BNO passports are the British National Overseas passports that are held by millions of Hong Kong citizens that show that they were once British citizenship holder. These people will automatically be eligible for visas along with their dependents.

Many legal blogs and news portals at the moment are talking about only this as this has led to a little rift between the UK and China. The BNO Visa or the British National (Overseas) Visa was presented by the British Government in response to the new security law presented by China. The new law abrogates the guarantee of opportunity to the settlement of Hong Kong in 1997 and henceforth, brought about individuals escaping the actual province. For a more in-depth discussion on the same, you can consult a good UK immigration lawyer.

The opportunity and self-sufficiency of Hong Kong were composed under the Sino-British joint announcement endorsed in 1984. The security crackdown has been deciphered as checking of opportunity yet the Chinese government says that it is important to control the constant turmoil that has been spreading in Hong Kong. However, the British government has taken this opportunity to bring over residents from mainland Hong Kong to the UK along with their dependents and give them all British Citizenship.

More than 5.2 million individuals are assessed to be BNO identification holders in Hong Kong which makes them qualified for a BNO visa. As of late, a couple of sources have referred to that more than 4000 Hong Kong residents have effectively enlisted out of which half of the uses are of Hong Kong individuals living in Britain itself. Many of them have been asked to hire a UK immigration lawyer to help them understand the process better.

The estimated number of migrants has led everyone to believe that it would be a disaster for Hong Kong and subsequently China, debates continue on legal blogs and news portals.

The British government has effectively permitted numerous Hong Kong residents who have escaped the Chinese security crackdown impermanent settlement in the UK. It has been accounted for that this visa would draw in more than 3,00,000 hong kong inhabitants and their families to Britain.

There has been a great deal of turmoil on the spilt information around 5100 applications that have been gotten yet the British Government has expressed that they would offer no remarks on the spilt information and soon the data with respect to the BNO conspire and different subtleties would be reported soon. China and Hong Kong have now quit perceiving BNO identifications as substantial travel records. This new principle became effective on 31st Jan 2021.

Hong Kong was previously a British settlement and was given over to terrain China in 1997, getting one of its Special Administrative Regions (SAR). he established report is a result of the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, under which China vowed to respect Hong Kong’s liberal strategies, the arrangement of administration, autonomous legal executive, and individual opportunities for a time of a long time from 1997.

It is represented by a smaller than expected constitution called the Basic Law, which certifies the rule of “one country, two frameworks”.

Hope these articles gave you an idea of why suddenly the Hong Kong residents are making applications for British citizenship and contacting the UK immigration lawyers as fast as they can.

The security that China poses to the freedom of Hong Kong at the moment is yet not sure if its true or not. The discussions and debates have been constant and may stay the same or result in a new cold war between the two nations. Let’s see how it proceeds.

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