Turner Classic Movies (TCM), the leader in airing uncut, commercial-free classic films for 27 years, today unveiled a network rebrand that reflects the evolution in the way modern audiences are engaging with classic movies. TCM’s new tagline “Where Then Meets Now” further establishes the network as the destination and catalyst for reframing the conversation around 20th century films for the 21st century.


“Everything old is new and classic movies are no exception,” said Pola Changnon, general manager of TCM. “Our new look better reflects the vibrant brand and respected industry authority that TCM has become over the years, with an eye toward the future. Fans can still enjoy the same curated classic film experience, now presented with a bold new energy that reflects today’s audience.”

Developing the next chapter of the brand, TCM worked with Sibling Rivalry on developing the tagline and dynamic creative packaging. The new logo focuses on the energy of the C in TCM that comes to life in print and video. The double ‘C’ represents a modern take on the classic film lens and the four key ‘Cs’ of the brand – curation, context, connection, and culture, all of which are at the heart of TCM. For the overall creative conceit, the network went back in time, using the vibrant tones of the original Technicolor spectrum to frame and elevate the black and white imagery of classic films.

For the sonic identity, the network collaborated with Made Music Studio to create a custom sound that will give life to the new and colorful conceit. The TCM ‘song’ is a mash-up of several genres, including pop and the rapture of strings, which are a nod to iconic Hollywood musicals.

In addition to the packaging refresh, the on-air sets for TCM Hosts Ben Mankiewicz, Eddie Muller, Alicia Malone, Dave Karger, and Jacqueline Stewart will be reimagined and updated to lean into the personalities of each host with a more contemporary direction. Ben Mankiewicz’s new set will debut on TCM in primetime tonight, with subsequent sets revealed in the coming weeks.

Culture morphs, tastes change and new stars are born, but TCM has remained a constant in Hollywood for almost three decades, currently ranking as a Top 30 cable network and has recently expanded beyond linear with a branded classics hub experience on HBO Max. Leveraging the vast film libraries from Warner Bros., HBO Max is a top streaming destination for movie fans, with TCM hosting their annual Classic Film Festival on the service this year.
About Turner Classic Movies (TCM)
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) is a two-time Peabody Award-winning network that presents classic films, uncut and commercial-free, from the largest film libraries in the world highlighting “where then meets now.” TCM features the insights from Primetime host Ben Mankiewicz along with hosts Alicia Malone, Dave Karger, Jacqueline Stewart and Eddie Muller, plus interviews with a wide range of special guests and serves as the ultimate movie lover destination. With more than two decades as a leading authority in classic film, TCM offers critically acclaimed series like The Essentials, along with annual programming events like 31 Days of Oscar® and Summer Under the Stars. TCM also directly connects with movie fans through popular events such as the annual TCM Classic Film Festival in Hollywood, the TCM Big Screen Classics screening series, and the TCM Classic Cruise. In addition, TCM produces the wildly successful podcast “The Plot Thickens,” which has had more than 2 million downloads to date. TCM hosts a wealth of material online at tcm.com and through the Watch TCM mobile app. Fans can also enjoy a classic movie experience on the Classics Curated by TCM hub on HBO Max.