Synopsis: Join the fast-paced world of emergency medicine in this eight-part docuseries that follows the intense, merciless, day-to-day lives of emergency medical workers across New York City. Experience the relentless pulse of the city’s healthcare system through the struggles and triumphs of a helicopter flight nurse, transplant surgeons, paramedics, pediatric trauma surgeons and neurosurgeons as they give everything they have to help those who need it most.
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Photos Courtesy of Netflix
Production Company: Yulari Films
Executive Producers: Ruthie Shatz and Adi Barash
Format: 8 x 45-minute episodes
Featured Participants: Dr. David Langer (Chairman of Neurosurgery at Lenox Hill Hospital), Dr. John Boockvar (Vice Chairman of Neurosurgery at Lenox Hill Hospital), Donald Darby (Registered Nurse, Trauma Transport Team at Cohen Children’s Medical Center), Mackenzie LaBonte (registered Nurse at SkyHealth helicopter service). Dr. Chethan Sathya (Pediatric Trauma Surgeon at Cohen Children’s Medical Center), Dr. Jose Prince (Director of Pediatric Surgery at Cohen Children’s Medical Center), Dr. Elliot Grodstein (Transplant Surgeon at North Shore University Hospital), Dr. Mirtha Macri (Emergency Medicine Physician at Lenox Health Greenwich Village), Vicky Ulloa (EMT at Northwell – Center For Emergency Services)