By Debra Wallace

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 04/1/2022 — Growing up with the name Hilfiger as the niece of the icon in the fashion industry, had its advantages and challenges for ‘It Girl’ Jaimie Hilfiger.

In fact, speculation about nepotism lending a hand in the rise of her skincare and beauty empire could not be further from the truth.

The internationally known model, actress, and spokesperson has established a successful skincare and beauty business, The Jaimie Hilfiger Collection, that is clearly changing the way that women see their skin.

Along with her top-notch team, Jaimie is well on her way to creating a legacy of her own that will go down in history with the Hilfiger family name.

Her story starts in the first grade when she began booking modeling gigs and appearing in various campaigns, including the infamous Sears Department Store catalog. She continued to work as a model, essentially growing up in front of the camera.

While the family name opened doors for her in the beginning, it has been Jaimie’s sole responsibility to make a lasting impression and feed the seed that piqued her interests.

Jaimie has appeared on the cover of more than 30 magazines, both nationally and internationally, and earned the International Model Award from the Hollywood F.A.M.E. Association.

By immersing herself in the industry and taking on an attitude of sheer determination, Jaimie has parlayed her early success in acting and modeling into a burgeoning beauty empire.

Jaimie has a great deal of sage advice as a successful entrepreneur, business leader, and international role model.

“Your dream will become your mother and father, so you’d better love it just about more than anything else. In order to be truly successful, you need two qualities: You the will, and the way,” she explained. “The will is the passion for your dream and the way is the muscle to get it done.”

What is it like to know you are inspiring girls and young women with your skincare and beauty empire?

 What’s so beautiful about the industry I am in is that it lets you express your true self whether it be through modeling, designing, photography, etc. When social media became a platform for model entrepreneurs like myself to share tidbits of their lives with their followers, I decided right from the beginning that I wanted to be a positive light in this cyber world. I wanted to be the kind of entrepreneur who makes other entrepreneurs want to step up their own games. That goes two ways.

For one, I only wanted to share positive experiences on my platforms. I understand that life isn’t always perfect, but we rise by uplifting others. I wanted to make sure my platforms are pages viewers can come to when they want to see all of the beautiful and positive things that life has to offer. Also, I chose to always use my voice in a supportive and positive way to others on social media. When women support each other, incredible things happen. Always remember that empowered women, empower women.

How difficult is it to have a famous moniker? Did it ever keep business associates from taking you seriously?

 Growing up Hilfiger certainly gives you a unique front-row look at the fashion world and a true appreciation of the beauty that creates the art of fashion. Since my first love has always been beauty over fashion, having a famous relative in the fashion world hasn’t affected my identity in the beauty world. I’m very thankful to have established my name in the beauty industry all on my own.

Who/what inspires you to be your best?

 Becoming successful in the beauty industry takes a lot of work. You constantly have to be one foot ahead of others and really have an eye out for evolution. It’s important to differentiate yourself from all the other brands out there. Beauty and skincare have always been my first love (over fashion) which people find surprising. If it doesn’t challenge you; it won’t change you. If you continue to make easy moves and decisions, you will never be challenged. Looking at taking on business challenges as adventures and keeping this in mind while traveling will draw incredible inspiration. We are all surrounded by beauty in our daily lives. Every day is a new inspiration.

How do you work to find balance in your life?

I began modeling at a very young age so whenever I’m asked about finding a balance between working and creating relaxation of my mind first. I am so lucky that my work is also my passion, so I truly enjoy what I do. Now that The Jaimie Hilfiger Collection by La Curcio Skincare has been introduced to the market, my hobbies have expanded into really discovering and learning more about the beauty industry. The biggest hobby outside of work is luxuriating and flourishing extensively.

What are you most proud of, both personally and professionally?

 Over the years, there are so many professional experiences that stand out for me. My big break came when I was scouted in Times Square and became Miss Howard Stern TV. Growing up I was always a huge Howard Stern fan and having the opportunity to become Miss Howard TV was an honor for me.

This really catapulted my television career leading to numerous television appearances, including an E! Network series TV show. I have also appeared on over 30 magazine covers, nationally and internationally, and earned the International Model Award from the Hollywood F.A.M.E. association. Another moment that stands out in my career was being named “The Next Kim Kardashian” by Huffington Post and “The Next Paris Hilton” by Yahoo! News. Personally, I am most proud of my beautiful family which I am very private about.

Jaimie Lynn Hilfiger. Photo Credit: Miranda Seuss

What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs and change-makers?

 I would give aspiring entrepreneurs and change-makers three tips that I have learned for success.

  1. Do not lose sight of who you are and your own personal style – Many times people told me to change up my image and to stop being so glamorous all the time. After discussing this with my publicist at the time she explained to me that being glamorous is who I am and it’s what makes me recognizable.
  2. Do not give up – Whether you want a career in modeling or designing there is a lot of rejection in the fashion industry. If it’s something, you truly want then it’s important to never give up and never lose sight of your ultimate goal. I always say not to lose track of your north.
  3. Do not take yourself too seriously – as I mentioned before, the fashion world is a constant rotation of trends evolving over time. One fashion mistake that you think you have made may be an amazing photograph year down the line. I love to look back at my older modeling photos and share them on social media because I may not have liked them back then, but they look really cool and current now.

How did growing up in a major business family shape who you are and have become?

 I had an eye for beauty and fashion from the start, and my parents always encouraged me to follow my dreams even though they both were not in the entertainment or fashion field. At an early age, I possessed an innate understanding of my inner power that comes from looking and feeling my best. I was always very explorative and creative growing up. I was very interested in fashion, dressing, and choosing my own outfits with accessories. Once I started modeling around age seven, I fell more in love with clothing, hair, and makeup. I honestly never considered another career other than modeling and becoming a beauty entrepreneur. It has been engraved in my soul since before I can remember.

What are current and emerging trends in the skincare and beauty world?

 My collection benefits from La Curcio’s 40 years in the skincare business and is shaped by our intentional approach to developing products that are beautiful and safe for the skin and our planet. Clean, cruelty-free, and void of toxic fragrances, the products are bottled in recyclable packaging. Each skincare product features natural ingredients like orange flower, sage, rose, and chamomile, and is specifically formulated to support skin through hydration and anti-aging technology with texture perfection.

When you have motivational speeches what are your main messages to your audience?

 I knew that it wouldn’t be easy to develop a brand around my own name. If you’re thinking about going into business, start by asking yourself if you can do anything else. If you can, do the other thing. And it’s ok to do the other thing. But if your passion is so strong that your business is the only thing you can do, then, and only then, you should do it. Because in order to accomplish your dream, it will probably come at the expense of just about everything else.

What have you learned about yourself through difficult times?

 Despite my diligence and singular desire to build a modeling career, my earliest endeavors were often met with rejection. The biggest challenge that I have faced when I first reemerged into the modeling industry was that my slight stature made landing runway gigs difficult, but I was undaunted. Determined, I pivoted and was soon gracing magazine covers. As of today, I have appeared on over 30 of some of the biggest fashion magazine covers, nationally and internationally. If you want people to believe in you, first you have to believe in yourself.

Jaimie Lynn Hilfiger. Photo Credit: Miranda Seuss

You are known for bringing beauty and brands to market that align with your desire to pair health and wellbeing with glamor. Why is this important to you?

 I have always had an intuition, a calling to help others cultivate confidence through an intentional approach to self-care. As I developed a successful career as an international model and fashion icon, I sat happily in the seats of the best makeup artists and skincare experts in the world. However, my extensive experience revealed an urgent need for high-performance products with healthy ingredients and earth-friendly packaging.

The Jaimie Hilfiger Collection by La Curcio is composed of naturally derived plant essential ingredients that are all multifunctional with incredibly swift and visible results. We also never test on animals and our beauty line is 100% clean. Our beauty and makeup products are good for your skin and will enhance natural beauty. They will make your skin luminous for a lifetime. Together we believe that each of these factors are extremely important to have in every collection that is created. It’s an important time for self-care and I always say that when you look your best, you feel your best. I am grateful to create products that help people do that.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

 The future brings so much hope to all of us for many reasons. I hope to expand my beauty empire by introducing new products that help women look and feel their best. I am also going to continue modeling, acting, and helping others in the industry become self-made entrepreneurs.

What do you want your Hilfiger legacy to be going forward?

 I believe that I am who my bloodline has been waiting for. I want my Hilfiger legacy to be centered around “The Next Generation of Hilfiger.” The generation of change, pure creation, current inspiration, and glamour.

What else would you like to add?

Stay Tuned for much more to come!

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