Spring has sprung and as the flowers begin to bloom, so too, do our love lives!

This week Venus, the planet of love moves into Gemini, a sign of excitement, movement, and communication. Gemini can hardly sit still; it is so interested in anything and everything. It loves to communicate all the fast-paced thoughts running through its mind. It also loves to explore and engage, and its excited energy is nothing short of infectious.

This week, the sun also moves us into Taurus season. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and luxury. So, this week, we are getting a heavy dose of love, an injection of giddiness, and a burst of springtime feelings. Aries season can be fiery and fun, but to some signs, it can feel very intense and heavy simply from having to handle all that powerful momentum energy.  An infusion of Gemini can feel like a nice change of pace, lighter, less heavy, and the luxurious feelings of Taurus season can also encourage us to slow down and enjoy the view.

So, this week, the assignment is all about fun, literally. The assignment…is to have some!

Relationships can feel like work, and dating can feel like an assignment, so this week we are reminding ourselves (and our partners) that these things are actually supposed to be fun. Dating is supposed to be a fun time of experience and exploration in our lives, and intimate relationships are supposed to be the space where we feel the closest to someone else. These are supposed to be fun things. So, if the long, cold, winter months have left you feeling heavy in your heart, life, or relationships, then now is the time to bring some fun back into it. Also, with Venus in Gemini, heartfelt communication is at its height. If you value someone in your life, it’s time to tell them! You are supported in your journey of self-expression so it’s a great time to use it.

So, for the Weekly To-Do List, the assignment is quite simple. Have some F-U-N!

Weekly To-Do List:

  • What are three of your favorite springtime activities?


  • How can you share these with a partner?


  • What are three fun dates/activities you can participate in this week?


  • What are three things you can do, to bring fun back into your dating and love life?


Pro Tip:

Get creative here! While a walk in the springtime park is probably high on your to-do list, even the most mundane of activities can be exciting if a sense of fun is brought to them. For example, spring cleaning the house can turn into a fun adventure of going through and getting rid of the old, to help pick out and bring in the new. If you are still stuck in the wet, winter, yuck, or low on time, finances, or other resources, there are still plenty of fun things to do with a date or your partner that are low cost, low time investment, and still a whole lot of fun. Use Gemini’s energetic sense of creativity to come up with some ideas.

Also, a small advisory. In matters of the heart, while Gemini is very enthusiastic and fun-loving, it is also very fickle. It is not the sign of the twins for nothing, it can change its mind, perspective, and emotions with the flip of a switch. So be careful not to get so caught up in the flirty Gemini springtime that you lose sight of the long term. Meaning you don’t necessarily want to start something with someone, that you are going to end in a few short weeks or quickly change your mind about. It can be easy to get caught up in the springtime fuzzy feelings but try to keep sight of others’ feelings too. You don’t want to take advantage or waste someone else’s time if you know it’s not going anywhere. Now if they too are up for a springtime fling then full steam ahead, but just make sure to use that Gemini communication to be clear about your intentions.

Remember, it’s time to enjoy some springtime fun in the Taurus season sun! Happy star surfing!

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