By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 6/17/2021- Meghan Krauss has a new album to share with the world, produced by Stephen McKnight, and mastered by Grammy award-winning engineer Howie Weinberg.

Tell us about your first solo project and the debut album.

This album- (the first of my solo career) Is really about deciding to lean more toward my passion both musically and emotionally. I wanted this album to help me express more of myself in ways I think a lot of my fans and friends haven’t experienced yet.

 Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Inspiration is a funny thing, as it can be drawn upon from so many outlets. Of course emotions – be it Love, loss, pain, perseverance… those are the obvious ones. Sometimes though, inspiration can come from a conversation with a friend, or a passage that you read in the newspaper, or even a dream.

How does this album reveal more of yourself musically and emotionally?

This album is far more personal to me than any I’ve made so far. Many of the songs and stories were pulled “straight from the headlines” of my life. “Let me introduce Myself Again” for example, was written about the music industry and how it left me feeling a bit out of control. For many years I didn’t have control of “my likeness” or creating content that spoke to my personal creative vision. I’ve always been a big fan of soulful bluesy vocals, and I’ve loved pop music since I was a little girl belting out Whitney before I think I could even walk. Having an opportunity to create a marriage of those musical passions for me has been incredibly rewarding.

Tell us about your song “Let Me Introduce Myself Again”

Let Me Introduce Myself Again is all about the “come up”! This song is about taking life by the balls and creating your own reality. No need to cow tail to someone else’s needs or something that doesn’t speak to your happiness or authenticity. “If you push me now like you did back then you’re going to see another side”.

What is your mantra? How does it relate to your music?

My mantra is simply ‘be kind’. Be kind to yourself and those you come in contact with. Be kind to the planet and all the living beings within it. Be kind to YOU. I think with respect to this album, the kindness is speaking in reference to one’s self. I spent a lot of time beating myself up – or remaining in relationships that maybe weren’t the best for me – Whether it was romantic or business. This album speaks to changing your perspective and creating something different for yourself. Being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to anybody.

What does it take to shine in this business?

Ah! The “magic formula”! Man! Isn’t that the million-dollar question? Lol. I think what it takes to shine in this business, is a willingness to express yourself honestly and authentically even in the face of naysayers. Also, be kind to yourself and embrace failures just as you would triumphs. Get back up, dust yourself Off, and do it again.

What is next for you?

I’m really looking forward to getting out there and playing this album live for everybody. The stage and live performance is where I feel the greatest joy. I can’t wait to catch you guys at a show! (YouTube Playlist)