By Debra Wallace
Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 12/22/21 – Patti Negri is Hollywood’s go-to Psychic-Medium and “Good Witch,” best known for her recurring role on the Travel Channel’s #1 show Ghost Adventures.
Negri is the international best-selling author of Old World Magick for the ModernWorld: Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Balance, Empower & Create a Life you Love.
Her newest venture is in the role of Executive Vice President of ParaFlixx, a new streaming video on demand platform specializing in paranormal programming.
Negri’s newest episode of the show is part of the Discovery Channel’s streaming service launch. “Discovery is launching their streaming service DiscoveryPlus on January 4, which will present a two-hour special investigating the infamous Cecil Hotel where the mysterious death of Elisa Lam sent shockwaves throughout the world with the elevator footage that haunted us all.”
It will stream on January 4 exclusively on DiscoveryPlus on January 4.
Patti, do you think anyone has the potential to be psychic or is it something only some people can practice? 
I do think that everyone has the potential – and that we are all born with at least some psychic ability.  I think it just gets “taught out” of most of us in our modern western non-mystical society where we put so much more emphasis on our logical left brain than our creative, spiritual, artistic right brain. I think there are varying degrees of ability – but everybody can learn and develop their gift!
What do you enjoy the most?
Seeing that “light bulb” turn on in people when they realize how much more power they have in their lives than perhaps they have been using.  We are powerful divine beings – and we have free will – which makes us truly remarkable.  It’s just that so often we give our power away to other people, limiting belief systems, fear – almost anything.  But as soon as we realize we can take our power back, we can become unstoppable!
Who have been your most memorable psychic readings?
Oh wow, too many to list – and I wouldn’t even if I could due to the confidentiality, I keep with all of my clients. But I think some of my most memorable readings are those with young people just coming into adulthood and showing them the limitlessness of possibilities, they can create in their life!
What would people be surprised to know about you?
That I am terrible at making small decisions!  Like what movie to see or what to have for dinner. It’s definitely my “Libra” showing. Big and important decisions are no problem – but deciding what restaurant to go to is like pulling teeth!
You are an international best-selling author of Old World Magick for the Modern World: Tips, Tricks & Techniques to Balance, Empower and Create a Life You Love, please share your secret to balance and creating the life you have loved.
Connecting back to nature and using the basic “Mind, Body, Spirit” principle for manifesting what you want in life.
Tell us about ParaFlixx. Who is it for?
ParaFlixx is a new streaming service for anybody who likes the paranormal and is really ready for something new in the genre!  We have amazing original shows you won’t see anywhere else. Also, the best in horror and in spirituality and magickal education.  It’s for people who love all things spooky or thought-provoking and/or peeking through the veil into the other worlds!  I am also equally excited about our new offshoot University Magickus – Esoteric Mystery school and real-life Hogwarts for those ready to delve into the spiritual realm of the other worlds! The best spirituality teachers and leaders from all over the world in an easy, affordable online venue.
What does it offer?
Paraflixx offers tons of never-before-seen paranormal shows, horror films, music videos, live events, virtual events, and educational classes.
What excites you the most about ParaFlixx?
The limitlessness of possibility with this beautiful, creative format gives creative people all over the world a format to show their quality shows and films.
Any new projects to share? 
Always!  In addition to Paraflixx and University Magickus – I am proud and excited to be a part of the new My Paranormal network.  Also, a home base for all things paranormal and helmed by the producer of Ghost Adventures that I have been working and filming with for the past six years. I have two podcasts on the format now.  My Witching Hour podcast and my brand-new Patti Negri’s Haunted Journal. We have other wonderful artists like Bridget Marquardt, Sam Baltrusis, Dean Haglund, Chiwan Choi, Tammie Merhab-Chavez, and Lisa Morton.  Find us on – and wherever you get your podcasts!