3 Things You Should Know About Male Pattern Hair Loss And Balding

Losing your hair can make you lose your confidence. Hair, being one’s “crown of glory”, as they say. In that effect, it’s a treasure that should be taken care of circumspectly and prudently. So why go for cheap, unaccredited hair products that may pose a threat to what remains of the locks atop your head?

Find solutions here, and learn about 3 crucial pieces of information you should know regarding hair loss.

Facts About Hair Loss

1. Male Pattern Baldness Is More Common Than You Think

The fact remains that more than half of the world’s male population experiences male pattern baldness, from as young as 30 years’ of age to 50 years and over. The majority, belonging to the latter.

This is because the more prevalent cause of balding has to do with age. The older one becomes, the more likely he is to undergo balding. One might not be able to pinpoint the exact age this will occur. Nonetheless, it probably will, soon enough.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of balding in men. This classification of hair loss has to do with genes, and how your body reacts to a particular type of hormone referred to as “dihydrotestosterone.”

Dihydrotestosterone is an androgen that is among the vital hormones which play a role in male development during inception, as well as in puberty. There is relatively little evidence as to exactly how it works. Be that as it may, instability in this androgen is what impedes hair follicles and blood vessels to help produce the average amount of hair. Until, ultimately, they stop growing hair altogether.

2. Hair Loss Is, Technically, Reversible

Not on its own. Rather, with the right type of treatment. It is important to note, however, that hair loss is generally reversible at a certain extent. It’s an irregularity from what should be a “normal” hair cycle. With that statement, it can be brought back to a close-to-natural hair growth rhythm.

Only advanced androgenetic alopecia is irreversible.

Be that as it may, treatments and the way your follicles will respond to either your genes or your age may no longer spark hair growth in the manner and speed that they used to, say, a couple of decades ago.

But what treatments such as finasteride and minoxidil can do is stimulate the movement of androgens, so much so that blood can flow in the vessels in your scalp and cause the protein cells in your roots to nourish the roots themselves.

3. Hair Loss Treatments Are NoT Miracles

They take time. And their effects vary per person, too. One might see very little differences in hair thickening, while another may experience an abundance of locks-galore, as the treatment progresses.

We will say that based on medical research, products such as finasteride and minoxidil are among the most effective, in terms of hair loss products. Always trust what’s scientifically-backed, instead of going for cheap alternatives that will do more harm than good for your hair.

Also put to mind that though such products are easy to avail of (they are “non-prescription”, and may be found in pharmacies that are licensed to sell them), you are to consult your physician regardless.

You will want to be aware of ingredients in these hair loss solutions that may cause allergic reactions and/or abnormal side effects (possibly to a current medication you are taking along with them).