A report focused on the most commercially-successful low-rated movies. Despite being panned by critics, these movies managed, against all odds, to earn millions at the box office.

SlotsMove looked at the lowest-rated movies, with a score of 10% or less, on the review-aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes and selected those with budgets of over $50 million. We found that the most financially successful “bad” movie is the animated “The Emojie Movie” (2017) with over $217 million box office, despite having a score of just 6%.

Here are a few key takeaways from the report:

– The critically low-rated “The Emoji Movie (2017)” returned its budget four times and is the “bad” movie with the greatest box office profit out of all big-budget films on the ranking

– Grown Ups (2010), as well as its sequel from 2013 and the third movie in the Meet the Parents series are among the most financially successful movies with extremely poor reviews from critics

– Speed 2: Cruise Control managed to break even with box office revenues of $164.5 million, while movies such as Catwoman and the Nutcracker in 3D turned into financial disasters

For this report, our team looked at revenue figures and movie budgets tracked by Box Office Mojo and The Numbers. To select the movies with the lowest reviews from critics, we relied on the Rotten Tomatoes platform and its Tomatometer scale. Only movies that received an approval rating of 10% or lower from a minimum of 20 reviews were taken into account. In addition, we focused on titles that received wide theatrical release rather than direct-to-video movies and movies made specifically for streaming services.

You can find more information in the full report, which features the complete list of movies analyzed.