By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 5/17/20–  Nakita Davis is one of the most sought after global speakers. On May 30th she is uniting women globally by offering a FREE virtual “Women Win Author & Business Summit II. 

You have impressive speakers for this event. What should people expect? 

Queens Should Absolutely expect to have their minds BLOWN! Our line-up includes Powerhouse International Speakers, Business experts, Thought-leaders, Philanthropist, Award-Winning, Best-Selling Authors, Ministry leaders & MORE! It is physically impossible for women to attend this Global event and not leave Inspired, Engaged, Motivated, Challenged, & EQUIPPED for Crushing their Author, Business, Spiritual, & Professional Goals!

Oh, and the Sisterhood and networking opportunity with REAL Kingdom-minded women will be unparalleled.

Queens- Do Not Want To Miss! The LIVE Event is FREE- So there is Absolutely no reason not to join us. For a limited time- Lifetime Access Replay will be available for purchase for Queens Who Want to Be Inspired & learn again and again! 

Where can people sign-up to attend? or Search Women Win Author & Business Summit II via Eventbrite

You have impacted millions through your spiritual gifts of encouragement. Share your background. 

Where do I start! I am a child of God- grew up in a strong Christian home with values and ethics that my Momma & Dad taught me. I’m not perfect by any means- not by a long shot, but the fiber of my being stems from my belief in the Greater work that is taking place in everything I do. 

With that being said, I am a powerful Woman of Faith- a Glow-getter who desires to impact the lives of millions through my spiritual gifts of encouragement & accountability. As a savvy business professional for nearly 15 years, I learned a thing or two about the importance of respectfully leveraging people, tools, and resources to help scale my business and brand.

Prior to becoming affectionately coined the “Publisher of Purpose,” I worked for a Fortune Top 10 Firm- developing award-winning leadership/sales teams (1M+ earned for an organization.) Later in life, God began to truly tug and shift my heart to better serve His people. I was Called to become an Ordained Minister. I now leverage my gifts and talents to serve in the church, out of the church, my community, and with grace in the business sector. 

I am Blessed to Serve Queens with my gifts & talents- both as spiritual edification/correction/ & with love- as well as in business. 

In the past, people have asked me ‘how do you separate your business and your ministry (Calling to spread the Gospel?) My reply every time is simple- I DON’T. I AM WHO I AM. My life should preach for me- way Before I ever Speak! If people do not like that- it’s okay. I don’t judge; however, their opinions Do Not Stop Me from being my best version in Christ both in spirit & business. 

Simply put- my upbringing, my award-winning background in the corporate sector, and my love for God and His people has enabled me to lead from the heart while providing sound strategy and execution that Wins again and again! 

How is the Q.U.E.E.N Xperience platform transforming lives?

The Q.U.E.E.N Xperience platform encourages, challenges, & equips Queens to Drop the excuses and Play their Royal Position in the home & the market place! This platform is all about a mindset shift.

  1. stands for Quit making excuses
  2. stands for Understand your assignment
  3. stands for Enlist your supporting cast
  4. stands for Establish your winning team
  5. stands for NOW

Through various Empowerment Conference, Our Best-Selling Book (The Q.U.E.E.N Xperience Guide to Playing Your Royal Position), and various educational workshops- women of Faith from around the Globe continue to create a community to SOAR, Lovingly hold their fellow Queens accountable, and equip each other to build our legacy! We will be headed on our 1st Global retreat (prayerfully) in the Spring of 2021!

Tell us about your company, Jesus Coffee And Prayer Christian Publishing House.  

Yes! Jesus, Coffee, and Prayer is my baby! It is the name of my 1st devotional book published turned into my Best-Selling literary platform. We are a Faith-based publishing community that offers our clients Exceptional customer care, and simplicity to Birth their book! We also help with author development, marketing/pr, and host a variety of Author related memberships and conferences to inspire & equip our audience. 

What would people be surprised to know about you? 

Good question… People would be surprised to know that I used to be a Certified Fitness Instruction— back, back, Back in the day. #Almost10yearsago 

My little business was called Fantasy Fitness- making your fitness dreams a reality. I met some great Queens during that time and still have connections with a few. I’m currently working off some of this “Stay-At-Home” fluffiness as we speak….LOL!

You are highly sought-after to inspire & challenge audiences around the Globe. What is your key to success?

Hands down, My Faith! As an Ordained Minister of the Christian Faith~ Jesus is my Source- period. There is Absolutely no way for me to achieve the continued and constant success that I have seen without HIM! People who know me, know that I pray for wisdom and discernment daily~ that includes my business and professional advancements and Everything I touch.

Do you plan on hosting other leadership events? 

Absolutely! To Stay in the know, I tell my Queens to make sure they follow @jesuscoffeeandprayer on FB & IG or by visiting my website! I am always cooking up something to: Magnify God, Bless My Tribe; & Help Queens #SecuretheBank

Stay Tuned!

Facebook & Instagram: @jesuscoffeeandprayer

Twitter: @jesuscoffeepray