don’t know a million dollars and she drives by that every day. And that’s not a public health issue? I mean, these are human beings! We need to get back to basics, you know, and put people in that aren’t worried about dollars and aren’t worried about, you know, being put on a magazine, they care about people. They know that they’ve been chosen to, a position that is a sacred position, but it’s given to you by us, by us, the people we are entrusting you with our welfare and our heart to make the right decisions.

And I don’t understand if you were put in that position, how you can, do what you’re doing and not leave a legacy that people don’t talk about for a century after you’re gone.

Pat Donovan: Right. And you know, you’re welcome. You spoke about leaders and lack thereof, and I’m going off our little questions here, but this ties right into what you said about Martin Luther King and truths, but to become a great leader, one must learn to follow, first.

And that brings me to what Lee Iacocca said: Lead, Follow, or get out of the way. And that means so much because Lee had a way of going into the assembly lines, put on his jeans, hard hat shirt, walked down there and talked to his people and he said, “What are your goals for the next 30 days?” I read his biography four times and he’s said the guy said.

Angela Marsden: Wow! I gotta read that.

Pat Donovan: “Oh I don’t know, I don’t ever…” “So why don’t we set some.” He said, “well, okay, we’ll set them or set one and I’ll see you in 30 days.” He came back in 30 days and said, “How did you do?” “Well, Mr. Iacocca, I didn’t quite make it, but…,” “Hold on, don’t worry about it. It’s okay. We may have set the bar too high. Let’s try it again. Let’s lower the bar I’ll see ya in 30 days!” He came back and he said, “How’d you do? He said, I made and more!” “Good. Let’s set another.” And that’s how Lee got Chrysler going and Ford, but you know, it was funny. His name was spelled I A C O C C A. You know, that means in an acronym, I am the Chairman of Chrysler Corporation of America. His names spelled what he would become. Ironically, it’s weird.

Angela Marsden: Crazy.

Pat Donovan: But it’s interesting. You say that. Where are our leaders failing? You know, don’t hold back and we got about 10 minutes left. So if you could talk to Mayor Garcetti and Governor Newsome right now, cause I’m going to get him a copy of this. What would you tell them to do to fix this, how we are failing and just let them have it, but nicely and respectfully, tell them, go ahead.

Angela Marsden: If I could tell them what I would, I would tell them to speak truth, to speak truth to us about what is going on, and to realize that we are, we are, are stronger than they think they are.

That we can make the choice of being out amongst this horrible thing that’s going on and being safe. To speak a truth and to come, you know, like you just said, come down, walk in our life. See what is going on, you know? Stop living in the ivory tower that you’re living in and come out and get your feet dirty, you know? Come out and be in the mud where we are.

And like just, you know, I mean, there’s so much, there’s so much that, that question is just so hard to answer. But you know, not one of them has come down and, or called or said anything to me. And not one of them has said, “Do you know what Angela? This is unrealistic. You’re right. It’s not realistic to expect people to 50% of you can’t to stay at home the entire time and we do want to protect people. So why don’t we put together a round table? And pull in, you know, you and some other people from the restaurant and bar industry and people from the, the music, you know, music concerts are dying people from the entertainment industry and let’s come to a consensus.”

Everything is about basically to me, truth. Show me the true numbers. Show me what the situation is, and it may not be fun, and it may not look pretty. But this is what’s gotta be done. And, and we, the, we, the people, we understand that because that is our reality every day

Pat Donovan: You echo exactly what they said when the president knew back in February and Bob Woodward recorded everything, he just said, tell them the truth, man. We can take it.  But he didn’t trust us. And I think our leaders don’t trust us to be able to handle the truth. Takes you back to that movie with Jack Nicholson, you can’t handle the truth. They can’t handle telling us the truth, you know.

Angela Marsden: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that that, again, it’s, I think we’re living in extreme worlds right now on both sides and it’s extreme, you know, and there’s just gotta be a middle of a road where you tell the truth, and you sit down, and you figure things out.

Like I can’t for the life of me, understand why we have two people that can’t pass a bill. I mean, how can you have two people on both parties that are in charge of parties that cannot sit down and do an emergency session and come up with a quick compromise to feed and make sure the country’s okay.

Pat Donovan: They don’t want to!

Angela Marsden: On both sides. It’s they don’t want to, they want to play games and they want it. They want to sit and stare each other down and see who’s going to last longer in the meanwhile. So the country is in the middle of this baseball game, being trampled over while people are dying and losing everything. And we have ego about you know, I’m going to outlast you. You’re going to outlast me. Like, why don’t you take away their paychecks until we get paid?

Pat Donovan: Oh, they’ll freak out!

Angela Marsden: I’m not joking. I hear people say that. And they’re like, Oh, that’s just a thing. No, if you can go to recess about voting, you know, and try to figure if you can call in to recess for so many other things, how could you not, not knowing how bad the winter was going to be, do an emergency recess, come in and figure out the stimulus package. How could you not do that?

Pat Donovan: They don’t want to do it. That’s the bottom line. If they did, they would have done it seven months ago. If, they did they would have done it already

Angela Marsden: It’s unconscionable. I can’t even, I can’t even fathom that you can go home in your bed and, and sleep at night knowing, knowing that there are millions of people in this country… I had, a bartender. I want to read you this because I’ve had a bartender. I’ve had postal service people in the industry. I’ve had people in the music concert industry, like I’ve had so many people email me. And pain and suffering that is taking place right now across the country, because we have people that I don’t know, I guess we shouldn’t, there shouldn’t be a career.

Maybe they should only allow to be allowed that serve, you know, three, four years and then never, never serve again. You know, I don’t know, but I want to you know, this email.

Pat Donovan: We’ve got 5 minutes

Angela Marsden: Garrett Jordan.

Pat Donovan: Okay.

Angela Marsden: Thank you. Thank you so much. Hearing you talk as a prayer answered. 36-year-old unemployed bartender in new Orleans.

[00:32:07] “YOU,” In caps, “have given us a voice. When you talked about your employees.dot, dot, dot the hardship dot, dot, dot, it’s really hurt me to not hear anyone speak up for us. No one is speaking up for us. Not even most owners, always against us and not being able to pay my rent dot, dot, dot just thank you. I haven’t cried since my grandfather’s funeral. Hearing a voice, hearing your voice and you standing up for us made me cry.” These people don’t know what they’re going to do. How is that not an emergency to solve within a week? How can this not, it’s not rocket science.

Pat Donovan: You know, we have this voice, we have three minutes left and we have this voice and that voice is you. We need to get this voice of yours loud on a megaphone. So the whole world can hear you, you know? And I think it’s important because. It’s your time. It’s time for the people to say to the leaders enough! Stop the bickering! Care about the people that put you there. We can’t wait for another election cycle. You need to work for us today, you know?

So, I want to get to on something. We got three minutes left. Tell me about your GoFundMe page. How’s it going? How much have you raised and give us the, the URL?

Angela Marsden: If anybody would like to, to, donate, it’s very, very appreciated. I’ve been humbled by the donations that have come in.

It is /phsaloon on Facebook or @pineappleHillSaloon on Instagram and all donations go to keeping this bar afloat and to the employees here. And I started the GoFundMe page because, you know, after the video went viral, I had somebody from London, call me and say, I want to, I want to donate, $2,000 to save your restaurant.

And I said, I had no way of taking the payment. He’s like, you should start a GoFundMe. So we started to GoFundMe and it has been generous. I haven’t looked at it. I’m not kidding you. My staff will give me an update, but I haven’t even looked at any like media or anything. So the last I heard we were at $180,000

Pat Donovan: WOW!

Angela Marsden: Which is incredible. Incredible. And…

Pat Donovan: WOW!

Angela Marsden: You know, some mornings I get up and I just start crying of, of gratitude, but overwhelmed wellness. And then the other part of me as well, we got to keep going because there are other bars and restaurants, so I’m trying to get them out on the news or trying to get them out so they can get help.

But really, I’m trying to get the governor to listen and really, you know, do something as far as opening it up in a safe way, but in a way that we can all still keep our businesses and keep our homes, you know,

Pat Donovan: You are close to two right now you’re close to $200,000. You have $188,733.00. Yeah. Yeah.

Angela Marsden: Wow.

Pat Donovan: Yeah. And congratulations. You’re hitting it.

Angela Marsden: Thank you.

Pat Donovan: Listen, I want to thank you so much. It’s been a complete pleasure speaking to you, hearing your voice. And hearing your plight.

Angela Marsden: Thank you!

Pat Donovan: We are going to get this out. Let’s work together.  Keep the faith like my late friend, Richard hatch from Battlestar Galactica always told me. We still keep the faith. Whatever the faith is.

Angela Marsden: Thank you, thank you so much!

Pat Donovan: You want to believe, okay? It’s going to work out and ya gotta believe that’s all. It is. Just got to believe. Cause anything the mind can conceive and believe you can, and therefore will achieve. The belief makes it so.

Angela Marsden: I love that. Do you know my mom, my mom?

Pat Donovan: We’re going to get cut off. We get 14 seconds and call you right back. But listen, Thank you so much.

Angela Marsden: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Pat Donovan: Thanks, bye.


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