The National Association of Broadcasters celebrate their centennial event in Las Vegas this month, April 15th-19th, where they will highlight the show’s role in the industry over the past 100 years. They will also showcase some amazing current and future technology, as well as provide innumerable networking opportunities. FilmTrack’s team will attend this special event and hopes to connect with you there!

The NAB event, also known as NAB Show, is considered special for several reasons:

Size and Scope

NAB Show is one of the largest trade shows in the world, attracting over 100,000 attendees from more than 160 countries. It covers a wide range of topics and industries related to broadcasting, including radio, television, film, and digital media.

Industry Leaders

The event brings together industry leaders, experts, and innovators from around the world, providing a unique opportunity to network and learn from some of the most influential people in the industry.

Product Launches

Many companies use NAB Show as a platform to launch new products and services, which often set the tone for the industry’s future direction.

Educational Opportunities

The event also features a wide range of educational opportunities, from workshops and panel discussions to guided tour options, providing attendees with the latest insights and trends in broadcasting.

This year’s event includes sessions such as:

  • ATSC 3.0 Data Delivery to Automobiles – A panel of broadcast and automotive experts discussing the current market.
  • Radio and Television Sales Compensation: What you NEED to Know – Feedback from media sellers and managers on the current state of sales compensation, team dynamics, and other post-COVID insights.
  • Monetizing Content through FAST – Discussion on how FAST has evolved in the last few years and what trends will be impacting it, including how traditional broadcast, news and sports are utilizing FAST to increase reach, develop incremental revenue streams, and create better user experiences.
  • Measuring Up NEXTGEN TV – Panel conversation discussing measurement capabilities available within the new broadcast standard and how it will complement traditional audience currencies.
  • C-Suite Insights: Monetizing NextGen Broadcast – Panel representing key CEO voices from several of the largest station groups to discuss the current and future state of play.
  • Solutions for Third-party Cookie Deprecation – PILOT, NAB’s innovation arm, recently released a First-Party Data Director-to-Consumer Accelerator report and program to face this issue head-on. Hear details from the report and learn what you should do now to prepare.
  • Maximizing Multiplatform Monetization at Radio Companies – All-star industry luminaries discuss how new content verticals deliver audience and revenue.
  • Fast Channels and Furious Growth – Industry panel discuss perspectives on how to target advertising based on current audience appetites for free, ad-supported, and “lean-back TV”.
  • Immersive Storytelling – Panel discussion on the increasing convergence between traditional entertainment and advanced technology, and what’s next for VR/AR/XR in the industry
  • Evolution of Video – Guided tour focusing on the history of video to current solutions involving personalization and location-aware content

Connect With FilmTrack at NAB!

We have some fantastic things to share at NAB! As we announced at the beginning of the year, we have gone through a period of heavy investment in advanced tools to help you manage film rights, contracts, and availabilities. With backing from the biggest bank in entertainment and over 20 years in the entertainment industry, we’ve achieved impressive results in creating a dynamic platform that any size entertainment company can depend on to manage and monetize their rights.

Let’s connect at NAB in Vegas to share what we’ve been up to!


FilmTrack's Contracts & Availabilities Manager

FilmTrack’s Contracts & Availabilities Manager

Increase revenue, get to market quicker, and optimize the value of your library. Our Contracts and Availabilities Manager provides automated, real-time contract and availabilities data across your entire catalog.

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tablet displaying Business Intelligence Manager

FilmTrack’s Financials Manager

Enjoy the most robust financial tools in the industry, built to handle the most complex calculations. Whether it’s circular deductions, financial waterfalls, or royalties in/out, you can relax and know that everything is being split and paid accurately.

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FilmTrack's Brand Licensing Manager

FilmTrack’s Brand Licensing Manager

Increase revenue, save time, and measure the success of your brand licensing program. RoyaltyZone, a FilmTrack solution, makes it easy for you to automate your business and take your licensing game to the next level.

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