We hope you are all well and looking forward to the “season” and the chance to gather together once again.

One of the things we are most excited about is participating once again in Desert AIDS Walk 2022 on October 29th.  The theme of this year’s event, (presenting sponsor Desert Care Network), is “Walk, Out Loud,” which places its focus squarely on advocacy and on uniting the entire community in the fight for LGBTQ+ health equity.

As you know, we have a Partners for Life team set up and we are thrilled and grateful to serve as co-chairs this year.  So far, however, we only have a few team members.  We know many of you are participating on other teams and we are greatly appreciative.  But, if you’re not signed up or aligned with another team yet, we would welcome you to join us in making the PFL Team one of the top fundraising teams again this year.

It’s easy to sign up, but if you need help, please contact Beth Newton at [email protected] or Bruce Benning at [email protected].

And just so you know, it’s not that hard to ask people for money!  We’ve had success posting periodically on Facebook and also sending personal e-blasts to lists of friends and contacts.  A lot of people have been very generous in years past and we fully expect they will be again.

If you don’t have time to walk or fundraise, please consider making a personal donation to the PFL team by clicking here.

Many thanks and we look forwarded to seeing you at the Desert AIDS Walk 2022 and/or your financial support of the event.


Lynn Hammond

Lynn Hammond

Jeffrey Norman

Jeffrey Norman

Co-Captains PFL Team

P.S. Please use three of the social share images below to show your support!

Contact Us

DAP Health
1695 N Sunrise Way,
Palm Springs, California 92262
760-323-2118  [email protected]

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