By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 6/23/2021- Two water-inspired powerhouses are partnering to combat water and sanitation insufficiencies with music. Dondolo, Inc., founded by Lumbie Mlambo and Viva Con Agua, founded by Micha & Agnes Fritz will host a virtual music contest for independent music artists on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021. This competition will intake original music content (no instrumentals) starting on Tuesday, June 1st, 2021, to Sunday, August 1st, 2021. E360tv will feature the top winners and celebrate all contestants during the virtual gala award ceremony on Saturday, October 16th, 2021. JB Dondolo, Inc. will disclose details about the gala in September 2021. The top three winners will win a 1-year distribution deal for their original composition with Grand Mountain International Records-Germany. Other supporters include Disinfect and Shield, I Support the Girls, Los Angeles, and Grand Mountain International Records-Germany. The Hollywood Times spoke with Lumbie Mlambo and the winners of the 2020 contest.

Lumbie, Tell us about why you launched the Music for Water music competition. 

Music for Water competition launched in 2020 during the toughest times of COVID-19. We wanted to help communities without water, sanitation, and hygiene. It felt like the right time to help since we knew there were communities struggling to get these basic necessities. For JB Dondolo, Inc. this was the moment to reach out to the most vulnerable communities in the Navajo Nation and get these products to them. At the same time, we wanted to comfort and inspire everyone with a water song. So, while we were helping vulnerable communities, we sought to find a water inspired song internationally.

You joined forces with celebrities for your 2020 competition. Tell us more.  

Yes, we did. We received endorsements from celebrities like Daniel Dod-Ellis, Ny’a, Ben Lecomte, and IMAJ. They were our influencers and helped to get the message out. We’re very grateful for their support. They continue to support the 2021 Music for Water Competition aimed at helping Skid Row unhoused population in California with hygiene products.

Tell us about the winners of the competition.

Five (5) musicians won the 2020 Music for Water competition. The winners got to perform at our Voices for Water Awards held in November, 2020. The winning song by Shawna Linzy was revealed at this event. Her song became JB Dondolo’s theme song for the year. Of the winners, Thuliso Dingwall, Sydney Cope, and Shawna Linzy got a one-time distribution deal from Grand Mountain International Records (G.M.I.R.), the international record label. You’re sure to hear their music on various platforms including Spotify. This year all three are leading and rallying the 2021 Music for Water competition, giving their heart and soul to this cause.

What did you learn that day?  

I learned that it takes a village to get something big done. If you go it alone, you’ll never get there. If you work together as a team, a lot can be achieved in no time.

How excited are you for the 2021 competition? Tell us about it.  

I’m very excited about teaming up with Viva con Agua Music to get the Music for Water campaign to the next level. They’re the perfect partner anyone could hope for. Also, I’m humbled to collaborate with I Support the Girls on the collection and distribution of hygiene products. The alignment speaks to both our mission and values. I am more than happy to have returning partners G.M.I.R. and Disinfect & Shield. Because I know this is our second year doing this, I’m hoping that the feedback we received makes a difference. I’m looking forward to the song submissions and also excited to collaborate with some well-known music industry judges. This year we’re getting lots of endorsements from people who like what we do and want to be a part of this initiative.

I’m grateful to be working with the 2020 winners. I can’t express my gratitude enough when it comes to the leader of this initiative – Beatrice Davis. She’s a tireless, hardworking individual I’ve ever met. Without her, none of this would be possible.

I’m also grateful to the core team, Rachel Svetanoff, Patricia Ellis, and Nikkia Glover for their hard work on this initiative!

What are your goals for this event?  

The goal is to raise funds so we can help California’s Skid Row unhoused population with water and hygiene. No donation is too small. While we look for our 2021 water theme song, we hope to give all 10,000 people some relief. Also, we need all musicians out there to submit their water songs at

Now, the winners!

Shawna Linzy, You are well known for your original music. Tell us about your recent songs.

Most recently, I received a worldwide music distribution deal with G.M.I.R. (Grand Mountain International Records) as the 2020 inaugural winner of the JB Dondolo Global Music for Water competition with my song, “Live Love” which is now available on online music platforms!

I am an independent artist and have released multiple songs, all of which are available on online music platforms. A couple are the inspirational singles, “Let’s Ride” and “Let’s Ride 2.” I am also a professionally represented actress and have had the opportunity of performing in commercials, plays, award-winning films and award-winning podcast.

I created and performed the theme song for a global award-winning podcast, “The Water Tales” which originally aired this year.  “Live Love”  earned J. B. Dondolo Water Song of the Year! I am incredibly honored to be able to use my voice for such a noble cause and bring awareness to the need for clean water locally, nationally, and globally to help save lives. This year, the organization is fundraising for the homeless of Skid Row in Los Angeles.I also voiced several characters for this children’s podcast on the importance of drinking water.

In April 2021, I was involved as an actor, music supervisor, theme song performer, and helped produce for an upcoming film based on a heart-wrenching true story. For more about me, my released music, and any upcoming releases you can visit:

Film productions that I have been involved in can be found at:

Link to my song “Live Love” (Music for Water) Proceeds from the sale of my song “Live Love” help the mission of the JB Dondolo organization in supplying clean water and sanitation items to impoverished communities and those in need.

Shawn Linzy

How did you hear about the Music for Water competition? 

I had the opportunity of attending the 2019 J. B. Dondolo Equanimity awards with my husband (Tim) in support of my most endeared friend who received an award during the ceremony. I was greatly inspired by Lumbie Mlambo and her esteemed organization, JB Dondolo, and all that they are doing for others and the remarkable level of compassion that they have for humanity. It was during this time that I learned of the Music for Water competition.

Your song “Jesus” reached #1 on online music platforms. What was the creative process behind the song?

Creatively, I love writing to inspire and the song, “Jesus” is a song that I wrote and performed as praise and gratitude to Jesus for who He is and the loving sacrifice that He paid for us. After recording the song, it was shared on an online platform for independent artists and reached #1 in its category out of thousands.

What did you learn?

I learned more about the JB Dondolo organization and how involved the organization is in supplying clean water, sanitation, and other needed items to impoverished communities. Not only locally but nationally and globally. I also learned that it’s estimated globally, (including right here in the U.S.) that over 800,000 people will die each year as a result of unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. A large majority of those deaths are in children under the age of 5. This is unfathomable. Yet, we have the power to help change this preventable outcome by simply getting involved to address these issues.

  1. B. Dondolo is in action making it happen which is truly inspirational and admirable! To learn more and how to help please visit:

I look forward to further collaboration with J. B. Dondolo. Additionally, I hope that my song, “Live Love” motivates others to get involved in the wonderful mission of this organization which is helping to save lives. I also hope that my song not only inspires worldwide for generations to come but will move people into action to help others with its core message.

I encourage all artists, singers, and songwriters to submit their song to the 2021, J. B. Dondolo Music for Water competition! There is also an awesome distribution deal for the winners with G.M.I.R. (Grand Mountain International Records) To learn more about the competition and how to enter visit:

Sydney Cope, How did you hear about the competition? 

I met Lumbie Mlambo a couple years back at another non profit organization called Polka Dots For Peace, and she reached out to me about this competition! After learning more about JB Dondolo’s Music For Water Organization, I was excited to share a song that could give back to those in need!

Sydney Cope

What song did you choose for the contest? 

I wrote a song called “Underwater” for this competition! It’s about taking a breath and enjoying silence as a break to regroup before facing the difficulties life might bring along your journey!


How were you changed from the experience? 

This project came at a great time in my life, and reminded me how important it is to give back to those that aren’t as fortunate as many individuals might be! I love giving back and helping others in need, and to be able to give back through music!

Can you share a beautiful moment from the day? 

I started writing this song at my house over quarantine in my pool, and got the idea from putting my ears underwater to escape from the noise around. I felt peace and tranquillity, which inspired the meaning behind the song!

Thuliso Dingwall, Why was this competition so important to you ?

It was important for me to enter this competition because it was a chance for exposure and it sheds light on a not so talked about topic that needs to have more attention, not just on a national but global scale as well.

Thuliso Dingwall

How did this contest open your eyes to those in need?

The contest opened my eyes because I really did not realize how many people go without clean water. It’s actually very upsetting and through the song making process that’s something I wanted to emphasize.

You were so moved by the experience and the work by JB Dondolo, Inc., that you decided to join forces. Tell us more. 

I’m currently an ambassador for the music for water competition and can not wait to promote, encourage and enlighten people on the good that’s being done here at JB Dondolo through social media.

Tell us about the day they announced the winners. 

The Day they announced the winners, I was nervous but was confident in my skill and music that I would hopefully be named one of the winners and that turned out to be the case. It was very exciting and I’m blessed and thankful for having been chosen.

Lumbie, What are your goals for this event?  

The goal is to raise funds so we can help California’s Skid Row unhoused population with water and hygiene. No donation is too small. While we look for our 2021 water theme song, we hope to give all 10,000 people some relief. Also, we need all musicians out there to submit their water songs at