By Valerie Milano

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 6/15/23 – With the entertainment industry facing new challenges from the rise of AI to the writer’s strike, The Hollywood Times sat down with entertainment lawyer, Joshua Lastine of Lastine Law, to speak about the legal trends facing Hollywood and his career. 

The veteran lawyer is also a college professor teaching Entertainment Business & Law, as well as Business & Media Ethics, to producers and film students at the Los Angeles Film School. 

Where did you grow up and what brought you to Hollywood?

I’m from a small town in Iowa, but my dreams were always much bigger. Like Luke Skywalker, I wanted to take off of “Tatooine” in my X-Wing and conquer the world. I came to Hollywood in 2011, pursuing my passion for entertainment. I attended Pepperdine Law School and started my career by landing a job in the music licensing and accounting department of American Idol. From there, my story just sort of took off.

When did you know you wanted to be an entertainment attorney in Hollywood? How did your career here start?

I knew early on I wanted to be an entertainment lawyer. I recall watching movies as a kid, waiting until the very end of those VHS tapes for what we now call “special features.” Those interviews with the cast, crew, and executives fascinated me; I knew immediately I wanted to be involved in both the creative and practical aspects of the entertainment industry.

What are some of the key things you have learned about the industry? Or advice you would give to others following this path?

Relationships are everything. While connections matter in all walks of life, they are the lifeblood of the entertainment industry. I have learned that genuine connections built on mutual interests and authentic interactions can lead to a lot of cool work later down the road. So, my advice to others is simple: meet people, listen to their stories, and foster meaningful relationships.

Currently, the industry is facing some of its biggest challenges with looming strikes and questions about AI tech. What do you see as the biggest legal hurdles?

While Hollywood’s A-listers like Tom Cruise may not see significant changes, I envision a future where posthumous sale of high-profile celebrities’ “likeness” becomes a dystopian reality. Imagine my kids watching Rocky XX starring CGI Stallone! But what really concerns me is the limited opportunities for younger creators in major projects. The digital space is a boon for emerging stars, but the scarcity of opportunities for young talent in big Hollywood projects is disheartening. With the rise of AI and ongoing strikes, we may witness even more creative drought from the studios—at least in the immediate future.

What is a typical day-to-day like for you? 

No two days are ever the same. I try to keep a structured schedule: my day begins at 5:45 AM with meditation, yoga, and a refreshing shower. By 7:30 AM, I’m out the door, diving into what I call “deep work” at the office until noon. Sushi-fueled lunch meetings from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM keep me energized, while I try to do “low intensity” activities such as phone calls from 2:30 PM to 5 PM. In the evenings, I teach “Entertainment Business Law” and “Media Ethics” at Los Angeles Film School. Throughout the day, I deftly juggle many tasks—including drafting client agreements, writing legal letters, offering creative advice, and guiding clients through the intricacies of contract negotiations.

Can you share some of the projects or clients you work with?

Among the notable projects and clients, I have the pleasure of working with, I must mention the talented Dedee Pfeiffer, who recently stared in ABC’s BIG SKY. Additionally, I played a pivotal role in bringing the film THE BLACKENING to life, which is set to premiere at the esteemed Tribeca Film Festival in June 2023

Anything else you want our readers to know about Lastine Entertainment Law?

What sets us apart is our genuine passion for the craft. We’re not just lawyers; we’re die-hard cinema fans who relish working with innovative, diverse, and scrappy filmmakers. We thrive on bringing unique visions to life and helping talented individuals make their mark in the entertainment world. With our deep industry knowledge and personalized approach, we provide the guidance and expertise you need to navigate the intricacies of entertainment law and emerge victorious. 

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