Leica Gallery Los Angeles

Story and photographs by Jimmy Steinfeldt

All photos shot with the Leica D-Lux 6

Jeff Garlin, Amelia Davis, Michelle Margretts

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 10/7/21 – Jim Marshall was perhaps the greatest music photographer of all time. He certainly thought so!

Marshall was a Type A personality. He not only was a genius with the camera but he’d let nothing get in his way of taking the best possible photograph. In the documentary Show Me The Picture: The Story of Jim Marshall we learn that there was another side to his abrasive personality. A bright light that got him accepted to the inner circle of the musical artists he photographed. When Miles Davis (also a Type A personality) learned that Marshall had taken the close and intimate photographs of John Coltrane, Davis said “I want Jim Marshall to take my photos”.

Jeff Garlin, Amelia Davis

Marshall was very well known for using Leica cameras throughout his career. He believed that to take great pictures you should use great cameras. He valued his Leica’s so much he kept them in a big safe.

President of Leica Mike Giannattasio

Marshall photographed much more than musicians. He documented historical events particularly of the 1960s: The Civil Rights Movement, The Peace Movement, and much more. He always returned however to his first love, being part of and photographing music. Whether it was Jazz, Rock, Blues, Country it didn’t matter to him. It was all about the music and the musicians who created and performed it.

Last night the Leica Gallery Los Angeles hosted a great event to a full house. A screening of the film, a book signing, and a discussion of Jim Marshall’s life and career (he passed away in 2010). Actor and accomplished photographer Jeff Garlin, and owner of the Jim Marshall Estate Amelia Davis led the discussion. Michelle Margetts who also plays an important role in the film joined the discussion with stories about working with Marshall.

Leica’s Mike Giannattasio and Paris Chong

Leica’s staff were crucial in making this special event happen including President Mike Giannattasio, Gallery Director Paris Chong, General Manager James Agnew, and Director of Marketing Kiran Karnani.

I met Marshall a few times and was able to tell him how much he influenced me and my photography. He was always on the move looking for that next photograph but at least I was able to get off this photo of the great Jim Marshall. I learned much more about Marshall in this wonderful and unique film and I highly recommend it. I also recommend the beautifully written and curated book of the same title. https://www.jimmarshallphotographyllc.com/