Announcing Relocation of the Transgender Health and Wellness Center to Palm Springs and Andee Kaskiw as the 1st Transgender President of a Board of Directors of a Non-Profit in the Inland Empire.

The Transgender Health and Wellness Center (THAWC), a Transgender-led center that services the entire Inland Empire and beyond, announced today that it has relocated its main headquarters to Palm Springs at 340 S. Farrell Drive, #A208, Palm Springs, California. Along with this exciting development, THAWC’s Board of Directors has announced the election of Andee Kaskiw as its President. It’s believed that Ms. Kaskiw, a transgender woman, will be the first transgender president of a non-profit ever in the whole of the Inland Empire!

THAWC now has two locations (with the announcement of a third location to be made shortly) in Palm Springs and Riverside, California.

Ms. Kaskiw brings a wealth of experience to her new position. Not only has she “walked the walk” of a transgender woman, but she also spent her entire career in management and consulting in several segments of the healthcare and insurance industries. Until she retired, Ms. Kaskiw was a principle with  PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

About the Transgender Health and Wellness Center

We Are a Transgender Led Organization! THAWC is a transgender led organization meaning that it employs 65% or more transgender identifying persons at its centers. THAWC is the ONLY transgender-led organization in the Inland Empire and one of only a few such organizations in the United States Why does this matter? Because the “T” is often left out of the “LGBTQ+”
equation. On average, a transgender-led organization receives a small fraction of each dollar donated to LGBTQ+ organizations.
The Needs of Our Community Are Many!

The transgender community remains the highest statistic in unemployment, job discrimination, harassment, murder, HIV diagnosis and suicide. To change this fact by directly supporting transgender-led organizations that invest the most back into this
marginalized community.

We Make a Difference. We Provide Services to this Community!
We provide a multitude of services to the underserved transgender community as well as to others in the LGBTQ+ community. Our services include, as follows:

Mental Heath

• Free mental health care and counseling to support the emotional and physical
well-being of the individual.
• Referral to emotional and peer support groups that are age appropriate.

Physical Health Care

• Adolescent and Teen Medical Services including general medical care,
gynecological exams/family planning/reproductive health, hormone therapy and
hormone blockers.
• Sexual Health – Free safer sex materials, internal and external condoms, dental
dams, lube, PrEP/PEP Education and linkage, free HIV/STI testing.
• Laser hair removal and electrolysis.
Homeless Resources:

• Referrals for homeless services, emergency shelters, and referrals to youth
• Assistance to abused foster children seeking new placement;
• Emergency clothing for individuals who are often left homeless after being kicked
out of their family’s housing;
• Emergency hygiene supplies;
• Human and pet food; and much more.
Transitioning Services:

• Transitional clothing for individuals who are transitioning;
• Name and gender change assistance for individuals who are transitioning;
• Workforce development: Resume and cover letter building, mock interview
workshops, job skills training and placement
• Perfect Pitch Program (Voice/Speech Therapy)
• We work closely to empower the local community and connect them with
employment opportunities.

For more information about THAWC, go to If you would like
to donate to THAWC, please contact Thomi Clinton at [email protected].