Put Your Best Foot Forward

This week feels a little bit like walking out into the bright sun after being in a dark cave. It’s time to reveal ourselves, our passions, our lessons learned, and our true desires. It’s coming out to the world and maybe our partners in a very authentic way. Putting our best and truest, foot forward.

This week is all about how we want to be viewed, by ourselves and others. How do we want to portray ourselves to the outside world and what do we want that to be based on?

Often, we feel like who we are is determined by other people’s opinions of us, and we are especially vulnerable to this feeling in our intimate relationships. Yet the reality is that the final vote comes from us. We make the decision of who we are. As we continue through Gemini season and with Mercury, the planet of communication in Gemini, our ability to openly communicate and make big moves increases. Venus and Mars in Leo, give us the ability to put ourselves out there in new and interesting ways. Exploration and revelation are the names of this week’s game, and the self-assured Leo helps us with that. Leo is represented by the lion, a fire sign that has a strong sense of self, and a leader in the truest sense of the word. So, with that in mind, this week is a great time to ask yourself…

Who do you want to be?

Have you ever really thought about it? Often, we get very tied up in defining ourselves by our roles, or the parts we play. For example:  I’m a wife, I’m a parent, I’m a sister, I’m an accountant, etc. Yet all of those are just aspects of ourselves, roles we fill, they are not who we are at our essence. Besides, lots of those roles can change in the blink of an eye, for example, one piece of paper and we aren’t a wife anymore, one wrong move and maybe we aren’t an accountant, even our role as a parent changes as our children grow and need us less. Anything we can lose is not our essence. That means there is something deeper.

So outside of our roles, who are we? How do we show up in the world? If everything external was taken away from us, who would we be?

An interesting way to find that out is to look at times when things were taken away from you. What did you reach for when you were at rock bottom? What comforted you or gave you that spark to keep going? Was it writing, music, spirituality nature etc.?

Or on a less existentialist note, what did you do the last time you were single? Or if you’ve never been single (I can’t relate to that at all personally, but I know it happens) meaning maybe you went from your parent’s home to your spouse’s home, or you married your high school sweetheart, etc. What are the things you do when your spouse isn’t around? If they were to go out of town for a month, what would you want to do, just for you? Are there hobbies or interests the two of you don’t share? What are they?

These can all be indicators pointing us in the direction of our truest sense of self. The one who looks at the world a certain way, brings a unique essence to love and life and is perfect and complete just as they are. The truth is our relationships don’t define us; we define them. Who we are and how we show up, is what sets the trajectory for our relationships, and our lives.

So, this week, I issue you a challenge. Not only to discover who you are in your deepest sense of self but to activate it. Present that person to the world and to your partner. Figure out ways you can be more like that person—now. Today. Not next week, not when things calm down, not when you have more time etc. NOW. Yes, I’m bossy, it’s Mars in Leo it’s time to take charge! And I encourage you to be bossy this week too, ok maybe not bossy but at least the boss. The boss of your own life. Because you are the only one who can live it, you are the only one walking it.

Yes, other people play a role but at the end of the day, it’s our decision, our journey, and our choices, all of which we get to answer for. Other people can’t define us, make our choices or live our lives for us. We have to live it for ourselves. So, this week’s To-Do list is a big job, but thankfully it is one you are well prepared for. After all the topic is one you know better than anyone, even if some days it doesn’t feel that way.

Weekly To-Do List: 

  • Figure out who you are—then show it!
  • Think back to your hardest times, what did you reach for?
  • What pursuits and passions do you participate in when you are single?
  • If you’ve never been single, what do you do when your spouse isn’t around?
  • Who were you before your relationship, marriage, parenthood etc.?
  • What is one thing you have always wanted to try, but never have?
  • What is one way you can reveal your true self this week?
  • How can you bring that essence into your daily life?

Pro Tip: 

Living your best life is up to you. Living your life at all is up to you. We have far more control over our outcomes than we seem to believe. Finding out who you are, is one of the greatest uses of our time, then putting that knowledge into action, well that’s just the key to life.

Happy star surfing!


Aries: You’re a brave soul and everybody knows it. But not everyone knows why. What motivates you? Wounded Aries are often seen as rebels without a cause, the best medicine for that—find your cause! While partnership may play a role, the truth is Aries independence depends on their own established sense of self. Many times, partnerships don’t come in for Aries until they are where they want to be in life. There are a variety of reasons for this ranging from past life vows to untamed energetics getting in the way of a healthy partnership. Long story short, the quickest path to partnership for an Aries, is to walk their own path and see who winds up joining them.

Taurus: You my bull-headed friend enjoy the safety and security of your bubble. It’s cool, calm, well decorated, I get it, who wouldn’t want to be there? But it isn’t just about the finer things in life and sometimes just on the other side of that bubble, is true growth. Yes, cool oasis life is lovely, but often it is in the heat of the desert that we find our true selves. So, take a step outside your bubble this week. Who would you be? Without your support system, your belongings, your friends, family, partner, familiar city, and surroundings? Whom would you be if you were dropped off in the middle of the desert? Take a step outside your comfort zone to find out.

Gemini: Eek! So many thoughts so little time! Just kidding, there’s plenty of time. The pressure is all in your head. You don’t have to live out every dream, pursue every thought right this second. Sometimes it’s fun floating around on the Gemini breeze but if you feel yourself spinning out or slamming into things, there’s a cure. One thought at a time, one idea at a time. Ground yourself in nature. It might feel boring and counterintuitive but bringing yourself back down to Earth once in a while is good for you. Unless you’re having fun, in which case carry on. I know I’m not going to be the one standing in your way, this is your season, so pursue those passions!

Cancer: Eesh. I’m feeling a real wet blanket vibe here. You may even have been told that this week. It gives me Eeyore feels. Like kind of sad, sort of grumpy, kind of humdrum. But truthfully there’s no reason for that. You’re not being left behind, you’re just on a different rhythm. Cancer’s do things in their own time, they always have. It’s ok for others to have fun without you, you don’t have to drag them down with you. You are just in a period of reflection; it will shake off. Misery loves company I know, but truthfully this attitude is just going to drive people away. I get it, it’s hard to feel FOMO. It feels like everyone else is getting what they want and moving more quickly. But you are doing what you need to do. Plus, when other people are allowed to accomplish, sometimes they can turn around and help you. So, try to stop playing bad cop to other’s fun, especially your partner. Your moods are your own, so work on handling them with grace. I know, I know, that’s no fun. But try to do it anyway, come on, for me.

Leo: Wow. Can someone turn down the heat in here? Just kidding, flame on Leo because you are on FIRE! This is your time in the sun, with Venus hanging out with you and Mars watching your back you are feeling unstoppable. Adored, and admired all the good things in life. Just remember your flame can burn others. I’m a fellow fire sign and I’m even feeling the heat coming off of you. It’s uncomfortable and burning, so be sure to aim all that energy in the right direction and warn people to wear some shades around all that glow. It’s a great quality so enjoy it just handle it with care. It can really burn bridges you might need later on or cause discomfort to those around you. Not trying to harsh your mellow, just be aware my fellow fire sign.

Virgo: I feel you finally kicking back and taking in the sun. Enjoying the view from your inflatable in the pool no doubt. It is not usually your vibe, but I feel a very light energy around you this week. A lot of reflection and a sense of accomplishment. Maybe you’ve accomplished something big or you’re just finally seeing the fruits of your labor. Either way, enjoy. You know exactly who you are, so let that show.

Libra: It doesn’t feel like the funnest of weeks for you. Nothing huge just some lessons lingering. Libra judgment is usually put on hold, conflict avoidance is a speciality. Yet this week feels a little more judgment based than usual. Maybe someone is getting on your nerves, or they have pushed your buttons for the last time. I know it feels easier to simply judge them and then walk away, but having those difficult conversations is what’s important. Often people don’t even know they are doing things to upset us. So have the conversation and get the full story, it could change your perception and cause you to make different decisions.

Scorpio: What if your past didn’t exist? Yeah. Try that one on for size. Often the resentments and regrets of the past can interfere with your decision-making in the future. In fact, the scorpion that represents you can fly into such fits of anger attempting to protect itself and exact its revenge, it often stings itself, basically committing suicide, by accident but still, you get the idea. It is why Scorpios can have such self-destructive tendencies, they let the rage of the past affect the peace of their future.

I get it, trust me, Scorpio moon over here. Yet this is a week where you can let some of that go. Try this exercise. If there were no past, no memory, no reminder of hard times or difficult experiences—what would you choose? In this moment, in this week, in this life? Would you show up differently to your relationships? Would you quit your job and move to Mexico? Hey, I’m here for it all. Take the time to see how the past might be affecting your future and forget it. If you’d never been hurt before, how would you act? If you weren’t busy plotting revenge, what would you be thinking about?

Capricorn: You’re not alone. I know you feel all alone, all by yourself making the decisions, calling the shots, and leading the workgroup. But you don’t have to. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself. Let your partner have some say in the domestic decisions. Let them take some of your workload. Seriously who cares if the dishwasher isn’t loaded “correctly”, or the dishes go in the “wrong” cabinets? That stuff doesn’t matter, your sanity does. It might take some work to let go of those things, but please try to remember what truly matters in this life. Allowing others some say can help you feel less like you are on your own, and more like you are part of a team. It’s ok to let others in and let some things go. The illusion of loneliness is in your mind. Cooperation lies just on the other side of your comfort zone.

Aquarius: You did it didn’t you? You had that tough conversation you were avoiding! I’m so proud. And guess what—you’re still here! The world didn’t end, your life isn’t over, no one imploded. You now know you CAN do it! You can have those tough conversations, smoothly and accurately and get on with your life. It’s not that big of a deal. I know the leadup might have felt intense, but the aftermath was what? Smooth right? Told you. Now you can move on with your life without feeling like every tough conversation might be your last.

Pisces: I have no idea what’s going on with you right now. You are so up in the sky that you are almost off the Zodiac chart. You are REALLY opening up in a big way. Gifts are being revealed, connections are being made, and you are practically an alien at this point. That’s AWESOME! I feel like it’s been a few weeks of up, up and now you’re away. Your intuition is so on point it’s scary. Whatever your soul is telling you to do right now my goodness please do it. Whatever relationship feels good, allow it, whatever doesn’t push it away. But truthfully, I don’t even need to tell you that because you are already doing it.

Although I do feel that some of the signs that fall close to the edge of the chart, like those who might be closer to Aquarius and Aries, might have a bit of a heavier vibe. You might have some side work that still needs to be done before you can fly as high as the mid-range Pisces. That’s ok, don’t be jealous, you will clean that stuff up quickly, it probably feels like you don’t even have a choice, the pull to heights is so strong. That’s ok, get it done, you are about to soar into greatness!

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