By Debra Wallace

Photo Credit:  Darius Bashar

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 1/30/22 – Music sensation priyana is a 17-year-old singer-songwriter who has been singing since she was eight years old and playing the piano since she was three. She is also self-taught on the guitar and ukulele. Since she can remember, she has always loved being a musician and performer.

Her first public performance was when she was two years old for a non-profit organization called Peace Tree International. At the age of 12, she auditioned and was accepted to go to Los Angeles through iPOP, an organization that promotes emerging talents to leading agents in the industry. She performs regularly at the State of Mind Festival through Starts With Me, an organization that focuses on youth and workplace mental health.

In 2019, she was invited by “WE” to perform for their mental health division, where she publicly performed one of her songs. It was this same year priyana was awarded a semi-finalist position for my original song ‘fine.’ through the International Songwriting Competition, (ISC).

In 2021, priyana was asked by the Honorable Kathleen Wynne to sing the national anthem for her New Year’s event. She shares with the Hollywood Times her recent song, that she wrote, recorded, and produced (mixed and mastered by Mark McGugan) called forever is a long time. The second single, rose tinted lenses that she also wrote, recorded, and produced (mixed by Kevin Dietz, mastered by The Count) was just released.

When did you discover your passion for music?

I fell in love with music when I started piano lessons with my amazing teacher, Ms. Sayaka Morita, at three years old. She never pressured me to follow any specific rules and let me learn pieces that I loved. By the time I was eight years old, I discovered my passion for singing and knew that I wanted to pursue a career in music. When I was 12, I started vocal coaching with the incredible Paula Griffith. Then at 13, I began songwriting. My whole life has been music.

Where do you find your inspiration for your songwriting?

I am inspired to write songs from things I see everywhere. Random phrases or words I hear, stories I see on social media, scenes from TV shows and movies, really anything! Typically, my songwriting organically flows out of me. When I was younger, I remember asking my mom what my songs meant because the lyrics just appeared in my mind. I continue to write songs this way and I love it!

You are self-taught on the guitar and ukulele. What do you enjoy the most about these instruments?

My instrument of choice has always been piano, but I love how adding the guitar or ukulele to a song can instantly change the feel of it. I find it fascinating how I can use the same four chords to write a song and have a completely different result depending on the instrument I use.

What do you enjoy the most about performing?

Performing is everything to me. The past two years have been very hard because of how limited in-person performances have been. I was very grateful and honored to be invited to perform at the 2021 High Notes Gala in November where I finally got to do an in-person performance again! I’ve always taken every opportunity to perform because I feel at home when I’m on stage. It feels comfortable and safe as well as energizing and empowering!

Tell us about your song, forever is a long time.

Because of the pandemic, I was able to register for a vocal class through my school district’s online option, which ironically wouldn’t have been available to me at my in-person home school. In this class, my wonderful teacher, Mr. Newberry asked us to write and produce a song.

As I mentioned, my songwriting has always come to me organically, so this was the first time I ever wrote a song because I had to. At first, I was a bit stuck as this was a new process, but as a huge Billie Eilish fan, I had watched her documentary countless times (I probably have the whole thing memorized by now!) and was inspired to get a journal to scribble and doodle my thoughts like she does. I remember one of the phrases that flowed out of me was ‘forever is a long time’ and I immediately knew I wanted to write a song using that as the title.

Once the title was in my mind the lyrics began to flow as they normally do and I wrote the song. When I reflect back on the lyrics, I realize the song represents my feelings through the pandemic. ‘forever is a long time’ ended up being the first single from my upcoming debut album!

Please share your musical influences.

The people that I am influenced by the most are Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, and FINNEAS. I’ve had so much respect for their talent from the moment I heard their music. I found myself watching their interviews and performances and saw how amazing they are not just as musicians but as humans; what they stand for, how grounded they are, and their authenticity. All three of them inspire me to not only be a better artist, but also a better person.

Right now, I’m trialing multiple styles of music to see what resonates with me, however, I know the experience I want people to have through me and my music is to feel seen, understood, and safe.

What are you currently working on?

My next song from my album, ‘rose tinted lenses’ was just released, and currently completing my last year of high school and working on my album.


Where do you see yourself in 2022?

I want 2022 to be all about connecting with people in meaningful ways, working with other songwriters, collaborating with various producers, and hopefully getting back to more frequent in-person performances! And as I always do, I want to be writing and recording in my bedroom alongside my dogs, Sydney and El.

Please share your social media and other links with my readers.

YouTube: priyana
