By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 5/1/20 –

You are a successful Integrative Physician & Celebrity Transformational Coach. Share your background. 

I am a physician and went through my personal journey where I watched my life unfold as a road map in discovering my higher purpose. I am intuitive in my decisions but before I would just laugh it off as some coincidence or luck. I was too left-brained to accept anything other than science. One day a friend of mine gave me a book called “Many Lives. Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss MD. This book resonated with me where it changed my entire life. Here was another medical physician who graduated from an Ivy League University. He went through his own discoveries and research where today he has helped thousands of people all over the world. He’s done work with Oprah, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and so many healers of our time. This registered with me where I looked for Dr. Brian Weiss and was trained by him to become a Past Life Regression Therapist. I went on to pursue my Doctorate in Natural Medicine & my Ph.D. in Integrative Medicine and became a Reiki Master. 

Being an expert in the healing and recovery of those who’ve been in Narcissistic Abusive Relationships, I have spoken as a Keynote, Chaired & been an Organizing Committee Member to many psychiatric based world conferences & summits globally. I am a Global Goodwill Ambassador USA for my humanitarian work for women, United States Ambassador for Global Peace Chain & honored as the Circle of Wise Women for the international organization, Female Wave of Change. In New York, I am part of a Non-for Profit organization New American Voters Association (NAVA) where I am the Director of Leadership Academy. I was awarded New York’s Most Powerful Women in Business 2019. Today, I help women & men all over the world not only in narcissistic abuse but also in mindset & limiting beliefs

How are you implementing Quantum methodologies of healing helping clients around the world? Can you share a few success stories? 

A person has to make the decision to help themselves. We can always help or give the tools they need but they’re the ones who make the ultimate decision to use it or not. My clients who come to me are people who want powerful change. They are looking for that clarity to find their life purpose, heal or just prosper into their higher potential. This is not for people who want to wallow in their pool of being a victim. These are people who want to strive for a fulfilling life but just don’t know where to begin or how. So in Quantum healing, we make that decision together & make a pact. We then start our journey with mind-body healing techniques, eliminating limiting beliefs & producing new mindfulness perspectives. We use various quantum modalities such as meditation & reiki where you learn to connect to your inner being for sustainable healing, peace, and self- love. I’ve worked with clients locally here in New York and remotely all over the world. I feel happy when I see my clients living their best life. I enjoy watching the peace glowing from their face and hearing about the abundance they attract into their lives with their positive energy and outlook. I’ve walked with clients through their healing transformations where I’ve even been invited to their weddings to share their special moments. It is humbling and beautiful. Today, I have Reiki Certification courses where it’s not just attunements in Reiki but I also teach my students what I know about mindfulness so they can go and help others in their healing journey.

You were an Awardee of New York’s Most Powerful Women in Business 2019. What does it take to receive this honor? 

It means I have succeeded in making a dent in this world. The time, effort, and passion that I put into my clients for their success has been noticed. This award is not only just recognizing my hard work and dedication, it symbolizes to women all over the world that no matter what life brings you, you will succeed and prevail. It’s all about your mindset and heart. I feel proud I was able to start that ripple in the water for sustainable change and healing for narcissistic abuse victims. This award inspires me to do more, to go further. It’s time for the wave and I feel humbled and on top of the world for the award recognition.

What are you most proud of? 

Personally, I’m proud of my four wonderful children who have such amazing hearts. Each one of them has their unique charm and every day I love seeing something new flourish from them. Professionally, I’m humbled & proud of all my clients who put their trust in me for their successful healing work. I feel so delighted watching them all bloom into their authentic self filled with love and power.

You are a renowned expert in the field of narcissism & abusive toxic relationships. What are some of the recurring themes you hear from clients? What is your advice?

Most commonly, my clients come to me feeling lost. They can’t wrap their head around what went wrong or what even hit them. The only thing they do know is that no matter what they do, their partner will always find some new fault in them. Something else they were a disappointment in. My clients come to me feeling devalued, dehumanized, and heartbroken but what’s worse is most of them are convinced the problem is solely their fault. Only a person who has ever been involved with a narcissistic partner can understand the true gravity and soul-crushing state you become. Words alone can not describe the confusion, pain, and mental anguish you fall deep in. The partner feels alone, isolated, and in deep desperation where they’re far removed from any stable norm of life or reality. The constant see-sawing cycle a person goes through in a narcissistic relationship will eventually run them down. They become an empty shell of themselves questioning even simple humanity or if there is an existence of kindness. The aftermath of PTSD alone can be horrific but my advice for all who are in a narcissistic relationship is to understand that you can heal. You are not alone. You can get past this. You may not believe this right now but you will. You deserve to be happy and if I did it, so can you.

Share your humanitarian work and why it is important to you.

It’s important because, in today’s culture and millennial era, everything and everyone who might be a slight bit arrogant is automatically labeled a narcissist. Anyone who might be sitting in one place taking one to many selfies is slandered with the term narcissist and these people are a far cry from it. The loose way the term is thrown is making light of the situation and indeed injustice to the victims who suffered or still suffer from a narcissist’s hands. Victims of narcissist toxic relationships have been dragged down to the depth of all hurts, mentally and for some, physically as well. To help, first and foremost it’s to teach awareness of exactly what a real narcissist is capable of and for the victims to understand that there is a way out and they can heal. I work with organizations doing humanitarian work to bring more healing & mindfulness programs plus workshops for narcissistic abuse victims on a worldwide scale. 

You were honored for the Circle of Wise Women for the International Organization; Female Wave of Change, what does this mean to you? 

It is a great honor to be part of the Circle of Wise Women. Female Wave of Change is an amazing organization that helps empower women all over the world. We are a collaboration of handpicked leaders with various backgrounds, cultures, and professions where each and every one of us has wisdom plus experience that we bring to the table. We work together to be an important resource for other women to advance in their self and light. Women can be powerful when we stand together and this organization is the embodiment of this.

Do you have any additional thoughts? 

Love can be a very powerful tool in one’s healing. It’s all about recognizing it as a power and not a weakness. Only the strong can allow themselves to be vulnerable and that comes only when you truly love yourself exactly the way you are with all your perfections and imperfections.

IG: DrBinduBabu


Twitter: DrBinduBabu