By Jules Lavallee 

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 4/9/2021 – Marlounsly is ready to take over 2021. She is a Haitian-American singer-songwriter from West Palm Beach, FL, who has amassed millions of views and streams. Her new song, “I Am” is an inspiring piece of work that tells listeners to know their worth. “I Am” makes use of a storyline and imagery that listeners all over can relate to.

You have amassed a huge social media following. What is your secret to success? 

I’d say I found my sound and never got caught up in comparing myself to anyone else.

That type of confidence radiates and inspires people to become supporters. Tell us about your background.

My background in music really developed when I developed this obsession with learning lyrics. I’d do this everyday when I got home from elementary school, and in 4th grade, I did my first talent show! Growing up my favorite artist was Mariah Carey.

Your new immaculate jam titled, “I Am” is a song of inspiration and gaining recognition. What is your vision for this song?

My vision is girl power for this song! Finally being done with someone or something that was stealing your peace is the best feeling ever, and if someone else could resonate then I’ve accomplished my job.

Why is this song so important to you? 

1040 and I worked on it together, and we’re also from the same city, so the collaboration was iconic. It was important for us to deliver an inspiring message, but with those beat drops that made it R&B and poppy.

You have a lot planned for 2021. Tell us about your upcoming projects.

This year I feel like I’ve grown so much even vocally, and I’m ready to unleash my rollout of bops.







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