Recapture The Spark

This week we continue our windy way through the season of the air sign Aquarius while Venus, the planet of love remains in intuitive Pisces. Yet we do have one big thing mixing up the starry skies this week, as we have a full moon in the fiery sign of Leo.

Leo is the sign of passion, and we don’t use the term “fiery passion” for nothing, because the energy of passion is pure fire, baby. As is the sign of Leo. Fire as an element can be a tricky thing. As my fellow fire sign mentor says, “You can either use fire to cook yourself a four-course meal or burn your house down.” And this full moon is throwing all the sparks.

But that’s ok because we are going to work with the astrology, instead of against it. So, we are going to embrace our Leo lion wild side and use the sparks from this full moon to set our love lives on fire. (In a good way.)

The time of the full moon is a time of illumination. Our intuition is at its peak, and our ability to see clearly has increased. We also still have Pisces, the sign of the psychic, housing Venus, the planet of love.  That means it’s a perfect time to use the intuitive skills we built last week, take things to the next level, and pursue our passion this week!

In our love lives the past few weeks, we have been honing our decision-making skills. Cutting the crust, using our intuition, and this week is the week we put all of that into practice. While unbridled passion tends to burn our lives down, passion paired with purpose is what sets our lives ablaze. So, by combining all of our newly honed intuitive skills (supported by Pisces) with the extra boost of fire, we get this week, we can really see the places in our lives that could use a few more sparks and begin to light them up in a positive way. How? By taking at least one action step.

If you are single, it’s time to take the next step and tell that certain someone how you feel. Make the first move, by asking someone out for coffee, or telling them you want to be more than friends. Or maybe it’s time to ramp up your status from casual dating to one and only partner. This is the week to do it. Listen to your instincts and allow the lion’s energy of Leo to take the lead. It is supporting you in your endeavor.

If you are in a relationship, then it’s time to heat things up. In long-term relationships, ruts are not uncommon. We can fall into the same old routines, making our love life feel a little stagnant. Here is where you are going to let your passion take the lead. What are you drawn to? What signs are you picking up from your partner? Maybe a weekend away in a cozy cabin in the woods will set your love life back on fire. Or maybe you feel like shaking things up in the bedroom and trying something brand new. It could even be trying out a new activity or hobby together. Anything that is going to light things up and recapture those sparks is going to be beneficial this week.

Now, if you are single and not looking to mingle, or you are more interested in the relationship you have with yourself right now, that’s great too! This can be a great time to figure out what sets your heart ablaze. Remember, Passion= Purpose. Our passions are given to us for a reason, they help guide us toward our purpose in life. What is something that lights you up? What is something you have always been drawn to or wanted to try? Now is the time. Leo is the sign of the lion, king of the jungle, so use that bold, brave energy to take a step out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

Your To-Do List This Week:

Take A Step- That can look like….

  • Making the first move and asking someone out
  • Telling your person, you want to take things to the next level and be exclusive.


  • Heating things up with your significant other in the bedroom


  • Taking a trip to recapture the spark of your relationship.


  • Signing up for a class in something you’ve always wanted to try.


  • Taking time to write out all the things that light you up in life.


  • Putting yourself out there in a big way and promoting your gifts/offerings


This full moon says it’s time to recapture the spark of your love and life!

Oh, and bonus points for using actual fire elements in your quest- candles, cozy indoor fires, wild side outdoor bonfires, anything that lights you up(literally.)

Now if any or all of that list is filling you up with more fear than fire, that’s important info too! The full moon is all about illumination and depending on where Leo lies in your chart, it can actually be highlighting the places where you are fearful of stepping into the spotlight.

Perhaps you avoid your passion because you are afraid of your own power. Perhaps you fear rejection. Maybe there is an old relationship lingering that is keeping you from fully stepping into your new one.  Pay attention to what is coming up, give it some attention, and journal it out. Then you can also use the magic of fire, to ritually burn those fears away. Write down the things you want to let go of all those fears that are holding you back and set them ablaze literally and metaphorically. Into the fire, they go.

You can burn them in a fireplace or over a candle, preferably outdoors, by the way, remembering how fire can also burn your house down. But you get the idea. Allow the moon to illuminate what might be dimming your light and extinguishing your sparks, write it down, then let it burn baby burn.

So, your Bonus to Do list items include:

  • Write down all your fears around stepping into the spotlight.


  • Journal what might be putting out your passion



  • Use a fire element to ritualistically burn away those fears and say goodbye to the past.


So, you have your mission for the week, should you choose to accept it. Use the Leo fire mixed with that Pisces intuition to set your life and love ablaze. (Again, in a good way.)

Happy star surfing!

P.S. We want to know how it goes! E-mail us at [email protected]