Batten Down the Hatches

Whew! This week has been a doozy. No wonder, with all of this fire energy raining down on us. Even as an Aries who enjoys the burn, I’ve been feeling the heat. We also have Mars moving into Cancer this week, and for those of us whose ruling planet is Mars, such as Aries and Scorpio (in some traditions) that can feel especially heavy. So, this week may be feeling a little bit chaotic, emotional, or all of the above.

However, often when things feel the most chaotic, they are about to fall into place. Think about a seed, as it is breaking open it probably feels like everything is falling apart, and things are cracking, breaking, pushing, and pulling. Then all of a sudden *Boom*! Out shoots the flower as it pushes up through the dirt and greets the sky. Yet if anyone were to ask the seed how it was feeling during that time (and if seeds could respond) they would probably tell you it felt like their world was ending. That is pretty much what we are going through now, the growing pains of spring. The storm before the calm.

So, what can we do during these astrological birthing pains? The same thing they tell you to do during actual birthing pains, Breathe. This week the best we can do is lay low and let whatever comes, come. We planted the planning seeds two weeks ago, last week we put them into action, and this week we let them begin to bloom. And thankfully this week we have Venus in Taurus to hold onto.

Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and it rules the sign of Taurus, an Earth sign. Which is exactly the energy we want to be connecting to this week, Earth, grounding, centering. Think about it, when a fire is getting out of control what is something you can do to calm it? Throw a little dirt on it. The medicine for too much fire is Earth. So this week we are going to batten down the hatches and let what we put into planning come into practice.

Weekly To-Do List:

Ground, ground, and oh yeah ground!

  • Breathe- take time to incorporate a breath practice, the Box Breathing exercise is great!
  • Spend time in nature
  • Burn Sage, Palo Santo, or Incense
  • Connect to a meditation or yoga practice
  • Spend some quiet time alone
  • Listen to music, read a good book, listen to a centering podcast

The best way to ground is to literally connect to the ground. Spend some time in nature, do an outdoor meditation or yoga practice, or even just sit near a tree and read a good book. Through all of it, don’t forget to Breathe! Breath is life, it literally gives us life and helps us bring it into the world. So, this week, the best thing we can do is breathe and connect. Everything will fall into place as it’s supposed to. We have to trust we have put the best-laid plans into place and the rest is up to the stars.

Pro Tip

Perhaps we include our partners in our emergency bunkers or perhaps we need some solo time to process everything. The energy this week is funky, so it could take some alone time to fully center. Communication is key here though, make sure your partner is in on your plans. You don’t want to just disappear with no explanation. Let them know what you need, and how you need to do it.

If you feel like grounding with your partner is more aligned with how you’re feeling, that’s great too! Introduce them to some of the grounding practices you’ve come across and use the time to help ground and solidify the roots of your relationship, together! Building a relationship on a base of stability and solidity is a beautiful thing, my friends. So if you can include your partner, great! If not, hey that’s ok too.

Some of the signs are more solo travelers than others. Aries, Aquarius, and Gemini’s might enjoy their alone time now, while Cancer, Scorpio, and Taurus might like to have a partner in this endeavor. It can also depend on where your moon sign lies, as that controls your emotional center and that is what we are attempting to help get in line this week.  So if you are a Gemini with a Scorpio moon, you might actually be craving closeness this week during your grounding practice. It’s all good, just listen to your intuition and let it lead the way!

Remember, it will all be ok, even if this week it doesn’t exactly feel like it.

Happy Star Surfing!

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