What Are We Fighting For?

We are still on a fairly wild ride. This week we have a full moon in Libra, which sits right across the Zodiac from Aries, the season we are currently in. Meaning our partnerships are coming into question. Libra is the sign of balance and partnership, represented by the sign of the scales, meaning it takes two. Unlike independent Aries, Libra is all about compromise. So, the contrast between the two will really be shining in our relationships this week.

We also have Mars in Cancer which is causing quite the chaos. Mars is the planet of war, aggression, and taking charge. It rules the signs of fiery Aries and seductive Scorpio (in some traditions.) So, it is not exactly subtle. Cancer on the other hand is the sign of the feminine, intuition, and home. It is ruled by the moon, it invites us to stop waging our wars and take a look within, which is not exactly Mars’s style. So, Mars is quite uncomfortable in its current placement. And when the planet of war is uncomfortable, we are all uncomfortable. Especially if we fall under one of the signs it rules or have similar placements in our own charts.

So, what does that mean for our love lives? Well, one of the coolest things about reading astrology is learning to tell the story behind it. Everyone has their own interpretation but what makes a good astrologer is listening to what the planets are trying to tell us and intuiting what the positioning is showing us about our lives, loves, and archetypes.

What It All Means

So, I issue you a challenge. Give your own astrology insights a try, and imagine, with the planet of war resting uncomfortably in the sign of intuition, what can we interpret that to mean? How can we use that on our behalf?

Here’s the answer, well my answer anyway.  It is encouraging us to look inside of ourselves and ask:

What are we fighting for? What in our lives are we taking to extremes?

While sometimes war is inevitable it is not always necessary. There are more than enough wars that don’t really need to be fought at all.

So where in your love life are you fighting for something that you really don’t need to go to war on? Where are you pushing when you should be receiving, forcing when you should be allowing, and fighting when you should be letting go or maybe even walking away?

Love is one of those things we often feel is worth fighting for. Wars are waged, battles fought, and extremes reached, simply for the ones we love. Yet as we’ve said, some wars simply aren’t worth having and some relationships are simply not worth pursuing. We are entering spring, the time of shedding things that no longer serve us and stepping into renewal. Meaning if you have a partner or relationship that is dragging you down, now might be the time to leave that extra baggage behind.

So, this week in addition to stretching your astrological muscle, I want you to put down your battle gear and give your intuitive muscle a workout.

To-Do List:

Grab your handy dandy notebook and ask yourself…

(Also note, I am using the term relationship but feel free to substitute partner, or even friend, job, family member, etc.)

  • Is this relationship worth fighting for? (Yes, pulling out the big guns first)
  • Am I the one initiating and pursuing this relationship?
  • Are there things about the relationship I am not accepting?
  • Are there battles being fought within the relationship that doesn’t need to be?
  • What is my motivation for being in this relationship? Is it a worthy one?
  • Is this a relationship I want to be in for the next 3-5 years?

Great job!

Pro Tip:

When looking at our motivations for things, we can often end up staying surface-level. You might find yourself answering “What is my motivation for being in the relationship” with something like “Being in a relationship, duh.”

Fair enough, but I invite you to dig deeper. Get uncomfortable and use the intuitive power of Cancer to get to the real answer. Are you in the relationship because you fear being alone? Because you feel pressured to? Because you think you should be? Do you actually love and want to be with this person or are there other factors at play?

Now is the time to put all that Mars aggression into internal excavation. Get tough with yourself and dig deep to find the answers you truly seek.

Happy Star Surfing!

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