On Thursday, July 6th, The Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills will bring the stirring musicality and undeniable truth of Lyle Lovett and His Large Band to the Big Stage.

By John Lavitt

Beverly Hills, CA (The Hollywood Times) 7/3/23 – “Wear what you want to wear. Do what you want to do. Be who you are. Pick out your own clothes. Be a man. And if that’s too much to ask, as it almost always is for me, think of someone you consider to be a man and pretend to be like him. I pretend to be like my dad.”

  • Lyle Lovett on Being a Man

In a time in American history when glossy baloney seems to dominate the entertainment scene, Where Music Meets the Soul again goes against the grain of the typical by bringing Lyle Lovett and his legendary Large Band to The Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills. Since his self-titled debut in 1986, the singer has become one of music’s most iconic and honest performers. As the winner of four Grammy Awards, he received the Americana Music Association’s inaugural Trailblazer Award. Moreover, as a native-born son of the great state, Lyle Lovett was named Texas State Musician.

As a singer, composer, and actor, Lyle Lovett has spent close to forty years expanding the definition of American music. With fourteen albums under his belt buckle, he consistently shows himself as a truth-teller in the Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan tradition. Combining a true gift for storytelling with a profound sense of integrity, he fuses elements of country, swing, jazz, folk, gospel, and blues into his song. As Lyle Lovett says, “If someone gives you a belt buckle, it’s like a piece of jewelry. It has the same sort of emotional significance. It would be something you would intend to keep forever.”

By defying conventions and transcending expectations, Lyle Lovett breaks down barriers. Moreover, he brings his audience together in a folksy manner that allows for his vulnerability to evolve into an asset that is more valuable today than ever. By telling the truth and never giving in to the musical machine that prioritizes success over decency, Lyle Lovett represents the very best of American Music. Thus, right after the Fourth of July, Lyle Lovett, in concert at The Saban Theatre, gives the citizens of Los Angeles the ability to connect with the heart and the soul of their American heritage.

Lyle Lovett Represents the Integrity of Performance

You may be asking why we promote this show with such an evident passion. It is an excellent question to ask. The answer is simple and direct. Lyle Lovett represents a degree of integrity and wholesomeness that is becoming hard to find. As Lovett explains about himself, “The most important thing you can do as a performer is to be yourself or be an onstage version of yourself. If you’re not being true to yourself, and somebody likes that other version of you, your’e kind of stuck.”

If you want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to see an American icon in concert, there is good news on the near horizon. Indeed, tickets are still available for this inspiring show, but you must act sooner rather than later. Quality is becoming harder to find in this modern age of noise everywhere and short attention spans. Technology is everywhere, but integrity is often lacking. Therefore, when you get a chance to see a man live who values the integrity of his performance above all else, you should take advantage of such a moment. After all, you don’t know when you will get another chance at such beauty and grace on stage.