By Debra Wallace

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 10/6/22 – With the same work ethic and conviction that he put into his military career; accomplished author Gene P. Abel is capturing the imagination of a growing number of readers who enjoy stepping into the new worlds that he creates.

The brilliant Second Act of this Sicklerville, New Jersey, resident and native of Allentown, Pennsylvania, continues to evolve and thrive, as producers consider turning his gripping novel, The Inn of Destiny, into a film.

At a time in life when many of us consider slowing down and enjoying our retirement, this retired U.S. Army Colonel, who served his country with dedication and distinction for some 30 years is the best-selling author of 10 published books, including, Going Back, a Best-Selling time travel novel and The Inn of Destiny, a romance/erotica novel with a touch of the supernatural. In October 2021, the sequel to Going Back, Kidnappers from the Future was released.

In June his Best-Selling non-fiction book, What, If Anything, Is Out There, which looks at possible visits from Extraterrestrials was released.

Now he is putting the finishing touches on his latest book, The Aliens Step In, a sci-fi and time travel tale that completes his time travel trilogy and portrays direct contact with Aliens who demand earthlings stop time travel and offer to give us a portal to visit the past in exchange for ending time travel by earthlings.

Abel is someone who is not satisfied with the status quo and has always been at the forefront of change, during his military career, extensive work with his church, 30 years as a business leader, and now as a prolific best-selling author.

Read on to find out more about the creativity and imagination of Gene Abel that has led to 10 books in several genres, including sci-fi and romance.

The Inn of Destiny by Gene Abel

What do you enjoy about being a writer?

Gene Abel: Creating books that others read and get pleasure from reading. I guess there is also some degree of ego in seeing my name on the cover of my books. Seeing others like what I have written. The desire to achieve a greater measure of success. I appreciate hearing comments from my readers and meeting them at events. I have always been a people person.

What is it like to get positive feedback from readers?

Gene Abel: I have been flattered that readers have provided their very positive comments. The interest from a New York firm in creating a movie from my book is also very encouraging.

What is your definition of success as an author and creative individual?

Gene Abel: Three metrics I can think of would be having one or more of my books hit the New York Times Best Seller list. Making a successful movie from The Inn of Destiny. Securing a series on one of the streaming companies like Netflix from my sci-fi books.

Why did you write your romantic/erotic book, The Inn of Destiny?

Gene Abel: The story of The Inn of Destiny just appeared in my head after I retired in 1999. The storyline was so intense that on a few occasions I woke up in the middle of the night and got out of bed and wrote what became the outline for the book. After the outline was completed in about two weeks, I sat down at the computer and wrote the book.

Do you believe in the supernatural? Or have you seen any evidence of it?

Gene Abel: In a few instances in the past have had insights into things that came true. Premonitions like that. Some people claim they are more into that than others. How does Leonardo De Vinci have insights into things that are materializing today? They put it down in writing and now here it is.

The romance and sex were suggestive without going over the top. You allow the reader to interject their own thoughts.

Gene Abel: It had a good storyline that is as current as today in the Middle East. I liked the flashbacks to show Jackie developed her strong physical needs. The book will remain in the reader’s mind for a long time. I believe that it would make a compelling movie.

Susan and Gene Abel
Susan and Gene Abel

Erotica/romance is a genre normally written by women. What different takes did you bring to this genre as a man?

Gene Abel: Since the plot just popped into my head that is hard to answer. Within two weeks the entire story was in the outline. At least two times I woke up at 3 a.m. and got up to make notes about my book

I wrote The Inn of Destiny, 22 years ago before writing any other books of different genres. The storyline of the book just popped into my head soon after I retired to care for my late wife Carol who had cancer.

I self–published the book and several years ago, someone saw my book and said it had a good storyline but needed to be polished. After I became associated with Indigo River, they published Going Back, my first time-travel novel. I sent them my manuscript and they agreed to republish it. It had a makeover and professional editing as well as a redesigned cover.

It is a combination of what men want (more physical activity) as well as the perspective of the two important women in my life. My wife, Susan, edited my book to help add a female perspective, especially to the more romantic areas. My late wife Carol, who passed in 2008 from cancer, had earlier edited my book to add a female perspective. So, it was a labor of love from beginning to end.

Why did you add the mystery/supernatural aspect to the novel?

Gene Abel: The storyline was just there including the touch of the supernatural.

I see your book as a ‘guilty pleasure’ of sorts. Do you agree and if so, please expand upon that?

For the most part, I see it is about a woman (Jackie) with a strong physical desire trying to fulfill those needs within her marriage. Only once with the swap after the New Year’s Eve party did she stray.

Even though it is a salacious romance novel, for the most part, Jackie is trying to fulfill her physical needs within the bounds of her marriage. That’s certainly when I thought back on it. I can’t begin to tell you how pungent it was and how quickly I got the whole idea down in an outline.

Please tell me a bit about your military career.

Gene Abel: The most important elements of that chapter in his life are when as a young first lieutenant he was assigned as a Nuclear Weapons Officer and he was a member of the Nuclear Release Authority to launch such weapons. The Army War College and a subsequent nomination for General Officer.

Why do you want my readers to spend a week or weekend with your books?

Gene Abel: To become part of Jackie’s attempt to spice up her marriage and in so doing initiate an event that will change her life and that of her family and close friends. To consider the possibility of Time Travel and that other far more intelligent life are visiting Earth.

What does your wife, Susan, think about the book and the risqué parts of it?

Gene Abel: Susan likes the book and helped edit it to impart the female perspective into some of the spicier areas. She likes the way the story combines the salacious elements with the strong storyline and the supernatural element. 

I would like to spend a weekend at a place like The Inn of Destiny, how about you?

Gene Abel: It would be exciting for me to get a glimpse into the future.

Why are sci-fi books and this genre so attractive to you?

Gene Abel: I’ve always been interested in flash Gordon from the 50s and star trek. I believe there is really something going on out there with the UFO sightings, and camel’s nose under the tent. The government is lifting the curtain on things they have known for a long time. Jules Vern 20,000 leagues under the sea – nuclear submarines. H.G. Wells time machine.

We have people like Einstein and Hawking saying theoretically it is possible – science fiction isn’t fiction at all. Someone’s ability to see things that are going to happen. Star trek series – laser weapons and – science fiction weapons reality now. Paranormal aspect at The Inn of Destiny – attempt – dreams they remember.

Do you have another book in the works?

Gene Abel: Yes. My third sci-Fi novel, The Aliens Step In is being edited at the present time. I hope to have it launched by the end of the year. This book is the third in my time travel series, Defenders of Time. The first is Going Back, the second book is Kidnappers From the Future The third book, The Aliens Step In starts as a time travel adventure and introduces direct alien contact as a result of our time travel activities. I think my third book will be the best of the series. I am hoping to attract a streaming company to make a series from my sci-fi novels. I am currently working with an agent to secure a book-to-movie agreement for The Inn of Destiny.

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