By Valerie Milano
Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 12/14/23 – If you ask people about the existence of extraterrestrial life and UFOs, depending on who it is and what they hold as their core beliefs, you’ll get a wide array of answers.
But if you ask Serena De Comarmond, you will receive a startlingly quick and definite yes! De Comarmond, a documentary filmmaker, reality star and talk show host who goes by the stage name Serena DC, speaks from personal experience.
And she shares her experiences and information form a wide array of experts in the feature-length film, “We Are Not Alone,”
“I have seen things myself,” De Comarmond said in an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Times. “I’ve always believed in extraterrestrials. I spent 40 years of my life looking up at the sky, and I never saw anything. I wanted to.”
Click below to see our exclusive interview:
But after using meditative techniques explored in this film, all that changed. She started seeing them, and now she says she sees them all the time. She explained how meditation and opening her mind resulted in her first and subsequent sightings.

Directed by Michael Mazzola (Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind) and with expert contributions from leading UFO experts including Dr. Steven Greer, Jaques Valle, Danny Sheehan, Andrea Perron, Paola Harris, Adam Curry, Jimmy Church and Sid Goldberg, “We Are Not Alone” is a deeply insightful and spiritual film. It is essentially a call to action for all humanity to step up and protect life on our own planet as it is an exploration of life from other planets.
And considering recent government UFO hearings and as UFO belief crests in America, the film certainly is timely. So why only now is our government releasing information it has had for more than a half century?
“I believe, and many others in my field believe, it’s because they are coming in a much more meaningful way,” De Comarmond said. “And we’re about to find out this information has been withheld from us by our government, so I guess they are trying to get ahead of the curve, so that when they do arrive, they can say, well we told you.”
But why was that information withheld until now? The filmmaker has a theory.
“Based on what I have been told by all the experts in the industry … they believe the reason this information has just now been disclosed is because of something called “catastrophic disclosure,” she said. “What the government is saying now is that they have kept information from us because they’re afraid that we can’t handle it, that the knowledge that we are not alone in this world will blow our minds and send us all into a complete frenzy, followed by a social collapse.”
De Comarmond postulates further that we have largely been held captive by a belief system that largely does not recognize the existence of life other than our own.
“When we’re born, we are born into families that have different belief systems,” she said. “If you’re born into a family that is, in particular, highly religious, that are church-going folks who believe every word that is written in the Bible, or in the Koran, or whatever religion they subscribe to, our religions are not really acknowledging the fact that we’re not alone.
“To say we’re not alone almost contradicting the belief systems that they have in place in their religions. So, for a lot of people, it comes from this innate feeling that has been put in them from birth.”
De Comarmond says more people than one might suspect believe that they are other life forms out there.
“If you really sat down alone with literally every human being on Earth and said ‘Hey, let’s talk about this in confidence. Do you think that there is life on other planets?’ a resounding amount of people would say yes,” she said.
“We Are Not Alone” was released theatrically on October 3, and now is available on streaming services AppleTV, Amazon Prime, Microsoft Movies and Television, Google Play and YouTube.