By: T. Felder 

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 4/12/23- Award-winning author and screenwriter Ethlie Ann Vare recently released her new children’s book, WOOF! Via Central Park South Publishing. She is most recognized for her work on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Renegade, Earth: Final Conflict, Andromeda, Adventure Inc., Silk Stalking’s, and other television series. Vare has always had a passion for writing, beginning her career as a rock journalist, landing jobs with well-known publications such as; Billboard Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety, Elle, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal. This eventually led her to publish non-fiction books centered around the rock scene. Her most notable release is a musical biography on Ozzy Osborne, which now serves as a collector’s item.

This left us wondering why she chose to write a children’s book. During an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Times, Vare explains her love for dogs, technology, and her late father, portraitist Ben Herman. Vare trained AI art generators to emulate her father’s work, breathing life into the story based on her deceased dog. In the book, a loner girl rescues a loner dog, and they become the best of friends, all while the dog tries to explain that he is actually a wolf.

This title is sure to be a family favorite, teaching children the importance of animal rescue, relationship building, and technology’s growing role in our world today.

To get more insight on WOOF! Checkout out our full interview with Ethlie Ann Vare below:

T Felder Interviews Award-Winning Children’s Book Author Ethlie Ann Vare, About Her New Book, “Woof”

Click the link below to purchase a copy of WOOF!

We’ve also included a brief list of some of her other titles:

Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugs

Patently Female: Azt to Dinners, Stories, of Women Inventors and Their Breakthrough Ideas  

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