By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 3/20/2020 

You have been a successful model for over 15-years. What do you enjoy most? How are you unique?

I absolutely love having the opportunity to travel and to do photoshoots at various locations. I get the most satisfaction from getting the “concept/direction” of a particular shot or scene from the photographer and nailing the actual shot the client wants in the fewest frames possible. Hearing the client say, “Yes that looks great\that’s exactly what we wanted and more,” gives me the greatest pleasure as a professional model. Being humble and guided by a driven mindset has a lot to do with it and I consider my greatest physical attribute to be my smile.

What I consider to be most unique about myself is my ability to give the client the “money shot” they desire from talent in the 1-3 “photo takes” which saves them time and money in both pre-production and post-production. I possess the unique ability to sustain a look, maintain my mark, and connect with the camera until the photographer says “Got It!” I am unique in the manner that I have the versatility and range as a model to give off realistic looks from a CEO, to a dad, to medical personnel, military personnel, law enforcement, to an athlete, to a fitness trainer, etc. I am also unique in that I am a realist and passionate about my work and the direction I want to take my Brand. I implement years of my life’s experiences when mentoring and giving advice to others that are considering becoming a part of the entertainment industry and/or any business venture.

What do you look for in a brand to represent?

What I look for in any brand I represent is the integrity and overall positive image of the brand and desired target market/message of the advertisement. I feel the brand should have a positive image and one that is inclusive of all races, nationalities, various age ranges, and represent both males and females. I take it seriously that when a Brand chooses to make me the face of their product or service in an advertisement, that I return that same level of integrity and a professional positive image in order to represent their brand effectively in the public eye.

Tell us about your experience in national commercials. Which ones are you most proud of?

My experience in National Ad Campaigns is priceless in that it affords me the opportunity to be exposed to the world and present myself in a positive light via the commercial model medium. The ad campaign I am most proud of is the Six Flags Over Texas photo-shoot because I was featured on my 1st Billboard. I had the opportunity to work with one of the largest and most prestigious marketing communications companies in the world, Ogilvy & Mather. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Drew Brees (quarterback for the New Orleans Saints NFL Franchise) on a commercial print shoot for COX CABLE. I have also been featured in national ad campaigns for industry giants such as Walmart, AT&T, Dell, Motorola, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Brinks, Inc. to name a few.

What excites you about the entertainment business? What roles are you looking for?

What excites me about the entertainment business is that it affords me the opportunity to meet more interesting people through traveling to different shoot locations and to express myself and my personality through photos. It has also afforded me the opportunity to introduce The Acy brown Pyramid Collection and The Acy Brown Lifestyle Collection through various mediums being able to play the role of different characters in different productions and being able to show my versatility as a model is very rewarding!

The type of roles I am seeking are those that allow me to be featured in National TV Commercials and Print Ad Campaigns. I would love to be featured in magazines such as GQ, Men’s Health, Essence, and Esquire. My favorite movie role characters would be that of a Secret Service Agent, Military Personnel or Fitness Trainer.

Who do you admire and want to work with?

I admire and would love to work with Percy Miller “Master P” and Shaquille O’Neil. I admire them because they are avid advocates for educating people that are interested in owning their own businesses and do extensive work as a Philanthropist which inspired me to establish my nonprofit corporation Donte, Andrew, Annie, Inc.

You left a 6-Figure corporate job to lead a successful clothing line online at the age of 50. Tell us about your journey as a self-made fashion designer. When do you launch your brand?

Even though I worked as an accountant in Corporate America for several years, I have always had a passionate love for fitness/fashion and the desire to create my own fitness brand. Sitting and working behind a desk for 8-10 hours a day was not for me. I had bigger dreams, goals, aspirations, and a vision of becoming a successful entrepreneur. I wanted to use my years of experience working as an accountant and combined with my 15-years of experience as a professional commercial model to create a brand that would encompass my love for fashion and fitness. I knew this would be a great challenge for me, but I have never been the type to not face a challenge head-on. Instead of allowing the age of 50 to be a hindrance, I looked at my age as a major positive due to the fact I have maintained a vibrant, healthy, youthful appearance over the years. I knew I could use the years of wisdom and knowledge gained over the years to launch a successful company/brand.

I began to assemble a strong team around me consisting of talent agents, personal stylist, a publicity firm, a personal assistant, and business manager. Being able to work with such a committed and dedicated staff has provided me with the necessary support and expertise needed in order for me to reach the level of success I have in such a relatively short period of time. I launched my brand in November 2018… The Acy Brown Company.

Your business has expanded to more than 6 countries and 35 states. What is your recipe for success?

My recipe for success starts with prioritizing and being disciplined while staying true to my vision. Networking face to face and via social media ensure my fitness collection is able to not only attract but also fulfill the needs of the consumer. Being persistent, flexible, and adaptable in areas where needed while keeping in line with my budget that has been formulated to ensure that my business operates at peak efficiency. I have always been known for being very detailed and specific in regards to how I want myself and The Acy Brown Company to be perceived from both a personal and business perspective. I have never been the copycat type as far as wanted my brand to look like another brand or myself to look like another model. I believe by creating my own individual looks, developing my own style, and putting projects together that allows me to stand out in a classy way as a businessman have all led and will continue to lead to my success as an Entrepreneur, Brand Ambassador, Model, Actor, Fitness Influencer, and Philanthropist.

What will people notice right away about The Acy Brown Lyfestyle Fitness Collection? Do you have a few favorites?

What people will notice right away about The Acy Brown Fitness Collection besides the logo which has a significant meaning behind its design, is the quality breathable material with a tailored fit and array of colors that equally compare to the recognized names the educated cost-savvy consumer may have as part of their fitness and fashion wardrobe. Even though I love all of the pieces that represent my brand, I would have to say my favorite pieces are the sleeveless hoodies for men and brushed back leggings for women!

How do you stay fit? What keeps you motivated?

The most important component for me in staying fit is committing to a balanced diet, putting myself through various rigorous workouts 5-6 times per week, keeping my stress levels down, and getting an average of 6-7 hours of quality sleep each night. I have also incorporated yoga into my workout routine to help alleviate some of the pain I suffer from due to having had an invasive spinal fusion surgery procedure. On days I do not feel like lifting weights, I will simply go for a peaceful 60minute stroll in order to relax my mind and take the needed tension off my body.

First, my motivation stems from wanting to be and feel healthy from the inside out. There is a certain look I want to have aesthetically in and out of my clothes. I want to be inspirational to others that may have physical limitations and chronic pain and an example that in spite of the physical pain, you can still manage it by maintaining a proper and consistent exercise routine.

What are your goals in 2020 as an Actor, Model, and Business Owner?

My goals for 2020 as a Model is to become the Brand Ambassador for a Major Brand and featured in a Major Publication/Magazine. My goal as an actor is to be cast in a National SAG Tourism Commercial and Major Movie Production playing the role as a CIA Secret Service Agent or Fitness related character. My goal for my business is to secure a major distribution deal for my clothing line and have various pieces from my clothing line worn by actors in a Major Motion Picture, TV Production, and Commercial. I also have a commercial featuring myself that is currently in production that I would like to be picked up by a Major Network or Cable TV Station.

Do you have any additional thoughts?

I also have a podcast that streams on internet radio: every Sunday at 7 PM EST on . Overall… I am a genuine down to Earth person. I want to continue to be an inspiration to others and an example of what you can achieve when you commit yourself to your dreams and aspirations. I simply want to make the necessary legitimate business/ entertainment industry connections that will allow me the opportunity to achieve my lifelong dream of being featured in GQ Magazine… it is the reason I began this journey 15-years ago.

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