Full Moon Feels

There are few things that highlight what’s going on in our lives and loves quite like a full moon. Last week we talked about how the Sagittarius full moon bumped heads with the Gemini season to create a beautiful spectrum of duality.

While there are some basic concepts to the energetics of a full moon under certain signs, in certain seasons, the way it hits everyone as an individual, can be unique. One way to predict where the full moon might be hitting our lives and loves the hardest is by seeing where our own moon signs are and seeing where the signs of the full moon fall in our chart.

Our moon sign controls our emotions, it’s like our emotional database. So when things hit the fan, those are the emotive qualities we generally fall back on. For example, my moon sign is in Scorpio (a trait a lot of astrologers share, interestingly enough) but Scorpio is a vindictive little thing with a fiery response and a retributive attitude. And sure enough, when things go wrong, I find myself battling those qualities. On the positive aspect, Scorpio is fiercely loyal and deeply emotional with a unique ability to connect to others on the most authentic and sincere levels. So, when things are going right, those qualities also emerge.

A full moon can bring all those qualities to the forefront for us. So, a great way to see how a full moon will affect us is to see where our own moon sign falls. It gives us a lot of information not only about our lives, but our loves as well, as relationships are one of the most emotion-filled connections we can make.

We can also take a look at where Sagittarius, the sign that housed this full moon falls in our charts. Sagittarius is a wild and wonderful fire sign, it enjoys communication, travel, and sharing new ideas. It is all about expansion. Represented by the symbol of the archer, it demonstrates one foot on the ground, taking aim towards our goals and firing our arrows of purpose into the sky. It is the concept of taking big ideas and bringing them down to Earth. It loves nothing more than to share higher wisdom and knowledge. Where it falls in your chart, could show what the moon is attempting to highlight for you.

The full moon occurred on Saturday but has a reach of three days following, so we will probably still be feeling some of those aspects this week as well.  While each moon is different, sometimes some of the ways it affects us feel the same. That can be due to our moon sign, so having that information is great in helping navigate full moon energies and is hugely useful information in how we connect with others.

Weekly To-Do List: 

This week dive into your moon sign.

  • Find your moon sign– If you’ve never had your natal chart done, now is the time my friends. There are tons of places for free online such as Café Astrology.com, and Co-Star which not only is one of the most popular but also has a convenient app. I personally love to use one of our local astrologers, Gahl Sasson’s website.
  • Research the aspects of your moon sign- Most online sources will give you the basic info about that sign and how the moon acts when in that positioning. Or book a one-on-one reading to dive a little deeper and get more personal.
  • Observe how those attributes and aspects may have affected your relationships in the past.

 See how they show up in your love life currently.

  •  Make a list of what is important to you in a relationship.
  •  Notice how your moon sign may play into that.

Information is power, my friends, so once you are informed about what your moon sign is and how it shows up in your love life, you have more control over working with the energy instead of against it.

Pro Tip: 

While our moon sign can certainly play a part in how we connect with our partners, it really speaks to how we like our relationships in general. For example, a Capricorn moon might value partnerships that are useful. Not in a narcissistic user-y way but in a symbiotic, purposeful aspect. They might find great value in friends who can help them with financial decisions, or who can help them navigate buying a home. They may value a friend who wants long, deep, emotion-filled conversations a little less. It’s just not their bag. A Scorpio moon, on the other hand, might struggle to maintain friendships that aren’t based on deep, soulful connections. All of this is ok, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to preferences, what’s important is recognizing them.

I have also noticed our moon signs can play a part in our Love Languages. So, a Capricorn moon as in our former example, might be drawn to Acts of Service or even Gifts as a Love Language, while a Scorpio might value Words of Affirmation and Physical Touch. It’s all great information for learning how to use your astrology to your advantage. The stars are here to help guide you, you simply have to learn how to interpret them, and the realm of relationships is a great place to start.

Happy star surfing!

P.S. If you are feeling like this full moon has really kicked your butt, don’t worry you are not alone. And I will let you in on a little full moon healing trick of the trade. First off, connecting to the elemental aspect of your moon sign can help heal your wounds. So, for example as I’ve mentioned mine is Scorpio, a water sign. When I’m feeling the full moon blues, I connect to water. A long bath, a hot shower, a swim in a pool or lake, or even sitting by a body of water helps ease my emotional ills. If you are an Earth moon sign, consider doing something grounding like meditation or spending time outdoors. Whatever elemental aspect your moon sign falls into could be the medicine for you at this time.

We also give ourselves clues to what we need all the time if we care to listen. Pay attention to what word you use to describe your current state of being. Do you say “I’m burnt out”- fire, “I’m exhausted”-air, “I’m dead tired”-earth, “I’m drained”- water. You are literally telling yourself what you need and what elemental aspect can provide it. So, if you don’t feel especially connected to the element of your moon sign, try describing how you feel, then take the medicine your body ordered.


Aries: It’s fine, you’re fine, everything’s fine. Have you noticed things have been a little, fiery as we say? Well, the good news is that you have accomplished a lot, the less good news is that you may be feeling burnt out. That can be the Aries way, go go go aaaand crash. But that’s ok because now you know the secret to healing. Rest, recoup, and follow the prescription your moon sign writes.

Also try to remember, that after you plant seeds, you have to allow them time and space to grow. If you work all the time, constantly planting and re-planting, nothing will ever come to fruition. That goes for relationships too, they need space to breathe, and just be. So, take time to rest and relax, and re-fill your cup this week. (And give your partner a break!)

Taurus: You don’t have to do it all. Nor should you. Sometimes asking for help feels out of your reach, but partnership is a gift, and allowing someone else into your perfectly furnished world can be a good thing. Uranus is hanging around in your sign right now, putting a focus on money and possessions, your favorite subject. But when it comes to sharing those things, you can get a little touchy. Now is the time to focus on what truly matters to you and how you can share those things with others, especially your partner. A well-furnished life might look good from the outside, but remember, you don’t want to end up with a perfect home and no one to share it with. So, open yourself up to new possibilities and partnerships. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

Gemini: What is your problem this week? You have been snappier than usual and have let those Gemini fast-paced thoughts fly out at top speed. You’re a brilliant mind but all those sniping thoughts could leave you all alone. But by nature, you are not particularly aggressive, so what’s the problem?

Well, one of the biggest reasons that lead you to panic-driven, lashing-out behavior, is feeling trapped. You are an air sign of the highest degree so when you start to feel boxed in, your behavior can become a little erratic. Kind of like a cornered animal. Commitment, heavy emotions, or ultimatums can feel panic-inducing but remember, you are in control. No one can box you in unless you let them, no one can jail you unless you give them the keys. So calm down, take a breath, and see what in your life and love is making you feel so trapped. Then react calmly, as you remember engaging too much only mires you more in the muck. Take charge and take control. Make decisions from a calm state of mind.

Cancer: Your focus is central, and all eyes are on you. You are housing Venus, the planet of love, at the moment, but it will be slowly transitioning out of your sign this week. Sure, you will be sad to see it go, but there are other more pressing matters in your life, than matters of the heart. Your relationships might actually need to take a backseat for you this week. Focus on yourself a little. Remember you cannot be a good partner, without being good to yourself.

Cancer’s have a tendency to fall hard and fast, morphing to take on the shape of their partners and their relationships. One of the best ways to avoid this is to take time to build strong bonds with yourself, find your independence, and develop traits and hobbies all your own. That way you maintain a sense of self and identity no matter who comes along in your love life. The greatest relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

Leo: My, my don’t you look sharp. Venus, the planet of love is transitioning to you this week and you couldn’t be happier. Leo’s love love. Passion, fiery romance, and creative expressions of intimate feelings are a few of your favorite things. So, prepare to embrace the energy of Venus this week. You love love, so let it, and your partner, know it!

Virgo: Hello, Virgo. Well, haven’t you been a busy beaver this week. I feel a bit of cattle dog energy this week like you have been herding everything and everyone into its place. But it’s a good thing, sometimes our lives and loves could use a little law and order. That’s where you often come in, to clean it up and shape it up. It’s like a spring-cleaning vibe, and I am here for it.

Just remember not to take on too much or overstep boundaries. Cleaning up your side of the closet is great, taking all your partner’s old, yet very cherished closet junk and dumping it in the trash is not. Remember, others place value differently than you do, so it’s ok to let them decide, for themselves. Where you may see a pile of junk, and they may see treasures. It’s ok. It’s the diversity of life. Just try to shield your eyes from that side of the closet or if it really bugs you, ask them to let you help organize it. I know that might feel like a buzzkill but trust me, it’s for the best.

Libra: You’re getting good at this whole balancing act thing. I actually feel a bit of a similar vibe as Virgo for you this week. Like you are getting your act together and helping those around you do the same. I just recommend the same thing. Caution.

Sometimes you can get so caught up in making sure someone else is balanced you allow yourself to be off balance. The scales aren’t quite tipped in your favor. Make sure you take care of yourself this week, and remember, some people are just imbalanced. You can’t force people to conform or do what you think is best for them. Sometimes it feels like you can’t be ok if they aren’t ok, especially in a romantic partnership. But that is an illusion. You can be independent, and your emotions can too. It’s ok to let someone spin out and off if they have to. You don’t have to be around for it, and you can’t force them to fit into their best lives.

Also, sometimes people just need to be mad. Or sad. They will get over it and come around, no interference necessary. In fact, sometimes too much of your interference can cause them to lash out or worse become overly dependent on you to balance their emotions for them. Yikes. So, when you feel that pull to fix, remind yourself, that is an illusion. People’s emotions can work independently of each other and sometimes that’s for the best.

Scorpio: Is it just me or is it getting hot in here? Maybe it’s the full moon or the heat of summer, but you are looking G-O-O-D this week Scorpio. You are on fire! You are stepping out and stepping up. No more cave dwelling or depth diving for you, you are ready for some fun in the sun, and after the year you’ve had, you deserve it!

Capricorn: Ornery. Ornery is the word that is coming through most for you. Snappy, uncomfortable, stubborn. Not your best look, my friends. Yet this is often how Capricorn operates. “Storming and norming” as they call it in business.

When faced with change or growth, you often feel the pressure. Those are not your favorite things; they can feel very uncomfortable for you, causing you to push your boundaries and test the waters around you. It’s like a little kid poking at another to see how far they can push things before someone retaliates. Well, kid, you’re poking the snake. If you push people too far, they will fire back.

So, test your boundaries, and get comfortable in the new surroundings but be sure not to push people too far, because that could lead to unforeseen consequences, especially in the realm of your relationships. If you need to take a time out do so, but let’s not cause more trouble than we need to. So, what do you say? Put down the finger and learn to lean into the experience instead of instigating it.

Aquarius: You are feeling deeply uncomfortable about something. Like wearing an itchy sweater in the middle of summer. Something has been bothering you and despite your best attempts to ignore it, there’s no getting past it anymore. This is a theme you’ve been working on for a few weeks, actually it’s really an overarching theme of your sign, reigning in the avoidance and dealing with things that need to be dealt with, as they are happening. This is something that maybe wasn’t commanding your full attention before but is now. Like wearing that sweater, perhaps it was slightly uncomfortable in the morning but now you are sitting in the middle of the afternoon in the blazing sun. Basically, the time is now. Is there something limiting your freedom? Is something your partner is doing that annoys you? Or perhaps it is again, as the sweater, just not the right fit. Maybe you’ve known that about the relationship for a while, but the signs are now too big to ignore.

Although, before you go beating yourself up, often relationships have their own timeline for ending, so even if you had noticed it before, the time might not have been right to act. That is part of everyone’s journey with decision-making, allowing for the aspect of timing. So don’t beat yourself up too much for finding yourself in another situation that you probably could have dealt with sooner. Part of going way too far one way is learning to calibrate. You don’t want to go too far the opposite way, for example, breaking up with someone because one uncomfortable aspect of the relationship happens. You want to be able to learn the difference. Which is what this situation is pushing you to do. So do it! Deal with it and then assess how you feel about it. Too soon? Not soon enough? Or right on time? Learn from it and use that information for next time.

Pisces: Love, love, love. You are one big amorphous and ethereal cloud of love. You are learning how to find joy in this odd, Earth plane experience, by floating slightly above it. Instead of getting bogged down in the darker, more mundane aspects of reality, you are enjoying the more ethereal and abstract aspects of it. This reality is what we make it, our thoughts and vibration control it and you are enjoying being the master of your reality domain.

So, turn the gears towards your relationships. What do you want to see? What do you want out of a partnership? Take that concept and run with it. Visualize it, believe it, feel it, and soon, you will manifest it! If the current partnership isn’t the one for you, you will really be feeling it right now. Like being tethered down when all you want to do is fly. Cut the ties that bind. That might sound harsh but that is your mindset right now. Anything not lifting you up is holding you down! You are so content in your cloud of consciousness, anything harshing your mellow is simply not welcome in your world right now. Nor should it be. There is a season for everything and sometimes you are forced back down to do heavy Earth work. Now is not that time. So, enjoy your time in the sky, not to mention, the summer sun.

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