By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 02/06/2020 – 

You were born in a Catholic orphanage in Philadelphia in 1951. Did you think one day you would be an Actress? 

Apparently, I was born into drama, so yes, I knew from day one that I was destined for the stage and the big screen.

What is it about acting that resonates with your soul?  

That is an interesting question because portraying various humans from differing familiar emotional settings challenges the mind, body, and spirit in the moment that resonates in powerful ongoing ways with the audience, I am referring to theatre work, which is the litmus test for the serious thespian. I am learning to like the camera, live in the moment with the camera not to perform but to Be!           

You’ve been through a lot of turbulent times. Share some of the moments that although they looked like challenges, were blessings? 

Hard times in my marriage, when I could have left or committed a crime: I chose to pray to seek spiritual guidance, I learned the freedom of forgiveness, the secret of contemplation and knowing the power of God in silence. My book the ABZ.s of Sanity is a product of my healing and emancipation.

Have the Arts always been a part of your life? What do you enjoy the most? 

Yes, I sang and wrote from my childhood, it wasn’t art it was just me being me.  I am still learning how to play the piano so that I can accompany myself, like Laura Nyro Or  Alicia Keys. The most challenging aspect of being an Artist is the self-control, perseverance, integrity, courage, and grace needed to accomplish anything!  

Who inspires you? 

God’s love inspires me, Carmelite Nuns inspire me, their prayers inspire and strengthen me. They live in silence, pray and fast for the world and trust the goodness of God for everything they need.

Tell us about working with younger playwrights. 

Some of their stories are redundant but many are genius and their stories are reminiscent of childhood fears or challenges in relationships and I am honored to help tell their stories.

You are an Author. Tell us about your experience. 

Many people around me contributed to my need to create this book, including myself.   

It is a self-care booklet for those of us who have personally lived in or with mental illness. I have created a Podcast that currently runs monthly, also I am working with Phillycam to produce a children’s television program.