By: T. Felder
Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 8/21/22 – Lifetime Network’s latest “ripped off the headlines” movie Jailbreak Lovers premiered July 2. The story is about a women named Toby Dorr who worked as a rehabilitation specialist for dogs at a local prison. She fell in love with a young inmate named John Maynard and breaks him out of prison by smuggling him in a dog crate. This turned into a federal man haunt, leading Dorr to be arrested and sentenced to 27 months in Lansing Correctional Facility.

Although the facts seem to be laid out correctly, Dorr claims Lifetime failed to consult her before releasing the movie. THT had the chance to catch up with Dorr, getting firsthand accounts of what lead up to her arrest, her take on lifetime’s version, and details about her life after prison.
THT: Can You tell our readers who you are?
TD: My name is Toby Dorr. Some may have seen me all over the news back in 2006, after I made headlines for helping my ex-lover and convicted murderer John Manard escape from Lansing Correctional Facility in a dog crate. We were involved in a crazy man hunt that later led to my arrest and conviction.
THT: How does Lifetime’s new film Jailbreak Lovers intertwine with your real-life story?
TD: The movie depicts most of the details of the events that occurred at that time in my life. They didn’t bother to change the names. This is real life for me.
THT: Do you wish Lifetime would have consulted you before releasing the film?
TD: Of course! I think anyone would want to know about someone releasing a movie about their life prior to it airing on national television and online streaming services. It seems inauthentic to do so. They should have gotten input and permission to tell MY story.
THT: What made you help a convicted murderer escape from prison?
TD: Well at the time I was a wife and a mother of two. I was unhappy in my marriage and found peace by assisting with the dog rehabilitation program at Lansing Correctional Facility. I met John after an inmate threatened me, he stepped in, and we became friends. He saw me at a time when I felt invisible to the world. With him I felt like I had regained my value.
THT: How has life changed for you since being released from prison?
TD: Prison gave me the opportunity to look inward and heal. With this I was able to advance my education, author a book, get remarried, and speak to women that have gone through similar circumstances, and become an advocate for criminal justice reform.
THT: Can you tell us more about your book?
TD: Yes. My book entitled tells the story of my prison experience and how I got to where I am at now. I want readers to self-reflect and find joy in self-acceptance and self-love. I want them to be able to look beyond their circumstances and live each moment with conviction, looking forward to what has yet to unfold.
THT: What advise can you give women in similar situations?
TD: We all need to slay our shame dragons. Once you break the bond shame has over you, you’re on your redemption road. To genuinely love someone else, you must love yourself first, it took me a long time to figure that out. Also, believe in yourself and don’t do anything halfway. Put everything you have into everything you do. When you live your life with conviction, the world changes.
THT: How can you be reached? Do you have a website or social media?
TD: Yes. You can visit my website all my information is listed there.
THT: Amazing story. Thank you for allowing us to interview you.
TD: My pleasure. Thanks for having me!
Click here to purchase a copy of Dorr’s memoir: