By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 4/1/2020

Share your “backstory.” How did you connect and decide to launch the “Sewing Hope” Podcast?

Anne: Bill Snyder and I were blessed to meet through another friend of both of us, Catholic author/Speaker Kendra Von Esh. We are so grateful she connected us. We’ve got a lot in common, we both have dealt with heart issues, understand both physical and emotional pain and have the same goals in ministry. We want to help other people recognize the light in the midst of this present darkness. So we started Sewing Hope to accomplish that goal.

Bill- You are the Founder of Patchwork Heart Ministry. Why is this work so important to you? 

Bill: Patchwork Heart Ministry is important to me because I believe that I’m doing the work God called me to do. Like every human on the planet, I have a unique story. Simply, God used my story of being born with a congenital heart defect (Tetralogy of Fallot) and it’s after effects of an infant stroke, multiple heart surgeries, coping with physical limitations and overcoming learning disabilities to inspire others. I often say our stories are not about us, we are to tell them so others might learn, grow and thrive. Therefore, Patchwork Heart Ministry employs stories, prayer experiences and media initiatives to accomplish its mission of “sewing hope into broken hearts.” Yes, the mission of Patchwork Heart Ministry is intimately connected to my story as I literally have patches sewn into my heart to keep it beating, but to me, it is not just a mission it is a constant challenge, a reminder that my heart does not beat for myself but rather for others.

Why do you think the “Sewing Hope” Podcast is resonating with people?

Sewing Hope is relevant to a wide audience of listeners because all people are hungry and thirsty for a reason to believe in truth, beauty, and goodness. Our conversation intentionally brings these into focus for the listener. Often discussing these topics can be seen as counter-cultural to an often greedy and narcissistic society. However, deep down inside of all of us there is a desire to use these building blocks of faith, instill hope in the world and repair broken hearts. This is the heartbeat of our podcast and it resonates with our audience because we simply help them dust off their souls and help them remember who God created and called them to be.


Anne DeSantis

Share some of your favorite topics on your show. Who would like as guests for your show? 

Some of our favorite topics are faith-related in some way or form, and we believe it helps people to feel a sense of community and belonging on our show as we discuss topics to help people feel and know that the Lord truly cares about their lives and situations. We would love to host guests who are doing good things to help make the world a better place. Authors, non-profits, speakers, those who are helping others are wonderful guests, but we are open to hosting many others! Simply, if you are a person of good will, reach out and connect with us. 

There are many faith-based podcasts out there, what makes your show unique?

Both of us approach the conversation from a Catholic perspective because we are both Catholics, but what makes it unique is unlike so many other faith-based podcasts we are not going to throw the bible or catechism at you or try to ram Church doctrine down throats. Rather we want to highlight good people doing good things and lead those searching for more closer to the truth.

Bill Snyder

What do each of you bring to the show?

We have our own personalities, but perhaps our age variance is interesting to bring both younger people as well as older people to our podcast. Bill is at the very beginning of the Millenial age range, and I am on the border of Gen X and the Baby-Boomer generation.

You are looking for sponsors. Tell us why people should join you?

We are looking for businesses and entrepreneurs who may like to partner with us to advertise during the podcast. We are pro-life, pro-family and pro-faith. Anyone who is doing great work is invited to join us. Email [email protected].

What do you enjoy most about being Hosts for “Sewing Hope?”

We love working together and we spend many hours off the air texting and talking with one another about how to make each episode hopeful and insightful for our listeners. It’s amazing to see how God works and equips us through our on and off the air conversations to build up the kingdom of God.

Where can we tune in? 

Download the Podbean app on your phone or computer. We are also on YouTube Live at Patchwork Heart Ministry. Look for “Sewing Hope Podcast” on Podbean and please follow us on all of the social media platforms.

The show airs at 9 A.M. on Tuesdays and 6 P.M. on Thursdays Eastern Time.

On demand episodes can be heard by searching any podcast app for Patchwork Heart Radio.

Do you have any additional thoughts?

The show is all about HOPE. Please connect with us as we have a prayerful community to bring hope to others. Help us spread the mission of God’s love and the wonderful things people are doing to make the world a better place.