By: Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 3/2/2020 – Julien Guiteau’s message of spreading positivity can be found in all of his work. Born in Queens New York, and oldest of four siblings Julien took on the responsibility to be a leader early. His mission for his YouTube series, Adventures with Julien is to bring communities together through positivity. “The goal of each episode is to market the company, entertain/ enlighten the viewers, and bring communities together through positivity. Overall highlighting how great that certain company is for the community.” – Julien Guiteau

How important is the Arts to you? 

Julien Guiteau: The Arts are extremely important to me, it’s a reflection of who I really am. I grew up in Queens, New York, in a household where my dad would play music from different artists including Bob Marley, Leny Kravitz and Michael Jackson. Along with the Caribbean and Haitian music. My Mom would sing around the house to Prince, Whitney Huston, Boys 2 men, and lots of 80s R&B. Our family always had the TV on, playing music video award shows and soul train reruns. I would watch and become inspired to emulate the people on TV, whether that be in singing or dancing. My dad played instruments around the house, like the guitar, drums, and piano. My dad also had a camcorder that he would use to film me and my younger brother singing, dancing, or acting. He would tell us what roles we had and we would act it out. We would also film pretend talk shows where I hosted and talked about my toys.

As I got older I would watch dance movies and YouTube videos on my own and practice the dance moves until I did them right. In Middle School, I joined the dance team in the 7th and 8th grades. Our team would perform at school pep rallies and talent shows in front of the entire school. We would travel and compete at Hershey Park, PA against other schools too. Being on the dance team helped me develop as a better person and student. My dance team teacher had a lot to do with that. He would make sure everyone on the team finished their homework before starting dance practice. He taught us the importance of being on time to practice and giving our best effort during practice. Being on my middle school dance team kept me out of trouble and gave me an outlet to express myself as a young 12 and 13 yr old kid. Most of my friends would hangout and party after school, but I would go straight to dance practice after school. I believe this routine in middle school kept me on a path to success. I continued performing in high school, college, and to this day I perform when the opportunity presents itself. Whether I was doing a pretend commercial, acting out a scene, or performing on stage I was always immersed in the arts during my childhood as young as 6 years old. So the arts is part of my identity, without participating in the arts I’m not fully being me.

What do you enjoy most about the entertainment business? 

Julien Guiteau: What I enjoy most about the entertainment industry is that you can begin from scratch, have an idea, then have the opportunity to bring it to life and share with the world. The entertainment business is an industry of people who have the freedom to express themselves in their most truest and honest form. I’m a creative so having the opportunity to tell a story that means something special to me and potentially impact, uplift, or inspire someone is the coolest thing to me. I also love that I can unapologetically be myself. I feel free in entertainment, I feel I am walking into my purpose through entertainment.   

Tell us about your YouTube series, Adventures with Julien.

Julien Guiteau: Adventures With Julien is a web video series on YouTube and other social media platforms hosted by me and filmed by various talented videographers. It started with me taking you on a new adventure every episode sharing facts about each location. Then it developed to something more. The mission is now to bring communities together through positivity. I reached out to a friend of mine and I asked if we could do a quick video explaining how the city looks. The first-ever episode was in Time Square. I had just moved to New York and I wanted a way for my friends and family in PA to see what was around me. A friend of mine told me that I needed to start providing value to my audience. Episode 4 was where I began to implement his advice and did a video called the top three things to do in the Lehigh Valley, PA. Now, this was something people could watch and learn something they didn’t know prior. Episode 6 was the turning point, primarily because it was the first company I worked with. That company was the PPL Center/Lehigh Valley Phantoms in PA. That’s when I realized that I had something here. I was shedding light on local companies, highlighting great things that they do that people don’t really get to see. Today I use this series to give everybody a voice and a platform.

I’ve worked with, (The PPL Center/Phantoms in Allentown, PA) (A Zumba Club in Fullerton, PA) (Liven Up Health and Fitness in Bethlehem, PA) (Hope day network in Brooklyn, NY) (Skyzone in Bethlehem, PA) (Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs in Allentown, PA) (The Lehigh Valley Zoo in Schnecksville, PA) and most recently (The State Theater in Easton, PA)

The goal of each episode is to market the company, entertain/ enlighten the viewers, and bring communities together through positivity. Overall highlighting how great that certain company is for the community.

Who inspires you? Who would you like on your show?

Julien Guiteau (Photo: Evan Werner)

Julien Guiteau: I get inspiration from many individuals who have extreme work ethic and always look to break barriers, including Jay Z, Will Smith, Kevin Hart, Oprah, Diddy, Eric Thomas, and Micheal B. Jordan. If I could have any individual on my show Chillin with Julien, it would be Will Smith, because who he is as a person is so interesting to me. I haven’t met him yet, but I feel like I know him, his thought process and the way he talks about topics are fascinating. For example, I was sent a YouTube video by my aunt in freshman year of college called “Will Smith shares his secrets of success” and it changed how I looked at everything in life. I would do my morning stretches every morning, plug my earbuds in, and play that video. I truly believe I gained some solid values from that video that I still live by today. So If I had him on my show I would first thank him and then discuss different topics revolved around achieving goals and dreaming big.   

What challenges have you overcome? 

Julien Guiteau: One main challenge I’ve overcome is a rough academic past experience that almost prevented me from graduating from college. During my freshman year I was an Accounting major and had selected this major due to the financial stability I thought I would have in the career. Little did I know that wasn’t a strong enough reason to select a major. So I struggled academically not just because it wasn’t my expertise, but because I didn’t allow myself much study time. I worked a part-time job, was a full-time student, and ran track and field. Not to say having all those extracurricular activities was an excuse, it’s just that my heart wasn’t in accounting and I developed poor time management and study habits. Winter break Junior year was one of the toughest and most character shaping times of my life because those poor habits caught up to me. If I kept this up I would no longer be enrolled. So, I made a promise to myself to do better, be better, work harder, and focus. This ultimately led me to switch my major to Marketing, leave the track team, leave my job at Staples, and improve my time management and study habits. In my senior year of college, I accepted a work-study at the Career Development Center which was part of what helped save me, because I was surrounded by nothing but love and support. With the support of professors, counselors and family, I eventually went on to graduate on time and receive my Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing. I’m very grateful for my Marketing degree as it is still beneficial in marketing different companies for my episodes, marketing my platforms, and my personal brand. Everyone needs marketing in some form, it’s how you’re seen and heard. That challenge in my life has become the situation I always look back on, remembering what used to be, which motivates me to learn from it and always work hard for what I know I can achieve. Now today, anytime I struggle I just make a few adjustments and apply myself. I learned that I am resilient and I never back down from any challenge.             

Tell us about your talk show and podcast, Chillin with Julien. Why did you launch it? 

Julien Guiteau: Chillin with Julien is a talk show and podcast, where the mission is to interview inspiring individuals to inspire others. Watching interviews growing up I always would get inspiration from people when they talked about their stories because I would learn the full story of what it took to get to where they are now. So I thought what if I created a podcast and interviewed people I found super inspiring, with hopes to inspire someone else that would watch. What’s unique about this platform is that I make sure to ask the questions that can provide the viewer with value and inspiration. Through every episode, you’ll find a gem of positivity of some sort. I make it a point to create an environment of freedom for my guest to express how they feel about their passions and share advice with viewers who want to follow their path or just be successful in their own goals. Our visual talk show interview goes up on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our audio podcast goes up on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google podcast, Overcast, Breaker, Radio Public, and Anchor. Just type Chillin With Julien on all accounts or go to for all our content.

Share a few of your memorable guests. 

Julien Guiteau: So far I’ve interviewed a musician named Corin Gabriella, a Choreographer named Carlos Neto, a Subway performer named Marley, a Personal trainer named Aaron Borroughs, an author named Anna Nyakana, and a Media Writer named Raheem Veal in our tribute episode for the icon Kobe Bryant. Each guest was memorable because they all had a different profession and different story to how they got to where they are. I could choose any episode from any guest and find at least one gem that I could use in my day to day. That’s why I love this platform because we discuss topics that our viewers can relate to while promoting a positive message to close out each episode. If the guest has a visual profession that can be showcased, for example, dancing or singing we give them an opportunity to showcase their talent at the end of the episode. Chillin with Julien is authentic, inspirational, and relatable. 

What is your vision? 

Julien Guiteau: My vision is to continue to produce content that brings inspiration to people. Continue to be a good role model for my siblings and the younger generation. Continue to stay authentic no matter how much success I have with the things I’m doing, making sure to always remember home. To be the best version of myself and constantly grow is a strong importance to me. It’s so important to water your plants and invest in yourself. Believe you have what it takes to be successful. If you have heart, If you have passion, that’s all you need. Bet on yourself. You have to constantly say what you are. I am a producer, just on a different scale. I produce content that tells stories, that entertains, that enlighten and inspire. With staying persistent I will reach my goals. With staying consistent I will keep my goals. Since I grew up in production and will be pursuing a career there, I definitely will be immersing myself into the craft, constantly learning about all the different functions and moving parts it takes to create a show or film. I plan to dabble in acting in short films, commercials, script writing, and producing for bigger platforms. In 5 years I see myself hustling every day for what I truly love. I see myself being a successful producer and presenter on television and other platforms. I will host red carpets, award shows, and more. I will produce TV shows, commercials, and films. I see myself making a positive impact on others on a larger scale. My mission is to empower and help others to realize the potential in themselves. On television, I want to be able to do what I love in front of a larger audience not to just say “here I am” but to have the opportunity to inspire many. In 10 years I see myself being a successful television presenter, producer, entrepreneur, and personnel. I want to be well known for my work, positivity, hard work and energy. I see myself raising an amazing family and impacting the world every day for the better. I truly believe that had it not been for the many sacrifices my parents and family made for me along with my growing faith, I would not be put in a position to chase my dreams. My faith in the lord has been the reason for my success. My favorite bible verses that I write in all my notebooks for a reminder is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

Share your upcoming projects.

Juilen Guiteau (Photo: Evan Werner)

Julien Guiteau: I have Adventures with Julien Episode 14 dropping this March where we covered Diamond Athletics, which is a youth football training organization that is positively impacting the community. I’m on the set of Chillin with Julien episode 7 this month, top secret for now. I have a short film called (Blessing In Disguise) I’m doing this month. As well as more projects that you can keep up with by following my updates on Instagram and other social media platforms

Julien Guiteau’s Instagram – @julienjfg…

Julien Guiteau’s Twitter – @julienjfg

Julien Guiteau’s Snapchat – @julienjfg

Julien Guiteau’s Website:

Julien Official Website

Julien Guiteau’s Youtube Channel:

Adventures With Julien Website

Adventures With Julien Instagram:@adventureswithjulien…

Adventures With Julien Twitter:

Adventures With Julien Facebook: @adventureswithjulien…

Adventures with Julien Youtube Playlist:

Chillin With Julien Website:

Chillin With Julien Youtube Playlist:

Chillin With Julien Podcast audio:

Julien’s message of spreading positivity can be found in all of his work. Born in Queens New York, and oldest of four siblings Julien took on the responsibility to be a leader early. After 10 years of age Julien and his family moved to Bethlehem, PA where he would go on to complete all of his schooling and earn his BS in Marketing at DeSales University. In college, Julien immersed himself in the arts and took every opportunity he had to get involved to host events and social media takeovers. Julien is a determined go-getter with tunnel vision but still is a kid at heart who makes time for fun. As a former collegiate track and field athlete, Julien still possesses his competitive nature and applies it to his everyday routine. After college Julien took on the big apple working in corporate ad sales in Manhattan, New York. Aside from his day job, Julien continues to create new content for his passion projects. His mission for Adventures with Julien is to bring communities together through positivity. His mission for Chillin with Julien is to interview inspiring individuals to inspire others. Julien often collaborates with fellow past and present tv/film students from his university who film and edit his episodes, creating mutual opportunity for both him and the students. With 13 years of dance experience, Julien doesn’t let a day go by without grooving to the rhythm of his own beat. His charm, stage presence, and dance moves can uplift a room. His public speaking abilities, poise and laxed personality make him very approachable and easy to talk to. Julien aims not only to make a difference, but to inspire people to be greater versions of themselves. Julien has given back to his community by returning numerous times to his middle school, high school, and college to guest speak. Each time he returns, he provides current students with tips and advice on their upcoming chapter while sharing his own experiences. As a family man, optimist, and man of faith, Julien doesn’t need much to get him out of bed and go after his dreams. Julien values relationships and loves connecting with creative individuals. Julien has touched the lives of many with his presence and inspiring content and he looks to inspire many more on the silver screen. He identifies himself as just a kid from Queens chasing his dreams. His favorite quote is “If you believe, you shall achieve”