By: Dillon Stearnes

(The Hollywood Times) 8/5/23 – Out now from Entertainment Square comes Christopher Fox’s directorial debut Rub. An erotica crime thriller centered around a lonely reject’s journey to find his place in life. Micah Spayer plays the role of Neal a down-on-his-luck man who is desperate to find love in an all too cruel world. Mocked by his peers and at the end of his rope he decides to go to a massage parlor that offers a bit more than your standard appointment at the recommendation of a coworker. At the appointment, he begins to develop a relationship with Perla (Jennifer Figuereo) as he is entered into a world of carnal pleasure previously kept far away from him. When he returns to work, he is ruthlessly bullied by his peers for doing such and begins his spiral into further isolation.

After another visit to the spa, an attempted robbery takes place threatening the life of his newfound obsession Perla. Neal becomes an unlikely hero of sorts and must go on the run in a spectacle of carnage and True Romance inspired love. While on the run Neil begins to develop true love for his prostitute counterpart and for once in his life it is reciprocated. The ladder half of the movie focuses on their journey together and what it means to find meaning within the chaos of the world. As they are hunted mercilessly they find solitude in genuine friendships and companions who look out for them despite their mysterious circumstances.

One part thriller, one part erotica, and one part a story of isolation Rub offers an insightful look into what it is to be a social outcast on the brink of destruction. Coupled with a powerhouse acting class, flawless soundtrack, and captivating cinematography this indie gem stands out against its competitors. _Rub_ is out now and available on Cable VOD and Digital HD, including iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, Comcast, and Verizon.