By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 5/26/20 – 

Your most recent showing titled “Global Citizen” in LA featured some of his first works as an artist amongst recent trips and productions. Tell us about this collection. 

Global Citizen features works spanning 4-years and a few trips around the world! The exhibit on one side hi-lighted California from Coronado to La Jolla, Venice Beach to Downtown LA, and Hollywood up to San Francisco. On the other side, scenes of traffic in Dubai and Hong Kong, Tranquil Cherry Blossoms in front of an incredible Mt Fuji sunset, as well as the beautiful Paris Skyline at Sunset. All works are or big scenes depicting movement, tranquility, colorfully serene moments, and life in motion. 

How are you transporting viewers around the world, during the Coronavirus pandemic? 

Many of my images carry this same theme. Shot from up high or a unique perspective, I am capturing one-of-a-kind moments in familiar territories or far away lands that put people in awe of the wonder and beauty that our world displays every day. My home features many of my works throughout the years and in one room, depending on where you look you can be in 6 different counties. My artwork brings these scenes to life, and you can imagine being right there seeing the scene unfold before your eyes. I have stunning imagery from every continent of the world minus Antarctica. Instilling a sense of wanderlust from people from all walks of life. 

What is your hope for your photography during these uncertain times?

I hope I can help those that need an escape by providing one from the confines of their own home. Otherwise I hope I can bring positivity and inspiration, adding joy and hope during these times. If I can put a smile on a stranger’s face when they see my work then my hopes are fulfilled. 

Your artwork is…Please finish the sentence.

A reflection of and a testament to a journey within, aiming to discover my true passion and purpose. Every time I travel and create I am living in momentum, open to what the universe puts in front of me. Hoping that it’s a beautiful sunset, I move around optimistically capturing magic moments that unfold before my eyes. 

Share a few of your favorite places. 

This is always such a tough question! I always answer the same way though, I would go back to mostly everywhere I have been again as I only had a few days/weeks in each place, other than when I lived in Milan for 6-months. Everywhere is special in its own sense and each place brings back unique memories. I would highly recommend visiting Patagonia Chile in one’s lifetime, its quite the trek to the tip of South America but I’ve never experienced nature quite like this. In a single day you can feel all four seasons and there is beauty as far as the eye can see. Also, I would suggest a visit to Japan as soon as possible. I spent two weeks here alone and was entertained and enthralled the entire time. The culture, people, and food are to be seriously appreciated and there is no shortness of things to do, see, or learn while you are there. From Tokyo to Hiroshima, make sure not to miss anything! 

I have found myself in Spain on about 10 different occasions. 6 trips to Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Ibiza, Malaga, Mallorca, all the way to Gibraltar all are sites to see! I actually took a boat from Spain to Morocco last year, that was quite the experience! I also have recently visited Israel twice within the last year. I found the food, people, nightlife, and culture uniquely vibrant. In Tel Aviv you can find a busy Orange Juice stand on the street at 4 AM. A block down is an ice cream shop that is busy at 4 AM or 12 PM. It doesn’t matter. People congregate on the streets, eat together in full conversation and celebration of life. The energy of Tel Aviv can only be experienced first hand, trying to explain would only sell it short. 

A few other favorites are South Italy particularly Capri and the Amalfi region. The entire time you are there you feel like you are in a classic Italian film. The food and people that are still in the region are super authentic. Having lived in Italy I can say it is an amazing place from north to south and no cities are to be left unexplored!

What is a city list without Paris? This place leaves me in awe the entire time. The feeling of walking through the streets and looking at the buildings or seeing the Eiffel Tower peek through various perspectives of the city. The city’s civil engineers have done an amazing job mixing old and new with their newest developments. Make sure to see the city from the top of Montparnasse tower! 

Last but not least, Southern California is my favorite place to be. Los Angeles is now home for many reasons. The climate is perfect for my health and wellbeing. There are no local or environmental factors that play into allergies or sickness, keeping my immune system strong and not wasting time being sick. Originally from South Carolina, seasonal allergies would leave me ill multiple times a year, so moving to California was one of the best health decisions I have made to-date! Aside from this, the area has so much to offer. No place in the world compares to the combination of opportunity, entertainment, energy, and hope that California provides. Anyone can accomplish anything they put their mind to here, while every connection you need is at your fingertips. I will always be a global citizen but always love returning to home in California. 

How does your curious eye and broad vision translate into your photography?

I can travel and move about life with an open mind and heart. This keeps my agenda flexible around outcome-oriented objectives. What I do is based on my goals and intentions. My intention with photography is to capture beautiful moments. When you are grateful you can be happy. If you are happy, you can be present. If you can be present then you can observe. If you are fortunate enough to observe you’ll see the magic unfolding before your eyes everywhere you look. 

What is your vision for 2020? 

I am finishing a few projects that quarantine has given me the time to wrap up! A coffee table series and various collaborations with artists from all over the world are in the works! My travel goals for the rest of the year are to return to Japan for Maple leaf season in Kyoto and also Southern Africa, Exploring the Namib Desert and Bilbao trees of Madagascar.,