By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 01/12/2020 – Teague Egan is the Founder and CEO of EnergyX. He is responsible for all aspects of building the company into the world leader in renewable energy technologies. His focus is on all aspects of commercializing the LiTAS™ tech for lithium extraction and solid-state battery electrolytes. He believes 100 hour work weeks, and little sleep is the recipe for success.

As a serial entrepreneur, investor, inventor, and philanthropist what was your greatest lesson of 2020?

Ironically I went into 2020 as my year of sacrifice. Before every new year, I make a list of about 10 New Year’s Resolutions and dedicate the year to a theme. 2020 was my year of sacrifice. For the first time in my life, I spent the NYE all alone, in my house, writing emails and reading a book. 2020 turned out to be the year of sacrifice for everyone. I guess the lesson learned was you never know what’s around the corner, so live every day like it’s your last. Love your family and friends because you never know when you might lose one, and appreciate what you have including things like socialization because it might all be taken away.

Your company, EnergyX in collaboration with Logan Paul gave away a Red and a White Tesla for Christmas. Tell us more. 

We at EnergyX share the same vision as Logan of transitioning to a fully sustainable energy future. While many people only look at Logan for his massive following, he is actually a brilliant businessman and passionate environmentalist. We set up the giveaway with a crowdfunding campaign to provide a really promising opportunity and utilizing a global platform to promote the EmergyX brand giving people the opportunity to invest small amounts in our high-growth company. The minimum investment in our current raise is just $98 making it more accessible for people to get in early. I’ve been happy with the response we got for the Giveaway and ultimately we’ve changed two people’s lives, which is great!

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Tell us about EnergyX and your philosophy behind the company. 

EnergyX was conceived when I was on a sabbatical exploring South America. I was traveling across the Salar de Uyuni, in the mountains of Bolivia, where I came to learn that this area is home to the world’s single largest lithium reserves, which are predominantly untapped. It was at this moment that I saw a huge opportunity with the exponentially increasing demand for lithium, and EnergyX was born! Our overarching mission is to power a completely sustainable energy future, and the way we are approaching that problem is making lithium (which is one of the most important components of batteries) more accessible and more abundant. Lithium is like the new oil, sometimes referred to as “white petroleum”. Oil and gas currently power our energy infrastructure. When batteries take that role, lithium will be one of the most important natural resources. So by creating a more cost-effective method of lithium production, we can reduce the cost of rechargeable batteries, electric vehicles, and other clean technologies, and that’s when you really start to see this shift towards a completely renewable energy future.

You have launched an investment campaign. Share your vision. 

Millennials and Gen Y people care about this climate change movement and the movement towards sustainability. The demand is absolutely massive; they can’t make electric cars fast enough right now. Our crowdfunding campaign with NetCapital enables members of the public to invest as little as $98. It’s a pretty unique opportunity because we’re still not a public company but this crowdfunding platform allows people to buy stock in high growth private companies before they go public.

Tell us about some of the great achievements of EnergyX and why it is critical for people to pay attention to. 

We’ve had some great achievements and have formed some amazing partnerships, including our work with Dr. John Goodenough, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the lithium-ion battery. He is a legend in our industry, and I am in awe of his accomplishments. I don’t know anyone else who is 97 years old, much less 80 years old, still working day in and day out to further his field. His experience and knowledge of the industry are unmatched. Other major wins include our partnerships with Orocobre, the third biggest lithium producer in South America, who will help with our DLE technologies.

Please share your social media links. Instagram – @energyx @teagueegan Facebook Twitter – @energyx @TeagueEgan